
Showing posts with label A Year in Photographs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Year in Photographs. Show all posts

Friday, May 12

May so far......

All 3 hens are layin an egg a day.

 We have visitors - some days but not all.

 Joan and Dot continue to grow.

Had some nice weather - a spot of sunbathing.

Foraging for worms.

A favourite spot in the field next to our house - usually around 4pm

Noodles for lunch

Library campaign continues 

Local school on our campaign

Planning for 2017 Scarecrow Festival has begun

Bing continue his healthy eating campaign - a frozen bottle of milk

 Our eggs have featured in most meals.

Not your standard jam!

Healthy discovery in the back of my cupboard.

 Healthy eating continues..

  Coffee morning and lunch recently raised £462

So...........busy as ever!

Friday, January 8

Escape from the rain.

We've had quite a lot of flooding in our area, thankfully our village escaped, so it was nice to head down to the beach this morning for a chance to let Bing and Sadie have a run about.

It's raining again now!

Monday, November 26



Yesterday the weather conditions were particularly bad - so we went for a tootle on the moors. Just near Danby a car was abandoned.


 The River Esk as we had never seen it before.







Returning home we drove as far as we could up Handale Banks. The duck ponds had risen so much the entire road was covered.


The ducks meanwhile had found a make shift pond in the shape of a hugs puddle in one of the fields.


Tuesday, April 17

N is for North Yorkshire 1

I am currently working on a poem...about North Yorkshire. We are so blessed to live here.
I have been looking through the many photographs I have shared on my blog over the are a particular order.

Hens, moors & Saltburn 020

Hens, moors & Saltburn 022
Hens, moors & Saltburn 023

Hens, moors & Saltburn 025
Hens, moors & Saltburn 026

Hens, moors & Saltburn 027
Hens, moors & Saltburn 028









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