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Showing posts with label decklists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label decklists. Show all posts


Guilds of Ravnica Standard

Happy Thursday MTG peeps,

Tomorrow evening, Magic: the Gathering players will experience a brand new standard format as the newest set, Guilds of Ravnica is released.  Four sets - Amonkhet / Hour of Devastation and Kaladesh / Aether Revolt will be rotating out.  Typically, we would now tell you something along the lines of 'Thank goodness, X is finally rotating' given that 'X' was such pain to deal with at Friday Night Magic.  Not so much this time - really no complaints, although some players will be sad to see Walking Ballista walk off the stage.  There will be of course some nostalgia for the Kaladesh / Aether Revolt Energy Decks, but Wizards of the Coast did kill those off fairly early in January, 2018 with the Anning of Attune with Aether and Rogue Refiner.

Anywhoos, let us not dwell on the past but rather this Friday.  Should you still have some hesitation as to what new / improved Guilds of Ravnica standard decklist should be, do not look any further.  It is that time again with the very popular HareruyaWayfinder, Guilds of Ravnica edition where Kenji Tsumura and other Magic: the Gathering Pros provide a number of suggestions as to what to build, or rather build upon, seasoned with your own personal preferences and the particular local metagame.  There are 18 standard format decklists and something for everyone, whether your game is Aggro, Midrange, Tokens or Control.  There are also 5 Modern Decks to look over as well.

The complete list is posted over at the Hareruya MTG website linked right here.

Aggro Decks
Deck 1 Golgari Ghalta
Deck 2 Boros Aggro
Deck 3 Izzet Aggro
Deck 4 Abzan Knight

Midrange Decks
Deck 5 Dimir Midrange
Deck 6 Golgari Midrange
Deck 7 Golgari with Izoni
Deck 8 Golgari Explore

Control Decks
Deck 9 Izzet Control
Deck 10 Azorius Control
Deck 11 Jeskai Control
Deck 12 Esper Control

Token Decks
Deck 13 Boros Tokens
Deck 14 Selesnya Tokens

Other Strategies (Ramp / Mono Colored)Deck 15 Simic Ramp
Deck 16 Mono White Weenie
Deck 17 Mono Red Goblins
Deck 18 Keld Red

Happy Brewing folks !



Commander Anthology Vol. II

Happy Thursday MTG peeps,

Commander Anthology Volume II is Magic: the Gathering's second collection of classic decks from across Commander history, showcasing some of the game's most renowned, legendary creatures.  The four decks featured are some of the most iconic and hard to come by in the Commander series.These preconstructed Commander decks will be released by Wizards of the Coast on June 8, 2018 and have an MSRP of $165.

The anthology box contains four classic decks from four different commander releases, including thirteen premium foil commanders. Namely Commander (2011), Commander 2014, Commander 2015 and Commander 2016. All legendary cards have the special card frame that had been introduced with Dominaria.  Each of the decks features alternate Commanders to encourage different play styles and deck building experiences.

• Four 100-card decks, including 13 foil commanders
• Sixty single-sided token cards
• Four deck boxes, each capable of holding 100 sleeved cards
• Four 100-point spinning life total trackers
• Rules and information insert

The Decks in this collection include -

Devour for Power, Blue / Black / Green : graveyard as a resource theme.
Commander - The Mimeoplasm
Alternate Commanders - Damia, Sage of Stone, Vorosh, the Hunter

Built from Scratch, Mono-Red : artifact / salvage theme
Commander - Daretti, Scrap Savant
Alternate Commanders - Feldon of the Third Path, Bosh, Iron Golem

Wade into Battle, White / Red : large creatures theme
Commander - Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas
Alternate Commanders - Anya, Merciless Angel, Gisela, Blade of Goldenight

Breed Lethality, White / Blue / Black / Green : +1/+1 counters theme
Commander - Atraxa, Praetors' Voice
Alternate Commanders - Ikra Shidiqi, the Ursurper, Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker, Reyhan, Last of the Abzan

Full decklists are featured at this link.



Hour of Devastation Standard

Happy Thursday MTG peeps,

The newest Magic: the Gathering set, Hour of Devastation is ready to be released tomorrow, right on time for the first opportunity to game with this new set legally in Friday Night Magic.  MTG Realm will be at OMG! Games, here in Barrie, Ontario with a few tweaks to our existing decklists but nothing new just yet, until we've had an opportunity to discuss the merits of new deck ideas.  

Always a source of inspiration when a new set comes out, the Hareruya Pros have once again gathered and produced yet another great set of 'HareruyaWayfinder' decklist suggestions.  Let these lists inspire you to create your own monster to unleash upon your local gaming store.

• BG Zombies, Tomoharu Saito
Updated Amonkhet Zombies decklist with new Driven // Despair B/G split 'Aftermath' card and new Afflict beater Ammit Eternal.

• Hour of Eternity, Pierre Dagen
Green, Blue, splashing White has tons of draw, filter, and self-mill to deliver a zombie army punchline.

• RG Ramp, Martin Muller
Early game threat removal consideration followed by a generous number of ramp spells to land Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger for the win.

• UW Control, Lukas Blohon
Largely ported from previous iterations of blue white control, with the new addition of board-wiper Hour of Revelation.

• Crested Sunmare, Yoshihiko Ikawa
Black / White good-stuff with Walking Ballista and Aethersphere harvester, with a full punch of four Crested Sunmare to take advantage of a number of life-gain cards in this build.

• Temur Reason/Believe Ramp, Oliver Polak-Rottmann
Red / Green / Blue with your fav energy producers.  Full deck-set of new Aftermath card Reason // Believe to 'cheat' Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger onto the battlefield.

• UR Mill, Kenta Harane
Self-explanatory tech employing new cards Fraying Sanity to mill and Hour of Devastation to keep the board clear.

• RW Deserts Aggro, Michael Bonde
Odd but interesting port from the previous season's Red / Whhite Human tribal build.  New sauce includes decksets of Earthshaker Khenra and Ramunap Ruins with a singleton of Shefet Dunes.

• WB Midrange, Jeremy Dezani
Exactly as the name indicates, with a total of 10 Planeswalkers (Gids, Lili, and single Sorin).  New tech tutor Djeru, With Eyes Open looks for the Walkers, Sunscourge Champion chumps, and three copies of board wiper Hour of Revelation.

• UR Control, Petr Sochurek
Essentially the major active ingredients of the previous control decklist (Torrential Gearhulk and friends) with the addition of Supreme Will (an 'auto-include') and red board-wiper Hour of Devastation.

• Turbo Nicol, Kenji Tsumura
Green / Red / splash Blue with a suite of choice mana accelerators with Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh at the end of the tunnel.

• UR Emerge, Riku Kumagai
Standard Emerge tech to open up an early Elder Deep-Fiend, Wretched Gryff, etc.  New spice added includes Strategic Planning and Champion of Wits.

• God-Pharaoh's Gift, Atsushi Ito

New Blue / Red / Splash Black list using a deck-set of the previous set's Gate to the Afterlife to delivery a singleton of God-Pharaoh's Gift.  The new Striped Riverwinder and the previous set's Curator of Mysteries gets cycled lickety-split to become seeds for hasty zombies.



A New Standard

Happy Monday MTG peeps,

The first large Magic: the Gathering tournament, after Friday's release of the new Aether Revolt set took place in Columbus, hosted by StarCityGames.  As in previous years, many players look to the early results from Columbus to evaluate how the the early standard constructed format may evolve over the next several weeks.  This particular tournament is also noteworthy as it is also the first major tournament after the much-discussed banning of the very popular (and arguably over-powered) Smuggler's Copter and Reflector Mage.

So, how did hundreds of gamers battling for over $8,000 in prizes adapt to the new environment?  Perhaps not surprising, many were playing the new two-card combo of Saheeli Rai and Felidar Guardian, and had also prepared sideboard (or mainboard) answers to this threat, either by playing against the anticipated field or by anticipating numerous mirror-matches.  In fact, 25 of the top 64 decklists (or ~ 40%) contained these card pairings.

The final form of the combo had two very similar iterations within the top 64 -
• 12 decks of Four-Color Saheeli, and
• 13 decks of Jeskai Saheeli

Watching coverage whenever we had a chance over the weekend, we did note how popular both Torrential Gearhulk and Verdurous Gearhulk had become.  Good luck finding these cards still 'in stock' on line or at your local gaming store.  

The final Top 8 looked like this -
1st - B/G Delirium, Brennan DeCandio
2nd - G/B Aggro, Stephen Dykman
3rd - G/B Aggro, Andrew Skorik
4th - G/W Tokens, Hunter Nance 
5th - Four-Color Saheeli, Robert Graves
6th - Four-Color Saheeli, yler Hill
7th - Jeskai Saheeli, Daniel Fournier
8th - Mardu Vehicles, Derik Malenda

We personally very much like the G/B Aggro use of Winding Constrictor, Walking Ballista and other synergistic cards to grow (or remove) threats, but have planned our first decklist to take to Friday Night Magic to be something else altogether.  

We took an immediate liking to Metallic Mimic and have found inspiration from MTG writter and player Adam Yurchick to put to good use in a tribal Humans list.  Adam did place 43rd during SCG Columbus with a W/R Humans, which is our direction as well but we are torn by the dicision as to stay with White Red or perhaps attempting a White Green list.

Perhaps the way forward with Humans is going Green White or splashing Green for a three colour Naya list with such cards as the very likable Renegard Rallier ?



Commander 2016 Full Spoiler

Happy Friday MTG peeps,

The full Commander 2016 set and individual decklists have now been posted over on the mothersite (linked here).  Nous allons dire à nouveau - a galerie des cartes Commander 2016 officiellement révélées est actualisée par ici.

We will need the full weekend to go through the list but at a quick glance, all lists appear to be of somewhat of equal value with no silly Commander 2013 mistakes ('True-Name Nemesis - in the Mind Seize pre-con).  There also appears to be a really good choice of reprints as well.  They all look to have around $100 'value' (broken down as singles) with perhaps the group hug list perhaps an extra 20 clams or so more.  For today's post, here is a quick 'n' dirty summary of each Commander 2016 pack (along with the legendary creatures) and a list of all 56 new cards.  

Entropic Uprising (UBRG - 'Random Effects'): 
• Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder
Legendary creatures - 4 new and 1 reprint

Open Hostility (WBRG - 'Aggro'): 
• Saskia the Unyielding
Legendary creatures - 4 new and 2 reprints

Stalwart Unity (WURG - 'Group Hug'): 
• Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis
Legendary creatures - 4 new and 5 reprints

Breed Lethality (WUBG - 'Growth'): 
• Atraxa, Praetor's Voice
Legendary creatures - 4 new and 2 reprints

Invent Superiority (WUBR - 'Artifacts matter'): 
• Breya, Etherium Shaper
Legendary creatures - 4 new and 6 reprints

Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder Saskia the Unyielding
Divergent Transformations Primeval Protector
Grip of Phyresis Vial Smasher the Fierce
Armory Automation Kydele, Chosen of Kruphix
Goblin Spymaster Prismatic Geoscope
Thrasios, Triton Hero Kraum, Ludevic's Opus
Boompile Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa
Manifold Insights Sylvan Reclamation
Faerie Artisans Grave Upheaval
Ravos, Soultender Atraxa, Praetors' Voice
Runehorn Hellkite Sublime Exhalation
Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder
Parting Thoughts Silas Renn, Seeker Adept


Monday MTG Miscellaney

Happy Monday MTG peeps,

MTG Realm is freshly returned from a week's summer vacation from Ontario's Northland, where bears and rattlesnakes are plentiful and WiFi is non-existent. We have much to get caught up on, so let's get straight into all the Magic: the Gathering spoilers and news we've missed last week.

First up - Eldritch Moon Game Day is quickly approaching this weekend - August 13–14, 2016.  Get your standard constructed decklist tuned up and prepare for some great games (and prizes) at a local gaming store near you.  Although our vacation was full of Commander, we had not touched standard at all so we'll have to prepare before heading to our favourite games store, OMG! Games, here in Barrie, Ontario.

Next up - Kaya, Ghost Assassin

Be sure to check out last week's Magic story installment 'Laid to Rest', penned by Kelly Digges.  This is the first story preceeding our return to the Plane of Fiora, where Conspiracy: Take the Crown takes place.  This is the special supplementary MTG set releasing on August 26, 2016.

If you want to further immerse yourself further in the (unofficial) storyline, pop on over to our favourite Canadian ex-pat Magic: the Gathering personality, Bruce Richard, and read the lastest 'Paliano Post'.  Last week's story introduces Kaya, a Planeswalker visitor to Fiora, who has the ability to physically interact with the spirits of the dead. When an infamous assassin wanted Paliano's ghostly king destroyed, Kaya was more than happy to oblige...for a price.

Next up - From the Vault: Lore

Collectors and those gamers who want to 'foil-out' their Commander lists are certainly looking forward to this. Releasing on August 19, 2016 for an MRSP of about $35), this set contains 15 cards from throughout Magic's history that are renowned for both their power and the stories behind them. Three of the cards feature new art (Cabal Ritual, Mind's Desire and Momir Vig, Simic Visionary). The set also includes an exclusive spindown life counter, a collector's guide and one (rather sought-after) Marit Lage token.

From The Vault: Lore brings you a collection of fifteen memorable cards (and one token) from throughout Magic's history, showcasing some of the most exciting story moments to ever occur in the Multiverse. Now you can see all of those moments, and the gorgeous art depicting them, like never before, in special From The Vault–exclusive premium foil.

Delve deeper into the events that shaped the Multiverse—and show your opponents that those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it! This limited-edition set includes cards from throughout Magic's history that are renowned for both their power and the stories behind them. Surprise your foes with blasts from the past they'll have to see to believe.

Beseech the Queen
Cabal Ritual
Dark Depths + Marit Lage token
Glissa, the Traitor
Mind's Desire
Momir Vig, Simic Visionary
Near-Death Experience
Phyrexian Processor
Tolaria West
Umezawa's Jitte

Next Up - Duel Decks: Nissa vs. Ob Nixilis !

The two decks represent the battle between Zendikar's protector, Nissa, and its would-be destroyer, Ob Nixilis. The ready-to-play, sixty-card decks, to be released on September, 2016 for a MSRP of $20 showcase cards from across Magic's history, including two premium Planeswalker cards with new artwork and four other cards with new artwork (Ambition's Cost, Doom Blade, Crop Rotation and Wood Elves).

Here is some flavour to savour - 
The stakes are high as Nissa and Ob Nixilis fight to control the power of the Khalni Heart. Who will prevail?

Planeswalker Nissa Revane gathers her forces to protect Zendikar from annihilation. Drawing on the power of the land itself, she summons mighty Elementals to overwhelm her foes.

Trapped on Zendikar for centuries, the demon Ob Nixilis will do anything to reignite his Planeswalker spark and escape. He summons terrifying Demons and wields dark, destructive powers to lay his enemies to waste.

• 2 Ready-to-play, 60-card decks
• 10 tokens
• 2 deck boxes
• 2 Spindown life counters
• Strategy insert
• Rules reference card

Nissa Decklist  
Planeswalker - 1 Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
Creature - 2 Scythe Leopard, 2 Elvish Visionary, 1 Oran-Rief Invoker, 2 Thornweald Archer, 1 Nissa's Chosen, 2 Citanul Woodreaders, 2 Civic Wayfinder, 1 Fertilid, 2 Gilt-Leaf Seer, 1 Wood Elves, 2 Briarhorn, 1 Saddleback Lagac, 2 Jaddi Lifestrider, 1 Thicket Elemental, 2 Woodborn Behemoth, 1 Oran-Rief Hydra, 1 Cloudthresher, 1 Oakgnarl Warrior, 1 Walker of the Grove
Sorcery - 1 Gaea's Blessing, 1 Seek the Horizon
Instant - 1 Crop Rotation, 2 Vines of the Recluse, 1 Natural Connection
Enchantment - 1 Abundance
Land - 2 Fertile Thicket, 2 Khalni Garden, 1 Mosswort Bridge, 1 Treetop Village, 18 Forest

Ob Nixilis Decklist
Planeswalker - 1 Ob Nixilis Reignited
Creatures - 2 Carrier Thrall, 2 Fetid Imp, 1 Despoiler of Souls, 1 Foul Imp, 2 Blistergrub, 1 Giant Scorpion, 1 Cadaver Imp, 1 Bala Ged Scorpion, 1 Desecration Demon, 1 Squelching Leeches, 1 Indulgent Tormentor, 1 Priest of the Blood Rite, 1 Renegade Demon, 1 Pestilence Demon
Sorcery - 1 Innocent Blood, 1 Mire's Toll, 2 Grim Discovery, 2 Smallpox, 1 Ambition's Cost, 1 Demon's Grasp 
Instant - 1 Disfigure, 1 Altar's Reap, 2 Doom Blade, 1 Hideous End, 1 Tendrils of Corruption
Enchantment - 2 Quest for the Gravelord, 1 Shadows of the Past, 1 Unhallowed Pact

Land - 2 Leechridden Swamp, 22 Swamp


SOI Weenies

Happy Monday MTG peeps,

We took along a Boros Allies equipment build for Friday Night Magic at our local gaming store, OMG! Games for Friday Night Magic and although the decklist was almost matching that of the W/R Weapons Trainer list by Daniel Riley who took 3rd Place at the StarCity Games Invitational Qualifier in Wilbraham the previous weekend, it just did not perform well against the local metagame.  To this end, we are eager to attempt to play something near and dear to our heart - the new post-Shadows Over Innistrad white weenies which is rather popular right now with Magic: the Gathering players.

If you have been reading MTG Realm for any lenght of time, then you will likely know that Craig Wescoe is our MTG Spirit Animal.  Craig has a wonderful article over at TCG Player titled 'How to Defeat the Humans' and we think it is worth a read to anyone wanting to take a humans decklist out to play or want to build against just such a list.

It may not have come as a surprise to some that this list was as popular as it was during the first large tournament after the official release of Shadows Over Innistrad at SCG Open in Baltimore.  It certainly was a surprise to us however just how much this archetype pushed into day two of the event capturing half of the Top 8 spots.

Wizards of the Coast was very smart in their planning to avoid having Hardened Scales (or functionally similar card) in the same standard constructed format as Thalia's Lieutenant - that may have broken the format, especially with a cheap bounce effect like Essence Flux to put the +1/+1 counter party over the top.  With choices of Knight of the White Orchid, Hanweir Militia Captain and Always Watching the list practically build itself.  Declaration in Stone is pretty sweet spot removal in white and even inclusions such as Bygone Bishop can be worked in to create clue tokens to feed into Angelic Purge to exile artifacts, creatures, or enchantments.

The core list is modified to include blue to be able to take advantage of the powerhouse that is Reflector Mage and the great utility offered by Ojutai's Command.  We dread the oncoming hate for the popular deck and suspect the mono-white crowd to begin adaptation towards the U/W Humans list and start packing a full bookset of Negate.  As Craig had indicated, one should expect more conditional board wipes like Languish to show up in non-human lists.  This may go tit-for-tat with human players now packing blinks like Eerie Interlude to sidestep wipes until such a time as the original mono-white or white-blue human list has lost its oritinal virility.  Anywhoos, we will want to grab this list by the horns and see where and how long this ride will take us.

Happy Brewing!


Kenji Wayfinder Post SOI Standard 2

Happy Tuesday MTG peeps,

Here at MTG Realm, we've been dreaming up several new decklists as well as evaluating what Magic: the Gathering decks we do have that could be modified for standard format.  One thing we do do after each set and format rotation is check some of our ideas against what Japanese Professional MTG player Kenji Tsumura (@KenjiTsumura) is doing.  Kenji has a brilliant and strategic mind and has been posting new standard decklist ideas for quite some time.  

Here is the first of two installments posted by Kenji and Hareruya MTG (one of Japan's largest MTG stores).  Please do take into account the very volatile nature of this format as it evolves and develops - use this as a solid guide to hatch your own ideas.  Look for the first 7 lists over here.

8) Traverse Ramp
9) Angelic Pact
10) Investigation
11) UB Madness
12) Thing in the Ice
13) Floorboards
14) Super Friends 

8) Traverse Ramp
4 Hedron Crawler
4 Thought-Knot Seer
4 World Breaker
4 Oath of Nissa
4 Traverse the Ulvenwald
4 Ruin in Their Wake
4 Explosive Vegetation
4 Hedron Archive
2 Chandra, Flamecaller
2 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
4 Evolving Wilds
6 Wastes
2 Mountain
12 Forest
9) Angelic Pact
4 Grasp of Darkness
4 Declaration in Stone
4 Bound by Moonsilver
2 Anguished Unmaking
2 Angelic Purge
4 Read the Bones
4 Languish
4 Demonic Pact
2 Ob Nixilis Regnited
2 Sorin, Grim Nemesis
2 Silkwrap
2 Westvale Abbey
4 Caves of Koilos
4 Forsaken Sanctuary
4 Shambling Vent
4 Plains
8 Swamp

10) Investigation
4 Loam Dryad
4 Thraben Inspector
4 Erdwal Illuminator
4 Bygone Bishop
4 Graf Mole
4 Tireless Tracker
4 Cryptolith Rite
4 Ongoing Investigation
4 Tamiyo's Journal
2 Fleeting Memories
4 Yavimaya Coast
4 Port Town
4 Fortified Village
2 Canopy Vista
3 Evolving Wilds
1 Plains
1 Island
3 Forest

11) UB Madness
4 Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
4 Heir of Falkenrath
4 Prized Amalgam
4 Stitchwing Skaab
4 Geralf's Masterpiece
4 Call the Bloodline
4 Just the Wind
4 Alms of the Vein
3 Sanitarium Skeleton
4 Evolving Wilds
4 Drownyard Temple
4 Choked Estuary
4 Sunken Hollow
4 Island
5 Swamp

12) Thing in the Ice
4 Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
4 Thing in the Ice
4 Archangel Avacyn
4 Declaration in Stone
4 Clash of Wills
4 Ojutai's Command
4 Planar Outburst
4 Epiphany at the Drownyard
1 Narset Transcendent
1 Jace, Unraveller of Secrets
2 Mage-Ring Network
4 Evolving Wilds
4 Port Town
4 Prairie Stream
1 Westvale Abbey
5 Plains
6 Island

13) Floorboards
4 Sanitarium Skeleton
4 Sinister Concoction
4 Call the Bloodline
4 Grasp of Darkness
4 Read the Bones
4 To the Slaughter
4 Languish
2 From Under the Floorboards
2 Tamiyo's Journal
2 Ruinous Path
1 Triskadekaphobia
4 Mage-Ring Network
21 Swamp

14) Super Friends
4 Oath of Nissa
4 Declaration in Stone
4 Languish
4 Planar Outburst
3 Oath of Gideon
2 Call the Gatewatch
1 Nissa, Vastwood Seer
1 Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
1 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
1 Kiora, Master of Depths
1 Narset Transcendent
1 Nahiri, The Harbinger
1 Arlinn Kord
1 Chandra, Flamecaller
1 Sarkhan Unbroken
1 Ob Nixilis Reignited
1 Jace, Unraveller of Secrets
1 Sorin, Grim Nemesis
1 Profound Journey
1 Island
1 Mountain
2 Swamp
2 Plains
4 Forest
4 Evolving Wilds
4 Canopy Vista
4 Llanowar Wastes
4 Caves of Koilos

Singleton-much? on that last one eh?

Kenji Wayfinder Post SOI Standard 1

Happy Tuesday MTG peeps,

Here at MTG Realm, we've been dreaming up several new decklists as well as evaluating what Magic: the Gathering decks we do have that could be modified for standard format.  One thing we do do after each set and format rotation is check some of our ideas against what Japanese Professional MTG player Kenji Tsumura (@KenjiTsumura) is doing.  Kenji has a brilliant and strategic mind and has been posting new standard decklist ideas for quite some time.  

Here is the first of two installments posted by Kenji and Hareruya MTG (one of Japan's largest MTG stores).  Please do take into account the very volatile nature of this format as it evolves and develops - use this as a solid guide to hatch your own ideas.  Look for the other 7 decklists over here.

1) Punishing Frog
2) WU Humans
3) Delirium Red
4) Ever After
5) RB Vampires
6) Brain in the Shore
7) UW Flash  

1) Punishing Frog
4 Groundskeeper
4 Mina and Denn, Wildborn
4 The Gitrog Monster
4 Molten Vortex
4 Vessel of Nascency
4 Magmatic Insight
4 Radiant Flames
4 Painful Truths
4 Drownyard Temple
4 Evolving Wilds
4 Llanowar Wastes
4 Cinder Glade
2 Smoldering Marsh
1 Swamp
4 Mountain
5 Forest

2) WU Humans
4 Town Gossipmonger
3 Kytheon, Hero of Akros
3 Thraben Inspector
4 Thalia's Lieutenant
4 Consul's Lieutenant
4 Knight of the White Orchid
4 Reflector Mage
4 Archangel of Tithes
4 Declaration in Stone
4 Always Watching
4 Prairie Stream
4 Port Town
2 Island
12 Plains

3) Delirium Red
4 Scourge Wolf
4 Sin Prodder
4 Thunderbreak Regent
4 Draconic Roar
4 Vessel of Volatility
4 Alchemist's Vial
4 Exquisite Firecraft
4 Arlinn Kord
4 Chandra Flamecaller
4 Evolving Wilds
4 Game Trail
4 Cinder Glade
2 Forest
10 Mountain

4) Ever After
4 Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
4 Zulaport Cutthroat
4 Deathcap Cultivator
4 Eldrazi Displacer
4 Brood Monitor
4 Vessel of Nasency
4 Traverse the Ulvenwald
4 Gather the Pack
4 Ever After
2 Catacomb Sifter
2 Caves of Koilos
4 Yavimaya Coast
4 Llanowar Wastes
4 Evolving Wilds
1 Canopy Vista
1 Island
2 Swamp
4 Forest
5) RB Vampires
4 Falkenrath Gorger
4 Ravenous Bloodseeker
4 Heir of Falkenrath
4 Assylum Visitor
4 Olivia, Mobilized for War
4 Incorrigible Youths
4 Fiery Temper
4 Lightning Axe
3 Indulgent Neonate
2 Avacyn's Judgement
2 Evolving Wilds
4 Foreboding Ruins
4 Smoldering Marsh
5 Swamp
8 Mountain
6) Brain in the Shore
4 Brain in a Jar
4 Nagging Thoughts
4 Anticipate
4 Grip of the Roil
4 Pieces of the Puzzle
4 Engulf the Shore
4 Adverse Conditions
4 Rise from the Tides
3 Part the Waterveil
2 Jace's Sanctum
4 Mage-Ring Network
19 Island


7) UW Flash
4 Dimensional Infiltrator
4 Rattlechains
4 Silumgar Sorceror
4 Thunderclap Wyvern
4 Archangel Avacyn
4 Clash of Wills
4 Scatter in the Winds
4 Stasis Snare
2 Ojutai's Command
2 Foundry of the Consuls
4 Evolving Wilds
4 Port Town
4 Prairie Stream
5 Plains
7 Island

We've already been collecting something rather close to Kenji's UW Flash and are looking forward to playing the list at our next Friday Night Magic Event at OMG! Games here in Barrie, Ontario.  :)