AUSTRALIA VL8A Alice Springs NT: 2310 obs'ed after quite a long time, at 1846-1906, 29 Aug, English, songs, talks; only audible 120 m band outlet; 25321 and deteriorating. 4835 audible at 2143-2208, 27 Aug, English, talks on local plants & flowers, mx; 54433 but deteriorating; avoidable het. w/ MLI 4835.4. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Aug 31)
2325 VL8T, Tennant Creek NT, 2052-..., 29 Aug, English (t), talks; 15231; inaudible on // 2310 or 2485 at the same time. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Aug 31)
5049.92 ARDS R., Humpty Doo, 1710-1735 UT, heard here for the first time, thanks to Tanzania being absent. Mainly songs, IS (probably didgeridoo) and "The time is 3 o'clock" at 1730 UT, poor on 18 Aug. (Vashek Korinek-AFS, DXplorer Aug 29)
(Source: BC-DX WWDXC TopNews # 772)