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Thursday, June 04, 2009

Obama OK With Taxing
Employer-Paid Health Benefits

This story is funny.

CANDIDATE Barack Hussein Obama, Junior was against his presidential rival John McCain's idea of taxing employer-paid health benefits.

But now, PREDNINT Obama is okay with with taxing employer-paid health benefits. From The WaPoo:

    President Obama, in a pivot from some of his harshest campaign rhetoric, told Democratic senators yesterday that he is willing to consider taxing employer-sponsored health benefits to help pay for a broad expansion of coverage.


    White House officials moved quickly to clarify that taxing the health insurance provided by businesses is not Obama's first choice, but aides refused to rule out the possibility.


    Nevertheless, the issue represents treacherous politics for Obama, given his attacks on Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who advocated a similar approach during the campaign.

    "For the first time in American history, he wants to tax your health benefits," Obama said in September. "Apparently, Senator McCain doesn't think it's enough that your health premiums have doubled. He thinks you should have to pay taxes on them, too."

ObamaSpeak: Left is Right. Down is Up. Peace is War. Freedom is Slavery. No Tax is More Tax.

It's Orwellian. So very Orwellian.

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Saturday, February 07, 2009

Romney: Stimulate The Economy,
Not The Government

Well...we could have had Mitt Romney in the White House today, at least some chance of that happening. But no...it was John McCain's "turn" to run for president. Mister "Stick My Own Party In The Eye With A Sharp Stick..." and what did it get us? Some guy born in Kenya with a falsified birth certificate that's under lock and key, kept away from the public view.

CNN Op/Ed by Mitt Romney. Read it.

    ...the Obama spending bill would stimulate the government, not the economy.


    First, there are two ways you can put money into the economy, by spending more or by taxing less. But if it's stimulus you want, taxing less works best. That's why permanent tax cuts should be the centerpiece of the economic stimulus.

And then, for those of you Conservatives who just couldn't stand Romney and refused to support him, but saddled up with Johnny Mac when you had no other choice...ponder regretting your decision.

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Friday, January 16, 2009

One Hit News

Iran wants "change" (what - no "hope" to go along with that? - Drake) in the U.S. Administration. al-Reuters:

    Iran's president said on Thursday the new U.S. administration must change Washington's approach to the Islamic Republic, which is embroiled in a row with the United States over its nuclear program.

    Asked about President-elect Barack Obama, who has promised to engage more with Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told a news conference:

    "Any administration in America that takes office should at least make two changes in its behavior, the first change is in the field of America's interference ... The circle of interference should be limited to within American borders."

Don't worry, Mahmoud. Pbama will appease you. Pbama will do this because he's weak and a coward.
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United Nations building shelled because IT WAS BEING USED BY HAMAS. Jerusalem Post:

    Gunshots and an anti-tank missile were fired at IDF troops near the UN compound that was attacked by the IDF on Thursday, senior defense officials told The Jerusalem Post.

    According to the officials, the IDF responded by firing artillery shells at the location of the gunmen, causing damage to the UN installations.

HEY - hey Israel, would you consider aiming fire at the coordinates of the UN building in New York and leveling it as well?
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Barack Hussein Pbama, Junior and Nanny Pelosi tout $825 BILLION DOLLAR stimulus package. The Hill.

But - where will we get the money? How will be pay for it? Shush, Dave, don't you know we only ask those questions when it's Republicans proposing such spending? Oh, sorry...my bad.
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Will RINO John McCain help Pbama implement his Fascist plans? Philly.com:

    I believe Obama has an ace in the hole among Senate Republicans. This unlikely ace can deliver not only the GOP moderates needed to break a filibuster, but also the stamp of bipartisanship: the 2008 GOP standard bearer, John McCain.

And this, people, is why Conservatives didn't support McCain in the presidential election and why I didn't vote for him.
- - - - -
Protesters label Robert Redford as an enemy of the poor. Salt Lake Tribune:

    ...some East Coast ministers and conservative activists, who took to the streets in front of a downtown Salt Lake City theater on the eve of Robert Redford's Sundance Film Festival to accuse the actor of holding down low-income Americans with his opposition to oil and gas drilling near national parks in Utah.

See, old Bob already has his millions, can afford to fly here and there on private jets, have two or three or four homes, pollute the world all while asking others to sacrifice.

Redford, an enemy of the poor. Liberalism Comes Full Circle. You gotta love it.

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Saturday, November 15, 2008

GOP Planning To Filibuster Auto Bailout

Keep feeding The Pig. The Taxpayer has an endless supply of money.

Peruse the blogosphere and you will find many Left of Center sites and blogs - some very Left of Center - and you'll find that many of them are against the bailout for the auto industry. (No, I'm not naming the sites or blogs, they're not hard to find).

Amazingly, these Left of Center sites and blogs agree with...

...wait for it...

...The Republicans! (GASP!)

Republican Minority Leader John Boehner said the following. MarketWatch:

    "Spending billions of additional federal tax dollars with no promises to reform the root causes crippling automakers' competitiveness around the world is neither fair to taxpayers nor sound fiscal policy."

He is absolutely correct.

The Democrats will need 12-15 Republicans to crossover and vote with them in order to overcome what is expected to be a Republican filibuster. The Washington Times:

    Senate Democrats, who support the measure, would need 12 to 15 Republican votes to reach the 60 votes needed to overcome an expected GOP filibuster.

    The only Republican so far to publicly support an auto bailout is Sen. George Voinovich of Ohio, a state with several auto plants and manufacturers of auto supplies.

Well, I'm sure that RINO Senators John McCain and Norm Coleman (D-MN) will fuck their own party in the ass once again reach across the aisle and work in a bipartisan manner with the Commiecrats, thereby putting the financial burden of Detroit automakers on the taxpayers.

Senate Majority Leader Harry ReidTard is already putting pretty wrapping paper and a big, sparkling bow on the auto bailout package. CNN:

    In an attempt to garner more support for the bill, Reid said an extension of unemployment benefits would also be added to the legislation.

    "These two provisions [auto loans and unemployment extension] both address especially urgent needs and seem most likely to win your support and the support of your caucus," Reid wrote in a letter Friday to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky.

    McConnell, who has auto industry manufacturing in his state, has not said if he supports the bill.

"...and seem most likely to give us Liberals what we want...oops, slip there, I mean, to win your support and the support of your caucus." Have I mentioned recently how much I detest and loathe Harry ReidTard?

Delirious Harry ReidTard

I wonder why the wealthy friends of Barack Hussein Pbama, Junior - like George Soros György Schwartz and Warren Buffet don't part with some of their billions and help bail out Detroit? Oh, wait a minute, they're too smart for that.

Uh, hey, Democrats...are you happy with your Liberals in Congress bailing out the auto industry? You're not? Well, why in the hell do you keep voting for these Marxists, then?

If you're against this bailout, you need to make your voice heard by your Senator(s).

U.S. Senator look up by name and state is here. Contacting your Congressional Representative is located here. Tell them NO to bailing out the auto industry.


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Pbama Meets With McCain On Monday

Prednint Barck Hussein Pbama, Junior will meet with Republican LOSING Presidential Candidate John McCain on Monday, November 17.

I'm sure McCain will be the RINO he is, catering to anything Pbama asks of him. This is because McCain ran his "respectable" campaign.

No wonder McCain lost. I've never seen a supposed Republican so willing to spite his own party and so damn eager to work with the political opposition over the years. Conservatives did not forget this about him.

Here's how I suspect Monday's meeting between Pbama and McCain will go:

    McCain: "I'll do anything...ANYTHING...I can to help you, to work with you and to poke Conservatives in the eye with a sharp stick just as I've done so many times in the past. I'll be only too happy to side with Democrats on a myriad of issues. You just tell me how you want me to vote and I'll be only to happy to obey."

    Pbama: "Thank you, John. I was hoping you'd say that and I am not disappointed."

Yeah, thanks a lot Senator "Respectable" Campaign.

I am not disappointed that McCain lost. How he expected to win is the trillion dollar question. He can look in a mirror and see the only, single, solitary person responsible for his loss.

The mission for Conservative Republicans: regroup, new strategy and plan for a Congressional sweep in 2010 and for the sake of mankind, pick a Conservative as your presidential candidate in 2012.


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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Quick, Someone Tell The WaPo
The Earth Isn't Flat!

The uber-Liberal Washington Post - second only to the NY Times as the Official Pbama Fan Club Newspaper - admits their coverage was far more favorable to Barack Hussein Pbama, Junior than it was to John McCain:

    The op-ed page ran far more laudatory opinion pieces on Obama, 32, than on Sen. John McCain, 13. There were far more negative pieces about McCain, 58, than there were about Obama, 32, and Obama got the editorial board's endorsement.


    The number of Obama stories since Nov. 11 was 946, compared with McCain's 786.


    ...from June 9, when Clinton dropped out of the race, until Nov. 2, 66 percent of the campaign stories were about Obama compared with 53 percent for McCain; some stories featured both.


    ...from June 4, Obama was in 311 Post photos and McCain in 282. Obama led in most categories. Obama led 133 to 121 in pictures more than three columns wide, 178 to 161 in smaller pictures, and 164 to 133 in color photos.

Oh Lordy Day! Should the WaPo be publishing such insider-industry secrets? Why, they're taking such a huge risk, one that may convince some people getting the notion that the WaPo is biased and favors Liberals!

The WaPo...biased, favoring Liberals! Shocking! Mr. Hankey-Poo-in-your-pants-style shocking!

"The WaPoo, biased? Howdy Ho!"

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Thursday, November 06, 2008

Why McCain Lost

Most regular readers know that I try to avoid reading other blogs before I publish anything here so as to avoid any accusation of plagiarism or even stealing the idea of another. Personally, I think intellectual theft - physical representations like images without crediting the source or creator and stealing other's ideas - is lame, really lame. As lame as it gets. So I go out of my way to avoid reading other blogs before hitting the publish button here.

I'm guessing there's tons of words being devoted to, and analyzing, why John McCain lost his presidential bid.
McCain's loss - and it was no landslide against him, not by any means - isn't difficult to explain and needn't be wordy.

1) In too many instances, he's spent his political career thumbing his nose at his own party and the general principle of Conservatism.

2) He ran a lackluster campaign. He did. Period. No doubt about it. It was less exciting than Bob Dole's 1996 presidential run against incumbent President Bubba Clinton. McCain - just as did Dole - allowed his opponent to dictate that any attack would be labeled a "personal attack" even when it wasn't. McCain, as did Dole, fell into this trap. Hillary Clinton did this too, during the Democrat primary running against Barack Hussein Obama, Junior.

3) McCain failed to place the blame for the economy, energy, housing, job losses, Wall Street, Freddie and Fannie where it rightly belongs; in the lap of the Democrats.

McCain, as does almost every Republican, is reluctant to fight back as hard as attacked for fear of being portrayed as "temperamental" or "mean" by the Media. Well, this earns McCain's "respectable campaign" nothing but a nice, comfy chair next to Bob Dole and George H.W. Bush at The Home For Losing Presidential Candidates Who Ran Respectable Campaigns.

As long as Conservatives and Republican politicians keep campaigning like this, they can look forward to being the minority.

Sarah Palin, 2012! Accept no substitute.


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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Dems Trying To Suppress Military Vote

Once again, as in year 2000 in Florida with Albert Gore, Junior and in 2004 with John "I served in Vietnam" Kerry, The Left is at it again, trying to suppress the Military Vote and doing all they can to disqualify absentee ballots by those serving in the United States Military.

From WSJ.com:

    The McCain campaign has already filed a lawsuit in Virginia to ensure that all absentee ballots from overseas military voters are counted. Late Tuesday, a judge set a hearing for Nov. 10 and ordered election officials to keep late-arriving military ballots.

From Hampton Roads:

    "Because many counties in Virginia failed to mail absentee ballots in time to our men and women in uniform stationed overseas, service members are being disenfranchised because they are unable to return their ballots before the November 4 deadline," campaign spokeswoman Gail Gitcho said in a written statement about the suit, which is scheduled to be heard in Williams' courtroom at 1:30 p.m. today.

    Chesapeake, Suffolk and Virginia Beach are among the localities cited in the lawsuit as those that mailed absentee ballots overseas in late September. The suit argues that service members didn't have enough time to cast their votes and return them stateside.

Yep, once again The Dems don't want the Military vote to count. But don't call them anti-American, anti-Patriotic or Military-haters. No...the Libs support the Military. Uh-huh, yeah. Right.

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Black Panther Voter Intimidation

Black Panther members are stationed at over 300 voting precincts and are attempting to intimidate voters supporting John McCain and Sarah Palin. Kansas City.com:

    Black Panther party members in full uniform are stationed at some 300 polling places in battleground states. Are they trying to intimidate voters who would be voting for John McCain?

    Well you can judge for yourself. This video shows two Black Panther members, one carrying a nightstick, at a Philadelphia polling place. How many people were intimidated by these two before police made the one with the nightstick leave the premises? The other one is still there. Are any of you who voted for Obama having second thoughts yet?


    It really is obvious that Democrats are trying to steal this election. They have been aided by a media who refuses to investigate these things and in fact has tried to aid them by trying to suppress McCain voting by indicating that the outcome is inevitable.

    In 2000, there were over 50 different investigations trying to prove that Gore actually won Florida. None were able to do so. Bush won again in 2004 despite the efforts of the Kerry campaign to suppress the military vote and again more voters than actual people in parts of Ohio. There were claims of problems with voting machines but Kerry declined an investigation possibly because he was worried that improprieties of his own campaign might be brought to light.

Here are links to the Black Panthers intimidating voters in Philadelphia.

At this video, one of the "security patrol" Black Panthers waves a nightstick around in a threatening and intimidating manner in Philadelphia.

And at this video, the police respond to the Black Panthers seen in the first video.

If anyone attempts to intimidate or interfere with your right to vote, call the cops!

The Obama Cultists are trying to steal the election.


Linking Here:
Bug Drivel

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Palin Cleared In Troopergate

Via AFP:

    A state personnel board said Monday Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin did not abuse her office as governor of Alaska in the "Troopergate" case, rejecting the findings of an earlier probe by the state legislature.

    The report was released the day before the US presidential elections in which Palin's role in the case became political fodder in the campaign.

    "There is no probable cause to believe that Governor Palin violated the Alaska Executive Ethics Act by making the decision to dismiss Department of Public Safety Commissioner (Walt) Monegan and offering him instead the position of Director of the Alaska Beverage Control Board," the board said.

    Last month an investigation commissioned by the state legislature found Palin had violated ethics rules when she dismissed Monegan in July, allegedly because he refused to fire a state trooper, her former brother-in-law.

    Palin requested the second investigation be conducted by the state personnel board after alleging the legislature's probe was politically motivated.

    The board's report, posted on the Anchorage Daily News website, also found that no other state official had violated ethics rules and that there was no need to hold a hearing on "reputational harm" done to Monegan, which he requested.

    The board did say that the use of "private e-mails for government work" needed to be addressed, an apparent reference to Palin at times using her personal e-mail account for state business.

    Monegan claimed he was fired because of his refusal to sack Wooten, who had been involved in an acrimonious divorce with Palin's younger sister in 2005.

    The legislature's inquiry, carried out by a special counsel, found that while Palin was within her rights as Alaska governor to dismiss Monegan, she had breached ethics rules by allowing her husband to badger officials into firing Wooten.

    Palin refused to testify in the first investigation but cooperated with the second probe.

    The personnel board's report said there was no evidence to show the governor was pushing to have her former brother-in-law sacked.

    The report said that "absent from the evidence reviewed is any assertion that the Governor directed anyone in the Department of Public Safety to terminate Trooper Wooten, or directed anyone on her staff to seek the termination of Trooper Wooten."

I imagine all the Palin-Haters and Liberals who love to hate her are all busily posting to their blogs and sites that Governor Palin was cleared in this matter.

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You Are Not A Racist Not Voting For Obama

Why would Conservatives vote for a Liberal, any Liberal?

Some of those Obama Cultists out there, they're just loopy on the Kool-Aid. They want you to think that you are a racist if you don't support and vote for Barack Hussein Obama, Junior. Don't allow them to "guilt" you into believing this. The Obama Cultist's strong-armed tactic of trying to get you to believe that you are a racist by not voting for Obama makes no sense, falling flat on its face faster than Randi Rhodes can say, "Bartender, I'll have another

Here is why this profoundly stupid allegation holds not the slightest shred of truth: Why would any Conservative, Republican or Libertarian vote for a Liberal?

It doesn't matter that Obama is half-black, half-white or if he was green and purple with mauve stripes.

The reason Republicans, Indies and Libertarians won't vote for Obama is because he's a raging, radical Liberal; the most Liberal-rated Senator in the U.S. Senate.

Obama lives and breathes Marxism. Who but fellow Marxists and blind, obedient Cult Followers are voting for him?

Was it Racist when Liberals didn't support Republican Alan Keye's presidential bids in 1996, 2000 and 2008? Not at all. Liberals didn't support Mr. Keyes because he is a Conservative and they are Liberal.

It's not Racist for someone who isn't a full-fledged Liberal or an Obama Cultist not to support and vote for Obama. It's just this simple.

Don't let anyone rope you into the false argument claiming that you are a racist if you don't support Obama. Saying this is nothing but a blatant play of The Race Card.

It's Obama's Bele's politics - because he's a raving, radical, Marxist - not his skin color.


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Pennsylvania, We Need You Red!

We need you Pennsylvania. America is calling. You need to be a Red State on Tuesday.

Pennsylvania, if you need a little reminder, here are but five simple reasons to Turn Red on Election Day:

* You were labeled as racists during the Democrat Candidates primary last year and most of this year. You are still being falsely accused of being racists by the Liberals and The Obama Cultists.

* You were told that you are bitter and that you "cling to your guns and your religion," by the most Liberal-rated U.S. Senator ever, Barack Hussein Obama, Junior.

* You were called "racists" and "red-necks" by your own Congressman, John "Our Marines are murderers" Murtha

* Obama's anti-Second Amendment voting record and pro-gun control stand.

* You are a state whose economy depends much on the coal industry and we now know Obama wants to tax, fine and regulate this important industry until it is extinct.

All you Undecided voters in Pennsylvania, you need to get out and vote for McCain-Palin. You can't stay home. This is what The Cultists and the MSM wants you to do. Turn out. Get out. Decide FOR McCain.

We need Pennsylvania to Turn Red on Tuesday!

"I have not known [Obama] to ever vote for a pro-gun bill,"
said executive director of the Illinois State Rifle Association,
Richard Pearson, describing Mr. Obama as "a strong gun control person."

"Banning guns is an idea whose time has come." - U.S. Senator and Obama's Vice Presidential
running mate Joseph Biden in November 1993, reported by the Associated Press.

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Sunday, November 02, 2008

Study Shows Media Coverage Favors Obama

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhssssssssssssssssssh! This is top secret. Don't tell anyone. Keep this in the Cone of Silence.

Guess what? Again, keep this just between us, okay? A study shows that the Media favors Obama. Yeah. Can you believe that? I never would have guessed this, would you?

A study by the Center for Media and Public Affairs has found the following. APee:

    * Comments made by sources, voters, reporters and anchors that aired on ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts over the past two months reflected positively on Obama in 65 percent of cases, compared to 31 percent of cases with regards to McCain.

    * ABC's "World News" had more balance than NBC's "Nightly News" or the "CBS Evening News," the group said.

    * Meanwhile, the first half of Fox News Channel's "Special Report" with Brit Hume showed more balance than any of the network broadcasters, although it was dominated by negative evaluations of both campaigns. The center didn't evaluate programs on CNN or MSNBC.


    "For whatever reason, the media are portraying Barack Obama as a better choice for president than John McCain," said Robert Lichter, a George Mason University professor and head of the center. "If you watch the evening news, you'd think you should vote for Obama."

    The center analyzed 979 separate news stories shown between Aug. 23 and Oct. 24, and excluded evaluations based on the campaign horse race, including mention of how the candidates were doing in polls.


    ABC recorded 57 percent favorable comments toward the Democrats, and 42 percent positive for the Republicans. NBC had 56 percent positive for the Democrats, 16 percent for the Republicans. CBS had 73 percent positive (Obama), versus 31 percent (McCain).


    The Project for Excellence in Journalism concluded last week that McCain's coverage has been overwhelmingly negative since the conventions ended, while Obama's has been more mixed.

"The center didn't evaluate programs on CNN or MSNBC." Here, I'll tell you how CNN and MSNBC treated Obama: glowingly; as The Messiah. They treated McCain as negatively as they could get away with.

So much for that term that The Obama Cultists like to throw around so much...The Republican Owned Media. HA!

The above story calls for input from Exclusive Political Analyst, Baby Democrat:

(Yes, that's Karl Marx's "Das Kapital," it's Baby Dem's favorite book!)


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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Obama Socialism Exposed (Again!)

Cartoon by Dick Locher
(Reproduced in strict accordance and compliance with Fair Use Section 107 U.S.
Copyright Code for purposes of for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting.)

It seems Socialist Candidate for President Barack Hussein Obama, Junior advocated Socialism back in 2001. US News:

    Back in 2001, Barack Obama gave an interview to a Chicago public radio station in which he talked about using the Supreme Court, the most undemocratic of the three branches of government (nonelected, lifetime terms), to "spread the wealth." Some rough excerpts:


      "...the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and the more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society, and to that extent, as radical as, I think, people try to characterize the Warren court, it wasn't that radical; it didn't break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers and the Constitution..."


      "You can craft theoretical justification for it legally, and any three of us sitting here could come up with a rationale for bringing about economic change through the courts."

    Clearly, what it's about is two different philosophies concerning the best way to structure an economy. (And more and more, I think the financial markets realize this.) Keep in mind, now, that every Obama economic adviser I can think of—Warren Buffett, Austan Goolsbee, Jason Furman, Robert Rubin, Lawrence Summers, Jared Bernstein—thinks that we need higher income and investment taxes to deal with income inequality and that tax rates would pretty much have to double before they would hurt the economy. So Obama's comments reflect a core belief system that he's apparently held for years and continues to hold.

Here is a shorter version of Obama's own words - the "money quote" - (at YouTube) saying that the Constitution is flawed because those who wrote it disregarded a redistribution of wealth.

The full version of the WBEZ-FM Obama interview is here, (also YouTube).

Obama is a Commie people, an outright Commie! He wants to gut and shred the United States Constitution and turn the country into a Commie-Socialist nightmare by using court fiat! Obama is dangerous! I wonder if the Liberals and Obama Cultists will properly accuse him of wanting to gut and shred the Constitution in the same way that they falsely accused President George W. Bush? Oh, we know the answer to that. The Libs and Cultists will say nothing, observing their blatant and partisan-based obedience to their Socialist Messiah.

The John McCain-Sarah Palin campaign had better use Obama's words in a series of endless television and radio advertisements from now until election day.

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Obama Birth Certificate Sealed By Governor

Now we know why Barack Hussein Obama, Junior really made that trip to Hawaii. It wasn't to see his "gravely ill" Grandmother, which was nothing more than a cover story.

He made the trip in order to make sure that no one could gain access to his birth certificate. It is under seal by the Governor of Hawaii and no one - no one - can get access to it.

From WND written by Jerome Corsi:

    WND has learned that Hawaii's Gov. Linda Lingle has placed the candidate's birth certificate under seal and instructed the state's Department of Health to make sure no one in the press obtains access to the original document under any circumstances.

    The governor's office officially declined a request made in writing by WND in Hawaii to obtain a copy of the hospital-generated original birth certificate of Barack Obama.


    In searching through the birth notices of the Honolulu Advertiser for 1961, WND found many birth notices were published between one and two weeks after the date of birth listed.

    The notice in the Honolulu Advertiser does not list the hospital where the Obama son was born or the doctor who delivered the baby.

    In a startling development, Obama's Kenyan grandmother has reportedly alleged she witnessed Obama's birth at the Coast Provincial Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya.


    In Kenya, WND was told by government authorities that all documents concerning Obama were under seal until after the U.S. presidential election on November 4.

Why is Obama going to such lengths to keep his birth certificate hidden in such secrecy? The answer is obvious and clear: he is NOT a U.S. born citizen. Therefore, he is not qualified to run for the office he seeks. And isn't it just a little too coincidental that government officials in Kenya have put all documents regarding Obama under seal until after the U.S. election is over?

Obama is not a United States citizen. Electing him is going to put our country into a massive Constitutional crisis. Perhaps this is the "international crisis" that Obama's VP Joe Biden spoke of last week.

We cannot afford the above image to become a reality.

In related news, Attorney Phillip J. Berg is appealing his case to the Supreme Court regarding Obama's birth certificate. Life Site News:

    A Philadelphia lawyer who has alleged Barack Obama is ineligible for the presidency will immediately appeal his case to the Supreme Court after a district court ruled that the potential harm posed by the presidential candidate's ineligibility is "too vague" to allow voters standing to bring charges.

    Philip J. Berg, esq., former deputy attorney general of PA and avowed lifelong Democrat, alleges that Sen. Obama is ineligible to run for president based on the claim that he is not a natural-born citizen of the United States. According to the Constitution, only natural-born citizens are allowed to become President of the United States.

    While the Obama campaign has dismissed the claims as false, Berg points out that Obama has failed to publicly release a birth certificate that could prove he was born in the United States.


    "This is a question of who has standing to uphold our Constitution," said Berg in response to the decision. "If I don't have standing, if you don't have standing, if your neighbor doesn't have standing to question the eligibility of an individual to be President of the United States - the Commander-in-Chief, the most powerful person in the world - then who does?

    "So, anyone can just claim to be eligible for congress or the presidency without having their legal status, age or citizenship questioned," he complained.

You know folks, this is a simple issue. All Obama has to do is release his original and certified Birth Certificate, but he absolutely refuses to do this.

All anyone has to do is ask themselves this: does the manner of how Obama is treating this issue of his birth certificate pass the smell test? Absolutely not. It reeks to high heavens.

Is there reasonable doubt in your mind that Obama is trying to hide something? There is in mine, and there should be in yours too.

Finally, a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll shows Obama is losing points and John McCain is gaining:

    Democrat Barack Obama's lead over Republican rival John McCain has dropped to 5 points, according to a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released on Sunday.

    Obama leads McCain by 49 percent to 44 percent among likely U.S. voters in the daily tracking poll, which has a margin of error of 2.9 points. Obama's lead has dropped over the last three days after hitting a high of 12 points on Thursday.

    "Things are trending back for McCain. His numbers are rising and Obama's are dropping on a daily basis. There seems to be a direct correlation between this and McCain talking about the economy," pollster John Zogby said.

Senator McCain...please dear god turn up the heat on this issue, will you? Stop following in the same losing path of Bob Dole's 1996 campaign against Bill Clinton. Brad Blakeman, you commented on my blog a few posts down and I appreciate it, but please light a fire under Senator McCain before it's too late. This great nation of ours cannot, under any circumstances, afford Obama in the White House.

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Friday, October 24, 2008

McCain Supporter Attacked,
'B' Carved Into Her Face

"All we are saying, is give peace violence a chance..."

Another example of the peaceful way Obama Cultists conduct themselves.

A twenty-year old campaign staffer for Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain attacked and assaulted by an Obama supporter. The attack left the woman with the letter 'B' - for Barack - CARVED INTO HER FACE. Digital Journal:

    A young woman campaigning for John McCain was recently robbed by a man who was then infuriated when he saw her McCain bumper sticker. He then carved the letter "b" (for Barack) into her face.

    After telling his supporters last month to get in their neighbour's faces, it appears that one of Barack Obama's supporters may have taken his words, well way too far.

    According to one report, the 20-year-old woman is a "campaign staffer for John McCain" from Texas. The young woman, was taking money out of an ATM in Bloomfield, a suburb of Pittsburgh, was approached and robbed by a man wielding a knife. After taking $60 from the terrified woman, it is being reported that the robber became enraged when he saw a McCain bumper sticker on the woman's car and he allegedly attacked the woman by kicking and punching her. He then took his knife and carved the letter "B" into her face.

    The robber is described as a dark-skinned black man, 6 feet 4 inches tall, 200 pounds with a medium build, short black hair and brown eyes. The man was wearing dark colored jeans, a black undershirt and black shoes.

    The assault happened outside of the view of the bank's video camera system.

A Victim of an Obama Supporter.

Pittsburgh Live has more details

    A knife-wielding man robbed a McCain-Palin campaign volunteer and etched a “B” into her face after he saw a McCain bumper sticker on the woman’s car, Pittsburgh police said.

    Ashley Todd, 20, of College Station, Texas, was using an ATM at Liberty Avenue and Pearl Street in Bloomfield just before 9 p.m. Wednesday when a man approached her, put a knife to her throat and demanded $60, police said.

    Todd handed the man $60 she had in her pocket and stepped away from him, investigators said. The man then noticed the bumper sticker on the woman's car, which was parked in front of the ATM. The man became very angry, made comments to Todd about John McCain and punched her in the back of the head, knocking her to the ground, police said.

    "He continued to kick and punch her repeatedly and said he would teach her a lesson for supporting John McCain," said police Chief Nate Harper.

    The man then carved the "B" into Todd's right cheek.

Those Obama Cultists, so kind, so tolerant, so able to intellectually debate and reach out to their "enemies". Yeah, they want to "talk to their enemies." Uh-huh. The Obama Cultists are terrorists. They are America's Taliban. They are America's al-Qaida.

The sad part is, this attack does not surprise me. The Left - not Centrist and Moderate Democrats - The Left has been spewing hatred, violence and anger for the past eight years at subhuman levels. This attack was bound to happen. Karl Rove is right about The Left, they need some kind of mental help. They are deranged.

The best part of this whole story is - if there is a best part, and really, there is not - is that Barack Hussein Obama, Junior himself is personally responsible for this attack. Oh yes, he most certainly is. The Left has been telling us that the man at the top is always responsible for what others below him do. Whether it's George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld or Ken Lay, the man at the top is ultimately responsible for whatever happens. Thus, this means Obama is responsible and on the hook for this horrific and violent act. Make no mistake about it, this attack is the result of Obama telling his supporters to, "argue with neighbors, get in their face," his supporters are his "ambassadors."

And now we have an instance where the letter 'B' - for Barack - was carved into a poor woman's face. Barack, this is your fault, entirely your fault.

"All we are saying, is give violence a chance."

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pennsylvania Too Close To Call

Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell is panicked! He fears that the voters of his state may vote overwhelmingly for the Republican ticket of John McCain and Sarah Palin instead of Democrat ticket Barack Osama Hussein Obama, Junior and Joe Biden!

From ABC News:

    Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell wants Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., back in the Keystone State. He's worried Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., could still pull off a victory there.

    "I don’t want to be selfish,” Rendell told CNN. “But I’m still a little nervous, so I have asked Obama to come back. We understand he’s got demands from 20 different states, but we’d like to see him here.”

This is no surprise, since Obama said that the only thing that the good people in Pennsylvania know how to do is "cling to their guns and their religion."

People don't like being insulted or condescended to, and somehow after all these years, the Democrat still fail to understand this. That's because they like to think that they "know better" and are "smarter" than everyone else. This is called arrogance and hubris, two words seldom heard spoken by The Insane Liberal Clown Posse and the Obama Cultists these days. Oh, they managed to speak those words frequently in 2000 and 2004 about George W. Bush, but now? Not so much.


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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Palin Skewers Biden Statement On Obama
Bringing "International crisis"

Sarah "Barracuda" Palin, she speaks Truth to Power!

Republican Vice Presidential Candidate and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is having a rip-roaring field day shoving Democrat VP Candidate Joe Biden's words right back into his mouth.

Biden, speaking on Sunday, said, "the world [will] test Barack Obama," and that an Obama presidency will bring with it "an international crisis

Sarah Barracuda wasted no time feeding Biden his own words. MSNBC:

    Sarah Palin used a heavy dose of sarcasm Tuesday to suggest that Barack Obama is unprepared to serve as commander in chief, laying out scenarios she said made the country vulnerable to an international crisis under his watch.

    Palin fed off the words of Obama’s running mate, Joe Biden, who suggested Sunday that Obama would be challenged by an international crisis in his first six months of office. At a rally at the Reno Convention Center Tuesday, Palin described four scenarios “that would place our country at risk in an Obama administration,” including sitting down with dictators and sending American troops to Pakistan over the objections of the country’s leader.

    “But I guess the looming crisis that most worries the Obama campaign right now is Joe Biden’s next speaking engagement,” Palin said. “Let’s call that crisis scenario number five.”


    But it was her comments about Pakistan that were most striking. Palin said that Obama advocates for “invading the sovereign territory of a troubled partner in the war against terrorism.”


    “See, the real problem is that these warnings from Joe Biden are similar to his earlier assessment,” Palin said Tuesday. “It wasn’t that long ago that he said Barack Obama wasn’t up to the job, he’s not ready to be president. He said, I quote, ‘the presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training.’”

Obama most certainly did say that he is willing to invade Pakistan, a sovereign country, something which The Left has viciously criticized President George W. Bush over for the past 7 years..."invading Iraq." See, according to Obama Cultists, it's okay for Their Messiah to invade a foreign country, it's only prohibited when a Republican does it.

Palin is Spot On! Keep it up Sarah, don't let up for one second! Wooooooooooo Hoooooooooo!

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Biden Says Electing Obama Brings Crisis

Vice Presidential Candidate, longtime U.S. Senator from Delaware and entrenched 30-plus year D.C. Insider Joe Biden said, on Monday, that electing his running mate, Democrat Presidential Candidate and U.S. Senator from Illinois, Barack Hussein Obama, Junior will usher in a “major international crisis”. Times Online:

    Biden, who was speaking at a fundraiser in Seattle on Sunday night, said: “Mark my words, it will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here . . . we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”

    Mr Biden cited Russia and the Middle East as possible places that may cause problems, as well as the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan – “crawling with al-Qaeda” – as being of concern.

    “He’s gonna need help,” the senator added, “Because it’s not gonna be apparent, initially, that we’re right.”

    He added: “I probably shouldn’t have said all this because it dawned on me that the press is here.”

    Both campaigns have been briefed by the Bush Administration on intelligence amid warnings that terrorists and rogue states will seek to exploit the three-month transition period after the election in November.

Why, it sounds just like Biden is playing The Fear Card, something The Left says it doesn't do?

Or is Biden letting his base (aka The Obama Cultist Taliban) know that Obama may not be able to keep his promise of deploying U.S. Troops out of Iraq as quickly as he had promised?

Or, is Biden is ginning it up for Obama, as president, invading another sovereign country with the U.S. Military Industrial Complex?

Or is Biden sending a message to the Obama Cultists - the "War is always wrong" crowd - that Obama may have to respond to a terrorist attack by using force?

Biden certainly can't have dissent within the Obama Cultists if, as president, Obama responds in the same manner of defending our country as ...(GASP!)... President George W. Bush. Obama doing the same as Bush, oh, The Cultists would have to super glue their mouths shut to keep their Blame America First rhetoric bottled up inside them.

I thought Obama was beloved by "the whole world," that "the world is waiting for a leader like Obama." I thought Obama was "going to bring appeasement and pacifism peace and unity to the entire planet"? This is what his Cultists say about him. Why would anyone "test Obama?"

This comes down to a simple issue of trust and experience. Who do you trust to deal with terrorists and terrorism, John McCain or Barack Hussein Obama, Junior?

Biden is saying we're safer under McCain and that our Allies can depend on us with McCain. Can't say the same for Obama.

An Obama presidency will bring "an international crisis." Fantastic, Joe, great job. I wonder how much the Clintons are paying him to make statements like this?


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Monday, October 20, 2008

Warmonger Powell Endorses Pacifist Obama

Imagine Colin Powell endorsing The Affirmative Action Candidate. Powell voiced his support on Sunday's "Meet The Press." As a result of his announcement, we know that millions of Obama Cultists soiled their underpants with glee all day, and well into the night, on Sunday.

Powell, you recall, was Secretary of State until 2005 under President George W. Bush. Powell, back then, was described by The Left as a "warmonger," that he "lied about WMDs," that he should "be tried for war crimes."

Powell, endorsing Barack Hussein Obama, Junior - oh, this is going to be a hoot as the Obama Cultists try to unspin their past eight years of vehement, cut-throat hatred of Powell.

Powell, you recall, is the man The Left said, "knowingly lied about links between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida." And those aluminum tubes.

Powell, according to The Left, is one of those warmongering neocons along with President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Douglas Feith who have all screwed up Iraq and are the architects of death and destruction.

Powell, you recall, according to The Obama Cultists, is one of the people responsible for why the rest of the world hates us.

Powell, you recall, has the blood of millions of innocent Iraqis on his hands, according to The Obama Cultists.

Do a search of the web via Google for "Powell warmonger," "Powell lied," and do the same under Google images. You will find Liberal site after site, blog after blog, vilifying Colin Powell as being one of the biggest war criminals of all time.

With his endorsement of The ObamaClown, it's going to be very interesting in observing how The Left and The Cultists now pretend that Powell is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

The Obama Cultists will now hail Powell as The Third Coming of Christ, the Second Coming being that of The Illinois Muslim.

The Obama Cultists will pretend they never said a bad word about Powell, that they've always been fair and objective in how they treated him and just how great he is and oh, what a wonderful addition he will make as part of Obama's Cabinet or Administration.

This is going to be a rich example of the double standards of Obama Cultists. If Obama wins steals the election, and he puts "warmonger" and "war crimes criminal" Powell in his Cabinet, watch The Lefties do a complete about-face, embracing Powell while demonstrating their hypocrisy with unabashed shame.

Obama Cultists everywhere will clasp their hands, swooning in new-found puppy love over Powell, tripping and falling all over themselves in complete and total devotion and admiration of him, forgetting and denying everything bad they ever said about him.

Now, The Obama Cultists are rolling out the red carpet for someone that, not long ago, they labeled a "warmonger" and a "war criminal."

Colin Powell. As A Republican, Liberals called him a "warmonger" and a "war criminal."
Now that he's supporting Obama, The Cultists think he's just swell!

I wonder what price Obama paid for Powell's endorsement? Remember, Powell always acted as if his personal politics wouldn't influence his decisions as a government employee. Maybe with all the questionable money pouring into the Obama campaign, Obama paid Powell a healthy under-the-table cash bribe for his endorsement? Could be. Maybe Obama offered Powell a high-ranking spot in his Administration? These are fair questions, we know The Left would be asking them had Powell endorsed John McCain. "Warmonger endorses Warmonger," the Cultists would cry!

Life must be quite challenging as a Liberal, and especially as an Obama Cultist, having to constantly eat your own words, retract your own statements, flip-flop and reverse yourself again and again and over and over, deeming someone a pariah who later is feted back into the same group by the same people who excommunicated him.

The Obama Cultists and The Insane Liberal Clown Posse know they are hypocrites, they simply will never admit it.

What's your secret to Unmitigated Hypocrisy, all you Obama Cultists and Insane Liberal Clown Posse Members? Come on, tell me. Fess up. How do you do it?


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