Monday, November 24, 2008


Guess what aminimal furriends?? Today is my 4th purthday! Bunny Mommy says that I am almost a grown-up. Bunny Daddy wished me a happy purthday this morning afore he went off to work. Bunny Mommy wished me one too but she is still here helping me type. They is already giving me treatsies, I got lots of basil yesterday and I THINK I may have smelled some cilantro in the house but I'm not sure. Hooray, I sure do love purthdays! Plus I love that my mama remembers BOTH my purthday AND my gotcha day acuz that means twice the fun!

Note from Bunny Parents: we want to wish Mrs. Sniffles a VERY happy 4th birthday. We can't believe she's already 4! We never thought Mrs. Sniffles would be so full of personality and be such a source of excitement when we first got her. Of course now, we can't imagine life without her. So happy birthday, little bunny bee, we love you.


Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Birthday, Bunny Baby!

On this Thanksgiving weekend, Bunny Mommy and Daddy have taken over the site to wish our adorable sweet and mischievous Mrs. Sniffles a happy 3rd birthday. We are very thankful to have her to make our lives interesting. Attached is a little card for her. Birthday pictures will be forthcoming. We are sorry to say we were slow at ordering her present but her BUNNY CASTLE will arrive soon and we'll have pictures of that over the holidays.


Sunday, September 23, 2007


I luuuuuuuurve you. You are the bestest bunny daddy who takes so much care of me, especially since bunny mommy is not around as much. Here's an older picture to makes you smile.

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