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Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Skanky Miller Show: Nidal Malik Hasan's Murderous Rampage Not Terrorism

I don't know the name of the guest caller of Friday's edition of Liberal Radio's Skanky Miller program but he said some very interesting things and offered some very interesting analysis of the Fort Hood Shootings committed by Nidal Malik Hasan.

Skanky Miller

For instance, he said that Hasan's murderous rampage cannot really be classified as terrorism because "only 13 people died."

He said that Hasan's acts don't fall under the definition of terrorism because civilians were not targeted, only Military personnel.

Hitler, Obama...Obama Hitler. There's no difference. None at all.

He said that it is disrespectful to portray images of Barack Hussein Pbama, Junior with a Hitler-esque mustache. Awww. "Dat's. So. Sad." Especially considering how The Left never uses the politics of personal attack against their political opponents.

He said that Hasan's actions aren't terrorism because Hasan was "teased."

Awwwwww - poor diaper head was teased. Isn't that terrible? He must be the only one in the entire fucking world - let alone the Military - who has been teased. So of course, his actions are justified by Liberals. And using this justification, anyone teased by Liberals receives a "Get out of Jail Free" card. Huh, this has me thinking the rest of us can shoot and murder Liberals and Progressives with complete immunity considering how they tease anyone who doesn't believe what they believe.

The fact that Hasan targeted Military personnel should mean the crime is more heinous than if he had targeted civilians. After all, Hasan took an oath to protect his fellow Soldiers, an oath that is supposed to supersede one's religious beliefs, cultural background, race, ethnicity and skin color. But Hasan didn't honor his oath, did he.

And we now know that 13 is at least one of the magic numbers that is low enough to not qualify as being a "terrorist act." I'm not sure what the precise number of dead is supposed to be, or is supposed to reach, before it is declared terrorism, but we know that 13 dead...well, it's just not enough to be considered terrorism.

Ex-Wino Jowly Jim Ward. He was funnier as a boozer.

Then Fathead Jowly Jim Ward chimed in wondering how could one person, Hasan, kill so many people. Ward is proffering some sort of conspiracy theory. Yeah, uh-huh, he's probably right. Hasan had an accomplice. Probably situated on the Grassy Knoll.

It's okay to kill and murder Liberals, everyone. Get to it. We have complete and total immunity because we've been "teased" by Liberals.

HooRay! It's open season on killing Liberals! Hot Damn, this is going to be fun! I've been teased and ridiculed by Liberals. Guess that gives me complete immunity from going on a terroristic rampage of killing Liberals and Progressives. Now...what caliber should I choose? Any suggestions?


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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Obama At Ft. Hood, Never Mentions Terrorism

Dear Leader His Excellency Barack "Call me the Stealth Muslim born in Kenya" Hussein Obama, Junior put in his
mandatory appearance at Fort Hood on Tuesday.

It only took him five days to get there. I wonder what finally got him there, did he schedule a $35,000 a plate fundraising event for later in the day?

I'm sure attending Fort Hood was, for Pbama, one of those, "oooookay, guess I gotta go to this even though there's so many better other things to do," attitudes. Sort of like when you have to go to the wedding of a someone you barely know or the funeral of some relative you never knew or met or if you did, one you never cared for that much.

Obama never once mentioned the "T" word in his speech. Not once. Not once did he say "Terrorism" or "Terrorist."

Did Pbama utter the politically correct euphemism "Man made disaster?" I didn't check for that.


The acts of Nidal Malik Hasan - oh, pardon me - the alleged acts of Nidal Malik Hasan are acts of terrorism. Those who commit acts of terrorism are called terrorists. It's just that simple.

Why are those on The Left, the extreme FarLeftWing...The Insane Liberal Clown Posse (ILCP) and the Kool-Aid injecting Pbama Cultists so afraid to admit and acknowledge that terrorists and terrorism exist and pose a threat to all civilized countries?

"Get in their (the terrorist's) face, Barry." Treat them like you do...oh, I don't know...FOX News.


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Obama Makes Every Excuse In The Book Defending Terrorist Act of Nidal Malik Hasan

Dear Leader His Excellency The Community Organizer In Chief Barack Hussein Obama, Junior is unwilling to make any conclusion about, or offer any on the Fort Hood shootings attributed to Muslim Nidal Malik Hasan. RCP:

    "Well, look, we -- we have seen, in the past, rampages of this sort. And in a country of 300 million people, there are going to be acts of violence that are inexplicable. Even within the extraordinary military that we have -- and I think everybody understands how outstanding the young men and women in uniform are under the most severe stress -- there are going to be instances in which an individual cracks. I think the questions that we're asking now and we don't have yet complete answers to is, is this an individual who's acting in this way or is it some larger set of actors? You know, what are the motivations? Those are all questions that I think we have to ask ourselves. Until we have these answers buttoned down, I'd rather not comment on it."

That's quite interesting, Barry. There's really not much about Hasan that is inexplicable, when you take the time to learn the facts and learn that Hasan had a history of putting his faith before that of his country and the U.S. Military. Notice how Barry refers to potential terrorists as "actors?" Actors, yeah, yep, that's what they are - they're actors. Quite telling from the man who, in an unguarded moment, admitted his Muslim faith.


Was Obama was just as cautious and reserved about refraining from leaping to conclusion about Sgt. James Crowley who arrested Pbama's Marxist America-hating buddy Henry Louis Gates, Junior. No...Pbama pretty much raced to the finish line and declared Crowley as racist. There was no pause by Pbama to learn the facts. All he needed to know was that a Black Man had been arrested by a White cop and boom...that equals Racism. Proof? Who needs proof?

Maybe Pbama needs to make another
Cairo speech attempting to appease and pacify radicalized and extremist terrorists who just happen to be Catholics, Jews, Christians, Scientologists, Subgeniusists, Muslims.

Wait...did I say Muslims? Oh, pardon me. It's off to Obama's Re-Education Camp for me.

The Left was certainly quick to jump and judge Timothy McVeigh, calling hims a Rightwing Christian Terrorist, even though he admitted he considered himself an atheist. Tektonics:

    On the contrary we see that there is documentation that [McVeigh] did not accept the Christian faith.

    In an article by United Kingdom’s “The Guardian” about McVeigh’s execution, we find this reference:

    “In his letter, McVeigh said he was an agnostic but that he would "improvise, adapt and overcome", if it turned out there was an afterlife. "If I'm going to hell," he wrote, "I'm gonna have a lot of company." His body is to be cremated and his ashes scattered in a secret location.”(SEE NOTE 5)

    Note the above that McVeigh “said he was an agnostic” but not only that, but that he was defiant about hell itself and remain unrepentant. Then we also find the same statement that he was an agnostic admitted by Lou Michel during a cyber interview with CNN. Lou Michel spent hours interviewing McVeigh in writing a book titled, “American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing”. Michel’s words are enlightening:

    Lou Michel: McVeigh is agnostic. He doesn't believe in God, but he won't rule out the possibility. I asked him, ‘What if there is a heaven and hell?’

    He said that once he crosses over the line from life to death, if there is something on the other side, he will -- and this is using his military jargon – ‘adapt, improvise, and overcome.’ Death to him is all part of the adventure.”

Of course, even still today after all these years, The Left only has their Scare Tactic Card to play with McVeigh, lying by continuing to cite him as a Christian.

The Left does nothing but jump to conclusions and judgments. Is it necessary to remind everyone of CommieCrat Harry Reid's, "We've lost," comment about the war? Is it necessary to remind everyone of Defeatocrat John Murtha immediately pronouncing the U.S. Marines "guilty and rapists" in Haditha?

And last, but certainly not least - let us not forget Obama and his Administration and his Department of Homeland Security who deemed and classified United States Military Veterans as "Terrorists."

Certainly not all Muslims are terrorists. It should be obvious I am not saying that. I realize there are millions of Muslims who are outrageously appalled at the acts of violence their so-called brothers and sisters commit in the name of their religion. But of all the terrorist acts going back over the past two decades, from Bali to the USS Cole, to September 11 to The London bombings, to the murder of Theo van Gogh to the Khobar Towers bombing...99.9 percent of the perpetrators have been Muslim extremists.


Linking Here:
Mean Ol' Meany

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Sunday, November 08, 2009

How Many Days Will Pass Before Obama Visits Fort Hood?

Nidal Malik Hasan, a ticking time-bomb Radical Muslim Extremist?

Sunday, around noon, will mark two full days that have passed for the horrific Fort Hood shootings by Nidal Malik Hasan. The death tally is up to 13 with over 31 injured. This was a terrorist act on United States soil and it occurred on the watch of Barack Hussein Obama, Junior.

The Obama Administration and Obama's FBI...well, they failed to connect the dots about Nidal Malik Hasan as you shall see.

When will Dear Leader His Excellency The Affirmative Action Prednint Barack Hussein Obama, Junior visit Fort Hood? Why is he dithering, delaying and avoiding visiting Fort Hood? Remember, the delay of a president in visiting a grief-stricken area was a top concern for The Left when W. Bush did not immediately visit New Orleans after hurricane Katrina.

So...when does Barry travel to Fort Hood?

Fort Hood. Obama as president and his first act of terrorism on domestic soil. He doesn't seem too concerned about it, does he? Heck, maybe he knew about it in advance? Maybe he planned it with all the MK ULTRA Mind-Control techniques that Barry has at his disposal. Maybe Hasan is Obama's Manchurian Candidate? If Bush and Cheney can mastermind the attacks of September 11, certainly The Kenyan can formulate and execute what happened at Fort Hood by programming a fellow Muslim to commit an act of terrorism.

Nidal Malik Hasan, the 39-year old Fort Hood shooter, was described by his cousin, Nader Hasan, as being, "mortified by the idea of having to deploy" [to Afghanistan], according to The New York Times story by James Dao. This reinforces that Obama is responsible for pulling the trigger as much as is Hasan. It was Hasan's first deployment mission to Obama's Illegal Occupation of Afghanistan.

The same NYT story notes that the FBI became aware of Internet postings by a Nidal Hasan who wrote glowingly of suicide bombers:

    "If one suicide bomber can kill 100 enemy soldiers becaue they were caught off guard that would be considered a strategic victory."

    Co-worker Col. Terry Lee said that Nidal Malik Hasan told him he was opposed to the U.S. role in Iraq and Afghanistan and that, "we should not be in the war in the first place."

Hasan was
giving away his personal possessions prior to his murderous rampage. The NYT:

    On Thursday morning, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan went to his next-door neighbor at the rundown apartment complex where he rented a one-bedroom unit and gave her most of his belongings, saying he would not need them any more.

The FBI was alerted about Hasan six month ago. Why wasn't more done?

Who was the president six months ago? Whose FBI was it six months ago?

I guess you can say that the Obama Administration failed to connect the dots.

Prior to the shootings, Hasan yelled, "Allahu Akbar!" He was a devout Muslim. Did his devotedness border or exceed radicalism? We can't ask this question, no, it is politically incorrect to do so.

We know what The Left would be saying about someone who opened fire on a group of innocent people who was yelling, "Praise Jesus," or "Bless Yahweh!" They wouldn't be blaming a religion or a White man like Timothy McVeigh or painting the person as radicalized or extreme. No...no...The Left wouldn't do that.

NPR reports that a fellow psychiatrist at Walter Reed described Hasan as being "belligerent about being a Muslim," and that he freaked out a lot of other doctors.

    ...Hasan apparently gave a long lecture on the Koran and talked about how if you don't believe, you are condemned to hell. Your head is cut off. You're set on fire. Burning oil is burned down your throat.

    And I said to the psychiatrist, but this cold [sic] be a very interesting informational session, right? Where he's educating everybody about the Koran. He said but what disturbed everybody was that Hasan seemed to believe these things. And actually, a Muslim in the audience, a psychiatrist, raised his hand and said, excuse me. But I'm a Muslim and I do not believe these things in the Koran, and then I don't believe what you say the Koran says. And then Hasan didn't say, well, I'm just giving you one point of view. He basically just stared the guy down.

    [STEVE] INSKEEP: So we have a picture of a man, then, who, at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, was disliked by his colleagues. Or maybe disliked is not the word. Disturbed some of his colleagues is perhaps a better way to put it.

    [DANIEL] ZWERDLING: No, and disliked is also a relevant word.

Former President George W. Bush and wife Laura visited the Soldiers at Fort Hood. Their visit was low-key and they didn't allow for any photo-ops, unlike Obama's recent Full-Blown Photo-Op Coverage of his visit to Dover.


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Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Gitmo Terrorist Detainees Will Receive
Flu Vaccine Before Americans

Ah, Liberals...they are absolute Terrorist-sympathizers and Terrorist-friendly. Nothing is too good for Terrorists, say the Libs. We must treat them with the greatest compassion and deference on the face of the earth. Pacify and appease the Terrorists, say the Liberals, then maybe...just maybe, they won't slice off our heads. Dream on.

Gitmo detainees will receive swine flu vaccinations ahead of Americans. APee:

    Terrorism suspects held at the Guantanamo Bay naval base will soon get swine flu vaccines, despite complaints that American civilians should have priority, a military spokesman said Sunday.

    Army Maj. James Crabtree, a spokesman for the U.S. jail facility in southeast Cuba, said the doses should start arriving this month, with guards and then inmates scheduled for inoculations.

    He acknowledged there may be an "emotional response" from critics who argue that terror suspects should not be allocated swine-flu medications while members of the U.S. public are still waiting due to a vaccine shortage.


    The top House Republican, Rep. John Boehner of Ohio, told CNN's "State of the Union" show on Sunday that he does not agree with the H1N1 vaccination plans for detainees at Guantanamo.

    "I don't think it's a good idea. The administration probably didn't think it would be very popular either; that's why they announced it on Friday night," Boehner said.

Yep. The Corrupt Barack Hussein Obama, Junior Fascist Crime Family announced this last Friday night, a night where news dumps receive little attention.

Obama cares more about appeasing and capitulating to suspected and known terrorists than he does Americans. This should not surprise anyone. Any objective, free-thinking, non-Kool-Aid-injecting person realizes that Obama hates America and hates Americans. And so does his attitude-chip-on-her-shoulder wife. Obama's allegiance is with terrorists and the Islamo-Radicals.

    All Hail The Muslim Führer! (pbuh)
Terrorists will be receiving flu vaccinations ahead of special needs American children. Nice, Barry...real nice.


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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Terrorists? In New York? This Must Be Obama Playing The Fear Card Trying to Keep Us Scared!

New York homes raided in terrorism case. L.A. Times:

    New York authorities raided several homes in Queens early Monday as part of an effort to dismantle a suspected cell of locally based Islamist militants, law enforcement officials said.

    No one had been arrested in connection with the raids by Monday evening, a senior federal law enforcement official said.

    Local and federal officials said they did not think any specific terrorist plot was disrupted by the action.

    They said officials had been monitoring a small group that reportedly espoused radical ideologies aligned with Al Qaeda and other jihadist groups.

    Suspicious behavior by at least some of the men in the group over the weekend prompted authorities to seek search warrants, officials said. A judge approved the warrants late Sunday for at least three homes and possibly other locations, local and federal officials said.

    The raids, which took place before sunrise, may be related to ongoing surveillance of two suspected extremists in Queens.

    Investigators had been monitoring the two suspects, who reportedly talked about contacts with militant groups in Pakistan and might have traveled there, according to a former anti-terrorism official who spoke on condition of anonymity because the case remained open.

Terrorists? In New York? This just can't be. There are no terrorists. Heck, that's what The Left said. The Left said it is America and Americans who are terrorists. The Left said it was the W. Bush and Cheney Admin that are the terrorists. You know...invading a sovereign country, Nation-building, American Imperialism and all that stuff.

Gee, I sure hope the Pbama Administration didn't break or infringe in the slightest way any of the precious civil liberties on these poor, alleged terrorist suspects. I hope they were all read their Miranda Rights, perhaps in Arabic just to make sure they fully understood them.

Playing The Fear Card to keep us scared, yeah, that's what The Left said during the W. Bush Admin. The Left said stories like the above were created and orchestrated only to play on our fears. So the same must apply to the Pbama Admin, right?

Terrorists (not that there are any, mind you) are mothers and fathers too. Besides...isn't it Barry who is perpetuating the Illegal Occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan? Isn't it Barry who is favors placing more and more U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistan? Why...he is such a Warmonger...such a Warmonger, isn't he? There's no doubt about it, Barry loves bloodshed, death and destruction.

Taking my cue from The Land of LefTardia, there is only one conclusion to make: all of this is make-believe being fomented by the Corrupt Affirmative Action Prednint Barack Saddam Hussein Obama, Junior and his evil, warmongering, Commie-Fascist Thugs who want to perpetuate fear and who want to keep us scared.

I thought the whole world would love us - wetting and poopying their pants with glee - because a bi-racial Kenyan-born Fraud stole the White House.

You mean the Whole World doesn't love us? Naaaaaaaaaaaaah. That just can't be true.

You know...if we would just pull all of our brave Soldiers out of Iraq and Afghanistan, all the silly threats of violence from terrorists would stop. Sound familiar?

But now that's it's Warmonger Obama's Wars, and he's doing pretty much the same as his predecessor W. Bush, Barry's gets the Coveted Free Pass from his Pillow-Biting Cultists and the Insane Liberal Clown Posse (ILCP).

This is all a play, performed by the worst actors administration in the history of our country and they're only doing this so that they can continue consolidating their power. And the only way they can do this is by keeping us in a state of fear by playing The Fear Card.

The real terrorist is that guy who claims he was born in Hawaii (the stealth Muslim pictured above), who was really born in Kenya. Yep. He's the real terrorist. And his America-hating Commie Administration.


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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Guilty Verdict for British Muslims in Airline Plot

Three British Muslims were found guilty today of conspiracy to murder thousands of passengers and crew in an unprecedented airline bomb plot that could have proved as deadly as the 9/11 attacks. Times Online:

    After a retrial at Woolwich Crown Court, jurors found the ringleader, Abdulla Ahmed, and two other men, Assad Sarwar and Tanvir Hussain, guilty of plotting to use liquid bombs to blow up airliners en route from Heathrow to the United States.

    Another defendant, Umar Islam, was found guilty of a more general charge of conspiracy to murder because jurors could not decide whether he knew of the specific targets in the plot three years ago.

    Three other men, Arafat Khan, Ibrahim Savant and Waheed Zaman, were found not guilty of conspiracy to blow up aircraft but could face a retrial on the more general conspiracy to murder charge because jurors could not reach a verdict.

    The eighth defendant, Muslim convert Donald Stewart-Whyte, was found not guilty on the terrorism charges but had pleaded guilty to a firearms offence.

    Ali, 28, was the leader of an East London terror cell inspired from Pakistan, the court heard. He had planned to detonate home-made liquid bombs in suicide attacks on transatlantic aircraft bound for major north American cities.

    It was the most complex and daring British-based terrorist conspiracy in modern times and, according to the Crown Prosecution Service, could have killed "hundreds of innocent people".

    Prosecutors said that the plot was largely run from Pakistan and produced e-mails which mention a figure referred to as "Paps" or "Papa", believed to be a pen-name used by a British-born Muslim, thought to have been a key facilitator of al-Qaeda activity in Britain.

Why would member of the Religion of Peace plot such a horrific and violent act?

Where is the love? Where is the Peace? Are not terrorists fathers, uncles, sons and nephews...like Roise O'Moo said, that terrorists are "mothers and fathers, too?"


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Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Bosnia: Bill Clinton's Mess

Ah, Bubba. Bill "Bubba" Clinton. A legacy of...of...of...uh...what was his legacy?

Oh, yeah, perjury and legal maneuvers in attempts to deny a woman her right to due legal process and the justice system. That pretty much sums up Bubba's legacy. Oh - and Monica on her knee pads and her vajajay being used as a cigar humidor. Liberals are classy, huh?

Bosnian Muslims want Santa Claus banned.

Well, at least
Bubba can point to success in Bosnia, right? Uh...wait, not so much. UPI:

    Bosnia remains mired in ethnic divisions 14 years after a peace agreement brokered largely by the United States came into effect, analysts say.

    Bosnian leaders say Bosnia is hardening along ethnic and religious lines as U.S. and European hopes that it could be rebuilt as a pluralistic democracy appear stymied by political gridlock and economic hard times, The Washington Post reported Sunday.

    The newspaper said Bosnian Serbs are talking openly of secession, while ethnic Croatians are leaving the country and religious schisms with Muslims are widening, evidenced by street protests late last year sparked when Bosnian Muslim school officials in Sarajevo tried to ban "Santa Claus" from delivering Christmas gifts to kindergartens.

Radovan Karadzic

Bubba approved of supplying terrorists with weapons. Glassrbije:

    Former Republika Srpska President Radovan Karadzic, currently tried at the Hague Tribunal, says the US government, as agreed with other states, supplied Bosnian Muslims with weapons during war in Bosnia in the 1990s, despite the UN embargo, the Hague Tribunal announced. An investigation of the US Congress showed that between 1993 and 1995, discussions between US President Bill Clinton and US State Department officials were held at three intervals on the transfer of weapons to Bosnian Muslims by the Saudi Arabian, Turkish and Pakistani governments, Karadzic wrote in his submission to the Trial Chamber.

More on Bubba supporting Islamic Terrorists in Bosnia. Global Research:

    A 1997 document of the US Congress reveals how the Clinton administration --under advice from the National Security Council headed by Anthony Lake-- had "helped turn Bosnia into a militant Islamic base" leading to the recruitment through the so-called "Militant Islamic Network," of thousands of Mujahedin from the Muslim world.


    Perhaps most threatening to the SFOR mission - and more importantly, to the safety of the American personnel serving in Bosnia - is the unwillingness of the Clinton Administration to come clean with the Congress and with the American people about its complicity in the delivery of weapons from Iran to the Muslim government in Sarajevo. That policy, personally approved by Bill Clinton in April 1994 at the urging of CIA Director-designate (and then-NSC chief) Anthony Lake and the U.S. ambassador to Croatia Peter Galbraith, has, according to the Los Angeles Times (citing classified intelligence community sources), "played a central role in the dramatic increase in Iranian influence in Bosnia." Further, according to the Times, in September 1995 National Security Agency analysts contradicted Clinton Administration claims of declining Iranian influence, insisting instead that "Iranian Revolutionary Guard personnel remain active throughout Bosnia."


    The Clinton Green Light to Iranian Arms Shipments (page 3): In April 1995, President Clinton gave the government of Croatia what has been described by Congressional committees as a "green light" for shipments of weapons from Iran and other Muslim countries to the Muslim-led government of Bosnia.

Clinton Lied, People Died.

Prosecuting the Clinton Crime Family should have been something that W. Bush should have pursued to the fullest extent of the law. But he didn't do this. And what did it get him? Only hatred and vilification from The Left. Not prosecuting the Clinton War Criminals is one of the biggest injustices W. Bush failed to act on.

The Liberal Culture of Death. It's everywhere. It's all they know. They worship Death and fund terrorists.


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Monday, August 03, 2009

Obama Bestows Medal of Freedom on Anti-Semite Mary Robinson

Whoa...another total dis by Dear Leader His Excellency Barack Hussein Obama, Junior directed at Israel and Jewish people living in Israel and America. Dear Leader His Excellency awarded rank, fetid anti-Semite Mary Robinson the Medal of Freedom.

From Romantic Poet:

    Mary Robinson, an architect of the 2001 U.N. World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa, which was boycotted by Secretary of State Powell because the Bush administration deemed it too hostile to Israel, has been hired as a professor in the Department of International and Public Affairs by Columbia University.


    The bestowing of the Medal of Freedom on Mary Robinson is a travesty. Beyond that, it is a slap in the face to the pro-Israel community. Obama just met with the leaders of a collection of Jewish groups, ostensibly to quell their concerns about his approach towards Israel. Barely two weeks later, he gives an award to a person who has actively campaigned against Israel. Is this just a sign he couldn’t care less about what those leaders think or feel?

    Robinson is an ardent foe of Israel and was the Commissioner of the U.N Human Right Commission when it condoned suicide bombing by the Palestinians as a legitimate means to establish a Palestinian state. As Jennifer Rubin points out in her blog at Commentary Contentions, Robinson has a pattern of anti-Israel actions stretching across many years (and continents).

Mary Robinson, with her favorite book by her favorite author.

Israel Matzav:

    ...in her capacity as president of Ireland, [Robinson] also happily provided millions of dollars of support to the PLO, which were used in terror attacks:

    During the last four years of Robinson’s tenure, the European Union donated large sums of money to the Palestinian Authority. Ireland even held the presidency of the European Union for the second half of 1996. During this time, Arafat siphoned large amounts of European aid money away to pay for terror. Robinson can plead ignorance, but documents seized during the recent Israeli incursion into the West Bank revealed that the Palestinian Authority spent approximately $9 million of European Union aid money each month on the salaries of those organizing terror attacks against civilians. While European officials like Robinson looked the other way, the Palestinian Authority regularly converted millions of dollars of aid money into shekels at rates about 20 percent below normal, allowing the Palestinian chairman to divert millions of dollars worth of aid into his personal slush fund.

Robert Miller, writing at Netanyahu.org in May 2002, closes his column with the following:

    Ms. Robinson, in fact, is an anti-Semite, a Jew-hater, in practice if not on a personal, visceral level. That, by the way is not an accusation I make lightly. But when a person encourages anti-Semites in their agenda, presides over anti-Semitic meetings, endorses, however tacitly, attacks on Jews and defends those who murder innocent Jews by selective enforcement and double standards, the label fits. Criticism of Israel is one thing; endorsing Jew-hatred and protecting the murderers of Jews is quite another.

Well, anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel is the in thing now...it's trendy because Obama and his Pillow-Biting Cultists are no longer afraid to show the world who they really are; a bunch of Marxist thugs who simply hate Israel (and the U.S.) and whose sympathies are with terrorists.

Mary Robinson, classic anti-Semite; classic.

You American-Jews out there who voted for The Kenyan...any regrets yet, or are you too steeped in denial to admit how wrong you were?


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Saturday, August 01, 2009

Why Won't Keith Ellison Release The Details Over His Paid Trip To Mecca?

Minnesota U.S. CommieCrat Congressman Keith al-Ellison asks the following question in response to an all expense-paid trip he took to Mecca last year. Boston Herald:

    Ellison said that he is "not privy to the internal workings of the organization" that covered his costs, and that he complied with all House Ethics panel disclosure requirements. "Why should I waive a right that’s accorded me under the rules?" he said.

What? But Keith, where's the Transparency?

From the Boston Herald:

    Tax records show the group that paid Ellison’s expenses, the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, received nearly $900,000 in taxpayer money in 2006 and 2007 from a rental arrangement for Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy (TiZA), a charter school in Inver Grove Heights, Minn. a Twin Cities suburb.

    The man who accompanied Ellison to Mecca, Asad Zaman, is executive director of the TiZA school, a political contributor of Ellison’s and was president of the Muslim American Society until August, when the Mecca trip was planned.

    TiZA has been sued by the American Civil Liberties Union and probed by state officials for allegedly promoting Islam, which would violate the church and state separation required of public schools — including charter schools.

    The school received state funding to pay rent to the Muslim American Society Property Holding Corp., a nonprofit spinoff of the Muslim American Society that owned the building. The corporation then turned over $879,000 to the Muslim society as a grant.

    Those close connections have opened Ellison to questions about the nature of the trip. Ellison on Tuesday called it "a private trip," adding that he had told the ethics committee of the trip beforehand and received its approval. A spokesman for the school says no public money was used for the trip, or Hajj, which Ellison took as a once-in-a-lifetime fulfillment of his religious duty as a practicing Muslim. The 16-day pilgrimage is considered one of the most solemn acts in Islam, one that is supposed to be undertaken free of debts and unmet family obligations.

    Ellison has justified withholding the cost by citing the religious nature of his journey to Saudi Arabia, saying it had nothing to do with his duties as a congressman.

    Such trips generally must be reported under congressional gift rules that call for full financial disclosure. IRS rules, moreover, bar nonprofit religious groups from furthering individuals’ "private interests."

    Ellison, however, reported the trip under more permissive House rules for outside business activities — Boy Scout trips, for example — that are unrelated to congressional duties, but which are not purely for private benefit. Those rules do not require cost accounting.

    A public figure who has faced some hostility as the first Muslim member of Congress, Ellison has been reluctant to reveal details of the trip, which is estimated to have cost several thousand dollars.

Keith receives the Coveted Free Pass, because he's a Moonbat Barking America-hating Liberal.

Nice try, there, Keith, trying to put the Boy Scouts in the same category as TiZA and MAS. Like the Boy Scouts are going to fork over thousands of dollars to pay for a trip to any politician? Give me a break.

Keith al-Ellison, working hard to bring Sharia Law to America.

Some consider the MAS the equivalent of a modern day Nazi party. FOX News:

    Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison's groundbreaking pilgrimage to Mecca [was] paid for by an American Muslim organization that has ties to Islamic radicals and is "the Muslim equivalent of the neo-Nazi party," his critics say.


    The trip was funded by the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, a non-profit interfaith group that is one of 55 branches of the MAS nationwide. The pilgrimage was hailed by Muslim activists in the U.S.


    "It is the de facto arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S.," said Steven Emerson, director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism. "The agenda of the MAS is to ... impose Islamic law in the U.S., to undermine U.S. counterterrorism policy."

    The MAS was founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood, an international Islamist movement created in Egypt in 1928. Radical members of the Brotherhood founded the terror group Hamas and were among the first members of Al Qaeda.

    The Muslim American Society's former secretary general has acknowledged that the group was founded by the Brotherhood, and in 2004 he estimated that about half of MAS members were in the Muslim Brotherhood.

Today's American Liberal is tomorrow's latest and newest recruit by a terrorist organization, and we have these people elected and serving in Congress; people just like Keith al-Ellison. How nice.

American Liberals and American Progressives are America's Taliban, al-Qaida, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Nazi Party all wrapped into one. They simply hate America; just hate it. They loathe their country, unfortunately, they never hate it quite enough to move elsewhere.

If Keith al-Ellison loves Sharia Law so much, I suggest he move to a country where it already exists as the law of the land instead of subversively trying to insert it into American jurisprudence.


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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Religion of Peace Beheads Seven In Somalia

The Religion of Peace decapitated seven in Somalia. VOA:

    Al-Shabab militants in the south-central Somali town of Baidoa have beheaded seven people in what is believed to the largest mass execution carried out in Somalia by the al-Qaida-linked group since 2006.

    According to relatives of the victims, the charges against the seven Somalis ranged from being Christians to spying for the Transitional Federal Government. They say none of the people were tried before the executions were carried out on Friday.

    The executions have shocked the people of Baidoa, which was once the base of Somalia's transitional parliament. The town fell to al-Shabab insurgents in January, following the pull-out of Ethiopian troops from Somalia.


    ...the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, said carrying out such punishments without due process violated Somali and international laws and could be considered as war crimes.


    Western intelligence officials believe al-Shabab is now a proxy army for the al-Qaida terrorist organization and pose a serious threat to the security of the region and to the Western world.

There are no threats posed by terrorists. There ARE NO terrorists is what The Left tells us. Remember, WE are the terrorists. WE are the face of Imperialism and Nation-Building. Well...we were, at least when W. Bush was in office, but now that Barack Hussein Obama, Junior stole the election, we don't hear much now about Obama illegally occupying Iraq and Afghanistan. Nope. Barry's war and SURGE in Afghanistan is a wonderful thing - almost a religious experience - according to those who formerly claimed War is Wrong, Always.

He's not my Führer!

Usually The Left is the first group to protest against such violent acts of human rights abuses as the beheadings in Somalia. Do you hear them saying anything about this story?

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Monday, July 13, 2009

What Would Reaction Be To Burning The Koran?

From Human Events:

    Last May, dozens of Afghan language Bibles sent to a soldier in Afghanistan were confiscated and then destroyed by fire because the command believed the Bibles were intended to proselytize Muslims, which is a violation of military rules and Afghan law. A Pentagon spokesman said the act was a “force protection” measure to preclude Afghans from perceiving the U.S. military was trying to convert Muslims, which could lead to a violent anti-American reaction.

    Two weeks ago, the year-old Bible burning incident was resurrected by three journalists who corroborated to attack evangelical Christians for using the military to advance their religious views. This episode demonstrates four disturbing phenomena: a double standard, a one way cultural and religious bias, political correctness, and the antagonizing of many of our best albeit evangelical Christian soldiers.


    ...the Bibles were burned rather than returned. Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Mark Wright said “The decision was made that it was a ‘force protection’ measure to throw them [Bibles] away, because, if they did get out, it could be perceived by Afghans that the U.S. Government or the U.S. military was trying to convert Muslims.” Wright indicated troops at posts in war zones are required to burn their trash.

    Why desecrate the Christians’ holy book? Would it not have been better to return the Bibles to the church and avoided the controversy?

    There’s not a chaplain or commander in the armed forces that would dare burn a stack of Korans, Islam’s holy book. They would be terrified by the predictable reaction. The logical conclusion is that burning Bibles is okay because law-abiding Christians are not going to threaten to slit throats over insults to their religion. Neither will they instigate rebellion by unruly mobs as Muslim Imams and terrorist groups do.

    Second, cultural and religious sensitivity is all one way. For the privilege of spending our blood and treasure in Muslim deserts, American soldiers are expected to abandon or deny their Christian teachings, crosses and Bibles.

Cultural and religious sensitivity is, indeed, all one way. The Liberals and Islamo-Terrorists have this in common. Yet another ideology shared by The Left and Terrorists. Who knew they had so much in common>

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Monday, July 06, 2009

Run Haji Run Fireworks Draws Ire of CAIR

Except for sparklers and snakes - those little black pellets you put on a sidewalk, touch a flame to and watch grow into a serpentine pile of ash - fireworks are illegal in Minnesota. So Minnesotans do what all good, Fourth of July celebrants do. We drive over to Wisconsin where fireworks are legal and buy them there. Then we drive back into Minnesota, harboring illegal contraband in our vehicle, pretending we're Al Capone with our illicit stash.

Most of what I quote from this story comes from TwinCities.com, but linking directly to the story is blocked, so search the title, Muslim group urges fireworks retailers to pull Anti-Arab product from shelves, Group cites 'derogatory imagery' By Elizabeth Mohr.

The story says a "local shopper," found a Baldwin, Wisconsin fireworks retailer selling a Fourth of July fireworks product named "Run Haji Run." The packaging of the product has upset the Minnesota Chapter of Can't Antagonize Islamic Radicals the Council on American-Islamic Relations, known as CAIR.

The packaging depicts "men in Middle Eastern-style clothing riding camels with a stealth bomber flying over them. On another side is an image of Uncle Sam pulling the beard of a graying man in a turban."

The local shopper contacted CAIR, which describes "Run Haji Run's" decorative wrapping paper as, "derogatory imagery," said Jessica Aikri, spokeswoman for CAIR's St. Paul office.

CAIR phoned the retailer and asked them to stop selling "Run Haji Run." The story states that the retailer purchased it from Red Rhino Fireworks who said that they do not manufacture the product, which is imported from China.

The president of the Red Rhino, Steve Houser said, "I've been here for three years and I haven't seen one."

Maybe the bearded man, having his beard pulled by Uncle Sam, is Osama Bin Laden? The packaging doesn't say it is or isn't. But if it is Bin Laden, and it could be, it looks like him, I'd say there's a reason for Uncle Sam to yank his beard.

And the stealth bomber flying over Arabic men dressed in Middle Eastern-style clothing? The stealth bomber is FLYING over them, not dropping bombs.

If you want to split infinite hairs, I like to think that I can do it with the best of them.

The item was produced in China, people...China. China. Not the U.S. I'm sure those evil, ChiComs envisioned exactly this scenario happening. I'm sure the Chinese graphic artists who conceptualized this idea and produced it, along with corporate management, all sat down and had a good laugh over the images of the Stealth Bomber and Uncle Sam pulling the beard.

It's not like Islamo-Radicals have ever rioted over, say, a cartoon. It's not like Islamo-Radicals have ever declared a holy war on others during the course of several centuries. It's not like Islamo-Radicals tied to Bin Laden ever hi-jacked airplanes and used them in an act of terrorism and war. Certainly, Islamo-Radicals have never threatened to annihilate other countries, people or beheaded an innocent person.

I am pleased to learn hundreds of thousands of Muslims protest acts of violence committed in the name of their religion. I am pleased to see sites where Muslims condemn violence and acts of terrorism. I'd like to hear CAIR a little more loudly on these issues than the packaging of fireworks. When I do, I'll be able to take them seriously when they are offended by items like "Run Haji Run."

CAIR could lend itself better creditability by severing its ties and associations with the terrorist group Hamas. Along with that, the FBI cuts ties with CAIR due to Hamas issues.


Other sources for this story:

CAIR welcomes withdraw of "Run Haji Run" fireworks. PR Newswire

'Racist' fireworks sold in Wisconsin. KSTP News

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Obama's Shoes On Desk Offends Israel

From World Bulletin:

    A photograph of President Barack Obama taken during the phone conversation with Jewish State's Primer Benjamin Netanyahu has "offened" [sic] some Israelis, reports said.

    White House photographer Pete Sousa on Monday snapped a photo of the president while he talked on the phone with Netanyahu, Huffington Post said.

    The photo shows Obama sitting with his feet propped on his desk, holding the receiver on his hand. To some Israelis, however, the photo is offensive and an "insult" to Israel.

And from The Daily Voice:

    ...some Israelis see the official White House photograph as an insult.

    But isn't that an Arab tradition, not an Israeli one? Well, yes, apparently, but things are often more complicated than meets the eye in the region. "It is not a Jewish custom necessarily, but Israel feels enough a part of the Middle East after 60 years to be insulted too," CBS News reported.

    It also doesn't help that the photo was released in the same climate in which President Obama has pushed Israel farther than past presidents to suspend the expansion of settlements in the West Bank.

This was no casual decision for the All-Knowing Dear Leader His Excellency Barack Crack Cocaine Hussein Obama, Junior. He knew exactly what he was doing and implied exactly what the wanted to for the photo. His posture was a deliberate choice, one made to dis (or diss, if you prefer) Israel and, what he considers, those pesky Jews.


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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Air France Flight 447 Had Terrorists
As Passengers On Board

From Sky News:

    Two passengers with names linked to Islamic terrorism were on the Air France flight which crashed with the loss of 228 lives, it has emerged.

    French secret servicemen established the connection while working through the list of those who boarded the doomed Airbus in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on May 31.

    Flight AF 447 crashed in the mid-Atlantic en route to Paris during a violent storm.

    While it is certain there were computer malfunctions, terrorism has not been ruled out.

    Soon after news of the fatal crash broke, agents working for the DGSE (Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure), the French equivalent of MI6, were dispatched to Brazil.

    It was there that they established that two names on the passenger list are also on highly-classified documents listing the names of radical Muslims considered a threat to the French Republic.

    A source working for the French security services told Paris weekly L'Express that the link was "highly significant".

    Agents are now trying to establish dates of birth for the two dead passengers, and family connections.

    There is a possibility the name similarities are simply a "macabre coincidence", the source added, but the revelation is still being "taken very seriously".

    France has received numerous threats from Islamic terrorist groups in recent months, especially since French troops were sent to fight in Afghanistan.

Newsweak does its dutiful best in Liberalism and as the ultimate Obama sycophant and - based on little evidence - downplays - almost eliminating - the possibility of terrorism involved on flight 447:

    U.S. officials are minimizing French media suggestions of possible terrorist involvement in the mid-Atlantic crash 10 days ago of Air France Flight 447, which apparently fell out of the sky while heading into a patch of severe weather en route to Paris from Rio de Janeiro.

Do you get the feeling Liberal Institutions like Newsweak would deny a terrorist attack if it crumbled their own building and killed its entire staff? And why would anyone believe anything said by "U.S. officials"? If we've learned anything from The Left during the past eight years, it is that the U.S. government cannot be trusted to tell the truth. Just because there's been a regime change in the White House has no bearing on the fact that the U.S. Government lies all the time. It especially lies to Americans and the world with the current group of Corrupt Liberals in power.

There was also evidence of a jet fuel slick on the water. Some experts say this indicates Flight 447 exploded in mid-air, hence the slick. Others dismiss this, claiming the slick was from a different vessel or ship that was in the same vicinity. This much is known: nobody knows for sure what caused the fuel slick.

It's interesting how hushed the whole aspect is of terrorism downing Flight 447. Many on The Left, who are quick to dismiss terrorism as the cause, and who cling to the belief that ice buildup caused Flight 447 to crash, are the same Lefties who refused to believe that ice caused the crash of Continental Flight 3407. "Oh no, ice didn't down Flight 3407, it was terrorism and Bush is covering it up," is what The Left said then.

Now, The Left is going out of their way to negate terrorism as a possibility in why Flight 447 crashed.

What's it like living in a world where the calendar date is perpetually and forever September 10?

Also related to Flight 447, it is well worth taking the time to read, How Could They Just Disappear? in the Irish Times.


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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

American Jewish Youths Hate Obama

I like the following story. I really do.

The Jerusalem Post:

    A new video posted on the Internet featuring inebriated American Jewish youth in a Jerusalem bar spouting hate-filled sentiments has garnered massive exposure and caused a firestorm in the media and the Jewish world.

    In the video, filmed on June 3 and titled "Feeling the Hate in Jerusalem on the Eve of Obama's Cairo Address," the visitors to Israel are asked their opinions on President Barack Obama and his relationship to the Jewish state

    "You're all about talking to the Arabs," says one. "You're going to Cairo making a speech to the Muslim world trying to get them to love you, what about the Jews, man? What are we, chopped liver? You don't care about us. Are we nothing to you? Do we matter? Do you care if we get driven into the sea? Do you care if we get nuked? Are we even... ugh... do you care about us?!"

    "My grandmother was in Auschwitz, Obama," he adds. "We're not going to take any Auschwitz bullshit! Listen, Obama, my grandma's number was 1268493, I remember her number on her arm, dude. And listen, never again will we deal with this, never again!"

    "He's a f**khead... I don't know politics, but he's a s**thead! Anyone who wants to take away my gun rights is an a***ole. He's an a***ole and deserves to get shot," declares a bandana-wearing youngster.

    The camera shifts to his friend, who denounces Obama, frat-boy style: "Obama shouldn't pressure Israel for shit. Netanyahu told him to f**k himself and that's how we do it here in Israel baby, (applause) yah!"

    Another member of the group stands up and declares, "I worked for the Obama campaign, but honestly, you f**kin' with Israel, you mother, STOP IT!" He stands and points his finger at the camera lens.

    "White power, f**k the ni***rs!" declares the bandana-clad drunken youth as a final word from the group, grabbing the microphone to make his point.

    In an interview with The Jerusalem Post, Blumenthal, an American documentary filmmaker, defended his video.

    Asked about its editing, he said that in the two hours of video he collected, "no people were edited out who expressed pro-Obama sentiments."

    Why did he use the interviewees featured?

    "These were the most direct responses. I had to make the video watchable," Blumenthal said.

    He denied that using inebriated teenagers to represent "a slice of reality, but reality nonetheless," was irresponsible journalism. "Reporting is no less credible when it happens at a bar," he said.

Check out the videos, which are located at the J-Post link.

I agree with the filmmaker too, his slice of reality is reality, whether impacted by inebriation or not. In fact, one could make the argument that since liquor reduces and lowers inhibitions, the opinions expressed - as vulgar as some of them may be - are indeed accurate and legitimate reflections of reality.

If what is said in the print story and in the videos were said about a Republican president or politician, The Left would be promoting and touting the story and video as the best thing since sliced bread.

Anyone with a follicle of objectivity knows that Obama is no friend to the Jewish people or the country of Israel.


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Monday, June 08, 2009

al Qaida Recruiting Young Boys
As Suicide Bombers In Iraq

I don't recall Dear Excellency His Leader mentioning one word in his speech from Cairo denouncing the abhorrent act of al-Qaida recruiting young boys as suicide bombers. Denver Post:

    Teenagers armed with grenades and suicide vests are the latest recruits for Sunni insurgents trying to find ways to outwit heightened security measures and attack American and Iraqi forces, the U.S. military said Saturday.

    The use of boys also serves a propaganda purpose — the soldiers face criticism for harming children if they fire back.

    Insurgents first turned to women to carry out suicide bombings, causing U.S. and Iraqi troops to step up recruiting and training of female searchers at checkpoints to seek explosives easily hidden under women's robes.

    Now, they appear to be using youths and weapons that are easier to hide, such as grenades, as they face omnipresent checkpoints and convoys aimed at bolstering security gains that have caused the level of violence to plummet nationwide.

    "With grenade attacks, insurgents hope to capitalize on reports of civilian injuries blamed on a coalition response to the attack," said Maj. Derrick Cheng, a spokesman for U.S. forces in northern Iraq. "However, the reality is that the grenade explosion itself causes the majority of civilian casualties."

    The statement issued Saturday was the first to provide detailed allegations of teenage suspects in what the military called "a growing trend of children carrying out attacks on Iraqi security and U.S. forces."

    Army Col. Gary Volesky, who commands U.S. troops in northern Iraq's Ninevah province, said grenade attacks are on the rise but a "more disturbing trend" was the recruiting of children to throw them.

    On May 9, U.S. soldiers killed a 12-year-old boy who the military said was thought to be involved in a grenade attack in the northern city of Mosul. Local residents said he was an innocent civilian. But the military said the boy was found with 10,000 dinars, or about $9, in his hand, which they said suggested he had been paid by insurgents.

    At least five other youths between the ages of 14 and 19 have been involved in grenade and suicide attacks in recent weeks in northern Iraq, it said.

Don't worry about the above scenario getting too much attention. The MSM won't report on it. The Pbama Cultists and Insane Liberal Clown Posse (ILCP) section of the blogosphere won't write about it. It will just go away, American Soldiers will be blamed, The Left will continue overly exaggerating and hyperbolizing that "we" kill children. And that "we" torture.

Maybe there's a brilliant Liberal mind out there who reads my blog who can tell me what precise steps should be taken when, let's say, an American Solider in Iraq sees a young child approaching the checkpoint. The boy is told to stop or halt, but continues approaching the Solider. The Solider knows the child could be wired with explosives or is hiding grenades and will self-detonate or will be detonated by remote control by someone else who isn't visible. What do you do?

I doubt any Liberal or Pbama Cultist will answer the above, because they can't. Instead, they will deny that American, Allied and Iraqi Soldiers are faced with life and death situations like the above.

The Pbama Cultists and The Liberals are only too happy to grind into the ground their mostly false accusation that "America Tortures."

Think about it, three terrorists were waterboarded by the U.S. Three. Frankly, we could have waterboarded 300,000 for all I care.

The Left and The Pbama The Cultists sure love them their three waterboarded terrorist suspects, don't they? The detained combatants are treated just like one of the family. Yet I don't see any Liberal or Pbama Cultist opening up their home and welcoming as a guest any Gitmo detainee.

Hey, where's Liberal activists when you need them? Where's Mike Farrell? Where's Alan Alda? Where's Sean Penn? Where's Charlie Rose? Or Babara Streisand? Or Rosie O'Moo? Or Joyless Behar? Or Manlissa Etheridge? Why aren't these people leading by example and taking into their homes a Gitmo detainee?

Why not Libs? Why not Cultists? Your sympathies are with the terrorists. Why not invite them to live with you? All I am saying is give peace a chance. And it should start with Liberals and Pbama Cultists providing shelter and food for a Gitmo detainee.


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