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Showing posts with label gatecrash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gatecrash. Show all posts


Burning-Tree Emissary

Happy Monday MTG peeps,

This past weekend, we attended the Friday Night Magic event at Legends Warehouse (Vaughan) on Friday (duh), and then a standard tournament at Jack's on Queen in Elmvale (just north of Barrie) - and do you know what we saw ?  A truckload of builds using Burning-Tree Emissary.  Depending upon where you get your Magic: the Gathering cards, expect to pay anywhere from $2.50 to almost $3.50 for this Gatecrash Uncommon.

In our collection, we have about 8 or 9 cards we had collected over the course of the prerelease events and other sealed product purchases from our local gaming store, OMG! Games.  We knew that this card would be popular but could not anticipate just how popular it has become at least here at all the card shops here Central Ontario.  We were eventually going to get around to getting together a list featuring this Gruul (red/green) Shaman but the time for waiting is now done - not that we want to play the 'popular' decks - we just want to put our own personal take on the best 60-card pile for this little gem.  We still need to track down a few extra cards from MTG Mint Card to finish our creation but what we can say for the moment, we like the direction that Tomoharu Saito (Japanese professional player) has taken.

Here's two slightly varied lists Saito has brought together so far . . .

4x Radkos Cackler, 4x Stromkirk Noble, 4x Ash Zealot, 4x Burning-Tree Emissary, 4x Flinthoof Boar, 4x Boros Reckoner, 4x Rancor, 2x Pillar of Flame, 4x Searing Spear, 3x Ghor-Clan Rampager, 3x Hellrider
10x Mountain, 4x Rootbound Crag, 4x Stomping Ground, 2x Temple Garden


4x Radkos Cackler, 4x Stromkirk Noble, 4x Ash Zealot, 4x Lightning Mauler, 4x Burning-Tree Emissary, 4x Flinthoof Boar, 4x Boros Reckoner, 4x Ghor-Clan Rampager, 4x Rancor, 2x Domri Rade, 2x Volcanic Strength
10x Mountain, 4x Rootbound Crag, 4x Stomping Ground, 2x Temple Garden


Burning-Tree provides a decent 2/2 body which can also float two mana for your next maniacal MTG move.  Whether you want to float some critters out of your deck with Signal the Clans, or zap your opponent (or one of their creatures) with a Searing Spear, the choices are varied and many.


Happy deck-building to all~


Dimir Mill

Happy Wednesday MTG peeps,

Way back when we started playing Magic: the Gathering, we just played a bunch of derpy cards in builds with no real strategy at our kitchen table - and had fun.  When we finally left the comfort of our domicile and went to our first Friday Night Magic event (in 10th Edition / Lorwyn), we saw a great many new cool cards and prompty had our butt handed to us in short order.  One build of particular note which was particularily annoying was a mill strategy using Millstone (Tenth Edition rare) coupled with several other cards designed to drain your library into your graveyard and lose you the game.  As a result of this in our formative MTG years, we were traumatized by any mill deck.  We can now proudly say we're over this and now have a standard-casual mill deck of our own.

Well that said, our interest peaked after Gatecrash was released.  When we was the abilities on Duskmantle Guildmage, specifically the ability to ping your opponent for one life with each card hitting the 'yard.  This Guildmage, along with the M13 Jace's zero ability to mill ten cards at a time had us salivating.  Unfortunately, when we attempted to put it into practice, we ran into trouble having that go off.  We finally decided to drop that altogether but were still quite decided to have a list shake out of all the new options available.  Here's what we have so far . . .

4x Thought Scour
4x Dream Twist
4x Jace's Phantasm
3x Think Twice
2x Essence Scatter
4x Mind Sculpt
3x Wight of Precinct Six
3x Augur of Bolas
2x Mind Grind
3x Talrand, Sky Summoner
2x Jace, Memory Adept
2x Consuming Aberration

15x Island
4x Drowned Catacomb
4x Swamp

One Drops
Thought Scour - Mills two, draws a card
Dream Twist - Mills three, with flashback available
Jace's Phantasm - rapidly becomes a 5/5 flyer with their 'yard filling up.

Two Drop
Mind Sculpt - Mills seven, now we're cooking
Think Twice - Essential card draw with flashback
Essence Scatter - Cheap creature counterspell (for our local meta, easily switched out for other counter magic).
Wight of Precinct Six - Only three of these, they can grow into monsters but you don't want to drop 'em too early.
Augur of Bolas - Great early blocker that will likely get you another mill card with it's eotb effect.
Four Drop
Tallarand, Sky Summoner - Sad to see no-one likes / plays this card.  He's not that bad, and with a deck with a lot of instants / sorceries, we think we can generate a load of 2/2 drake tokens.

Five Drop
Jace, Memory Adept - We think we want to use the '0' ability every time to mill ten cards each turn.
Consuming Aberration - This Dimir monster not only is a fatty with all the cards in your opponent's graveyard, but will also mill too.

Mind Grind - late game mana sink and tip-top milling machine.  Love that it mills up to and including a land card, which in our opinion may pay dividends.

We would have liked to have Snapcaster Mage in the list but we don't own any - sad Panda is sad.  Perhaps we'll break down and collect a pair from MTG Mint Card before they rotate out of standard.


Dragon's Maze Speculation

Happy Thursday MTG peeps,

Although the last set, Dragon's Maze in the Return to Ravnica block is not due to be released until May 3, 2013, this does not prevent us from speculating about it - especially given the small hints provided in WotC staffer Doug Beyer's latest book 'Gatecrash: The Secretist, Part Two', for which we provided a brief synopsis in this post.

Looking thematically at the story-line, Ral Zarek (Izzet-aligned Planeswalker) is working with the Dragon Niv Mizzet on the 'Implicit Maze Project' is charged with finding all the guildgates which was originally used to delineate guild terriority.  These ancient guildgates are connected with braids of mana and by traveling from each of the guildgates in a precise order hinted at in code found on relics, some powerful gift (or weapon) would be provided. 

Rumour already suggests that there may be Guild Champions which logically may make sense as all ten Ravnica Guilds are represented in Dragon's Maze.  Also, there was an early (yet to be officially confirmed) spoiler which suggests a Mythic Rare land -
?, Mythic Rare
? enters the battlefield tapped.
Tap : Add 1 (colourless mana) to your mana pool.
3, Tap, Return ? to its owner's hand: Search your library for a Gate card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library. If you control ten or more Gates with different names, you win the game.

This also makes sense given the storyline Beyer had provided.  Sooo - what this this suggest to us?  Nothing really at the moment other than we simply don't want to trade away any of our Return to Ravnica or Gatecrash Guildgates or the other spells in which guildgates matter such as :

Armory Guard - creature (vigilance if you control a gate)
Hold the Gates - Enchantment (+0/+1 for each gate)

Way of the Thief - aura (+2/+2 unblockable if you control a gate)

Ogre Jailbreaker - creature (loses defender if you control a gate)

Crackling Perimeter - enchantment (tap untapped gate for ping)

Gatecreeper Vine - creature (eotb tutor basic land or gate)
Greenside Watcher - creature (untap target gate)

In fact, we'll make sure to pick up some extra copies from MTG Mint Card just in case.  If there is to be a new casual (non-competitive) deck come May 2013 to take advantage of the new mythic rare land and perhaps Gatecreeper Vine to search for all those gates, just like Ral, Jace and Niv Mizzet in the book.


The Secretist Part 2

Happy Tuesday MTG peeps,

This is post number two of two (first one here) of our exploration of Doug Beyer's book series 'The Secretist' which provides Wizard of the Coast's literary back-drop to Magic: the Gathering's Return to Ravnica set.  Previously, WotC had published paperbacks to accompany select sets but have moved this to eBooks in keeping with the times.  The first book, 'Return to Ravnica: The Secretist, Part One' sets the stage for a re-introduction of the plane of Ravnica and provides some components which resulted in printed cards found in the first set of the Return to Ravnica block. In this post we'll loook at 'Gatecrash: The Secretist, Part Two'.  Buy your eBooks online - these are significantly less expensive than previous paper copies, and you don't even require a eReader as you can read within a browser.  If you are like us here at MTG Realm, you will likely not only want to bathe in the flavour of the story line but have the actual game card as well.  Drop by MTG Mint Card to pick up Magic: the Gathering Singles from this set and others.

When we last left our telepathic protagonist Jace, he had discovered a code inscribed in ancient stone in Ravnica's historic Tenth District. It points at something called the Implicit Maze, and as Jace delves deeper, he finds that this mystery connects to the mysterious project of the brilliant dragon Niv-Mizzet and the Izzet guild the dragon commands.

This information is so dangerous, so likely to warp the equilibrium of the ten guilds in this post-Guildpact world, that Jace has taken extreme steps to extricate himself from the whole matter.


Here are some notes from 'Gatecrash: The Secretist, Part Two'.  Read the eBook, and drop us a line in the comment thingy to discuss.

Chapter 1 - A Wanted Mind
Jace and Emmara are confronted of Mirko Vosk who discovers that Jace had purged his mind of his research. Niv-Mizzet has Ral Zareck switch gears on the Maze project.  The demon Rakdos has the blood-wtich Exava initiate a riot. 
Chapter 2 - Unfamiliar Depths
Isperia, the Sphinx guild leader of the Azorius reassigns Officer Lavinia to a desk job.  The vampire Mirko Vosk is punished by the Dimir guild leader Lazav. 
Chapter 3 - Stirring Up the Past
Jace and Emmara meet Trostani, Jace makes no friends, especially with the Selesnya Elf Captain Calomir.  Ral Zarek and Skreeg piece together Jace's investigation at his destroyed study.  

Chapter 4 - Aid from an Enemy
The Rakdos, lead by Exava riot while Jace meets with Lavinia at New Prahv.  Ral's search dead-ends at the Forum of Azor, seeds of suspicion are sewn within Emarra and Jace needs help from the two headed Ogre Ruric Thar.

Chapter 5 - Changes of Heart
Selesnya prepares to march against the
Rakdos, while Niv-Mizzet and Ral begin to understand the Implicit Maze. 

Chapter 6 - Armies in the Streets
Rakdos, Gruul, Selesnya and Boros clash in the streets.

Chapter 7 - Rough Crowds
Jace is captured by Exava and then in turn by Captain Calomir while Niv-Mizzet makes an important announcement.

Chapter 8 - Unmasking
Lazav reveals himself to Jace and promptly imprisons him.

 - cliffhanger -


Gatecrash Game Day

Happy Tuesday MTG peeps,

This weekend (Saturday / Sunday 23rd / 24th February) local gaming stores around the world will be hosting Gatecrash 'Game Day'.  This standard constructed tournament held at card shops everywhere are held a few weeks after the official launch of the new set.  This is a great opportunity to take a break from kitchen-table gaming and unleash your 60-card creation at the store.  For details, check out the mothersite link here.  We here at MTG Mint card have not quite settled on a deck to bring along but for now we think R.Tech might take a Simic (blue-green evolve) build and C6 might have an Orzhov (black-white extort) token build to our local slice of Gamer heaven - OMG! Games here in Barrie, Ontario.  R.Stomp is thinking about an old-skool standard Zombie build but is looking at some other lists he found on MTG Mint Card's Deck Central website.
Anywhoos - here's the run down of what you might score at the Game Day event -participants at the Gatecrash Game Day will receive this Zameck Guildmage promo.

Those to make Top 8 during the Gatecrash Game Day event can expect to receive this Firemane Avenger promo.

The first-place Champion will walk away with this very slick Gatecrash Game Day Champion Play Mat featuring the card art from Merciless Eviction with art from Richard Wright.



The Snow Storm in Edison

Happy Wednesday MTG peeps,

We've gotta say that we are loving the new Magic: the Gathering standard environment at the moment - the 'best' new decks have not yet been distilled down to a choice of only one or two (boring!) builds.  There is a large variety of different strategies, different colours and different playstyles which are all being rewarded at the moment.  As we've said a hundred times, we here at MTG Realm are more 'kitchen table' / FNM players where we'll try as many as the new cards as possible because it's fun, not because we want to win.  Having said that, getting burned every game kinda sucks so we do bring along less 'crazy' deck brews to the local gaming store.

We also look at what the good players are bringing along to tournaments.  One of the most recent tournaments took place during the most awful snow storm event in recent memory last weekend in New Jersey at the StarCity Games Open standard event.  Several weeks ago, we kind a fell in love with Boros Reckoner when it was previewed.  We dropped over to MTG Mint Card to get our pre-orders in and for some reason simply did not get this onto our purchase list - we're kicking ourselves now - Check out these two nice looking lists from NJ featuring the Wreckoner which took 6tth and 9th place.

Boros Aggro, 6th place, Clayton Gereffi  
Creatures (27)
    4 Ash Zealot
    4 Boros Reckoner
    4 Hellrider
    3 Lightning Mauler
    1 Pyreheart Wolf
    4 Rakdos Cackler
    1 Stonewright
    4 Stromkirk Noble
    2 Zealous Conscripts
Lands (24)
    15 Mountain
    4 Clifftop Retreat
    4 Sacred Foundry
    1 Slayers' Stronghold
Spells (9)
    2 Boros Charm

    4 Searing Spear
    3 Pillar of Flame
    4 Reckless Waif
    3 Volcanic Strength
    2 Boros Charm
    2 Skullcrack
    3 Mizzium Mortars
    1 Pillar of Flame

Mono-White Humans, Jared Blumberg, 9th Place 

Creatures (33)
    4 Boros Reckoner
    4 Champion of the Parish
    4 Elite Inquisitor
    3 Fiend Hunter
    4 Knight of Glory
    4 Silverblade Paladin
    3 Sublime Archangel
    4 War Falcon
    3 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
Lands (23)
    23 Plains
Spells (4)
    4 Blind Obedience
    2 Witchbane Orb
    1 Fiend Hunter

    2 Nevermore
    2 Oblivion Ring
    4 Rest in Peace
    4 Faith's Shield


Just for the record, here is the rather diverse field of builds at the StarCityGames Standard Open from last weekend in Edison, New Jersey.

Jund Midrange    1st     William Postlethwait
Esper Control    2nd     Chris Marshall  
Naya Zoo    3rd     Richard Nguyen  
Junk Midrange    4th     John Pietrowski  
Jund Aggro    5th     Ty Holden  
Boros Aggro    6th     Clayton Gereffi  
Naya Humans    7th     Paul Brown  
Boros Aggro    8th     Dan Walton



Tumblr Time

Happy Friday MTG peeps,

Here in Barrie, Ontario (Canada-Land) we got walloped with over three feet of snow and it continues to snow which means we might not be able to get out to Friday Night Magic tonight (on the other end of the city).  Instead we plan to game with some new builds we are working with now that we have most the new Magic: the Gathering Gatecrash cards.

Anywhoos - before we get along to today's post, we want to yatter a bit about some Dagon's Maze (the next new set) rumours and news circulating around the web.  The first is official from the mothersite - the Dragon's Maze 'Buy-a-Box' promo is Render Silent.  We don't know what this rare may do but rest assured, it's a non-creature spell.  Next up - a rumour.  There is some unsubstantiated rumours that Dragon's Maze will have a mythic-rare land which provides an alternate-win condition.  Essentially similar to 'Thawing Glaciers', this will tap for a colourless mana, and allow you to pay three mana, tap and search your library for a Gate card and put it into play.  Having ten or more 'Gates' on your side of the gametable would win you the game. 

Another recent piece of news comes from the U.S. trade / copyright office where a "Journey into Nyx" Trademark application was submitted by Wizards of the Coast.  This could easily be a Dungeon's and Dragon's product or perhaps the name of the next block - so speculate away.  Some MTG fans postulate that this could be a block with a setting on the Plane of Arkhos as suggested on the Future Sight card 'River of Tears' and the Planechase card 'Lethe Lake'.

Righto - let's get on to today's re-posts from our sister site MTG Realm on Tumblr !


Magic: the Gathering - by RandallRysorian Badger don’t care ~
Magic: the Gathering - Panoramic Views stitched together by Raklor
Basic Land arts side-by-each from Scars of Mirrodin
Magic: the Gathering - Panoramic Views stitched together by Raklor
Basic Land arts side-by-each from Scars of Mirrodin
InQuest Gamer was a prominent monthly gaming magazine. Originally, the magazine was named InQuest and focused solely on trading card games; InQuest, along with its competitor Scrye, were the two major CCG magazines. The magazine was published by Wizard Press.  Inquest Gamer ceased publication as of September 2007.The InQuest magazine is famous for its extensive use of inserts. Most of them are pure advertisement material but once in a while, game accessories are added. In issue #13 (may, 1996) a Magic life counter was included featuring the image of Hurloon Minotaur, at this time an iconic creature of Magic. Life is tracked by spinning a wheel printed with numbers ranging from 1 to 60, divided on both sides. This design proved to be useful, and many future life counters made use of it.
InQuest Gamer was a prominent monthly gaming magazine. Originally, the magazine was named InQuest and focused solely on trading card games; InQuest, along with its competitor Scrye, were the two major CCG magazines. The magazine was published by Wizard Press.  Inquest Gamer ceased publication as of September 2007.

The InQuest magazine is famous for its extensive use of inserts. Most of them are pure advertisement material but once in a while, game accessories are added. In issue #13 (may, 1996) a Magic life counter was included featuring the image of Hurloon Minotaur, at this time an iconic creature of Magic. Life is tracked by spinning a wheel printed with numbers ranging from 1 to 60, divided on both sides. This design proved to be useful, and many future life counters made use of it.
Magic: the Gathering - When Walls go Wrong
Hover Barrier, Return to Ravnica Uncommon.  Card art illustrated by Mathias Kollros.
Magic: the Gathering - When Walls go Wrong
Hover Barrier, Return to Ravnica Uncommon.  Card art illustrated by Mathias Kollros.
Magic: the Gathering - Take-Out
Orzhov • Pizza - 30 minutes or a lifetime indebtedness !
Magic: the Gathering - Take-Out
Orzhov • Pizza - 30 minutes or a lifetime indebtedness !
Magic: the Gathering - Ravnica Careers
Employee of the month - Bob, Simic Janitor
Magic: the Gathering - Ravnica Careers
Employee of the month - Bob, Simic Janitor
Magic: the Gathering - ‘Time of Heroes’ - Rise of the Eldrazi, Uncommon Enchantment, illustrated by Kekai Kotaki.
Eldrazi are quite often irritating pricks to Zendikar denizens.
Magic: the Gathering - ‘Time of Heroes’ - Rise of the Eldrazi, Uncommon Enchantment, illustrated by Kekai Kotaki.
Eldrazi are quite often irritating pricks to Zendikar denizens.


Exquisite Orzhov

Happy Thursday MTG peeps,
We here at MTG Realm are at it again - deck-brewing for standard constructed.  We've accumulated a sufficient number of new Magic: the Gathering Gatecrash cards to be able to start testing a few strategies for tomorrow's Friday Night Magic event at our local card shop and of course over the weekend.  Yesterday we looked at a sample Simic (green / blue) strategy to play and evaluate some of the new cardboard awesomeness.  Today, we're looking at an Orzhov (black / white) but more specifically, the Exquisite Blood and Vizkopa Guildmage 'infinite' combo in an Orzhov shell.  We've put together and taken apart this several times and through discussions with our group, decided on this particular pile of 60 cards.

Our overall goal in this is to live for just enough turns to have both Exquisite Blood and Vizkopa Guildmage on the game table.  After these two have met, we will pour our three mana (1WB) to activate the Guildmage’s second ability, promptly followed by triggering a lifegain.  The options are faitly open at this point - we could swing in with a lifelinking attacker, pay the one black or white mana to extort a spell or just a bump in the night to get the ball rolling.

Here's our draft list . . .
22 Lands
2x Vault of the Archangel
2x Godless Shrine
4x Isolated Chapel
6x Swamp
6x Plains

19 Creatures

4x Cathederal Santifier
3x Vizkopa Guildmage
3x Blood Artist
4x Vampire Nighthawk
3x Rhox Faithmender
2x Ozbedat, Ghost Council

19 Other Spells
2x Blind Obediance
3x Sign in Blood
4x Orzhov Charm
2x Orzhov Keyrune
2x Chalice of Life / Chalice of Death
3x Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
3x Exquisite Blood
Still developing a sideboard against the new and forever changing metagame.  For now however, we do have a few Faith's Shield in the sideboard board may save either our Guildmage creature or the Exquisite Blood enchantment as well as some Elixir of Immortality which not only will give us a lifegain but also some protection against all the new mill builds we expect.  We also wanted to be able to have a plan 'B' and included Chalice of Life / Chalice of Death which we loved since it was reprinted - having this artifact flip and pinging for five is solid good.

Anywhoos - any MTG Realm reader out there have an Orzhov build they would like to share - drop your ideas or your list in the comments below !


Simic Sampler

Happy Wednesday MTG peeps,
With each new Magic: the Gathering set, we here at MTG Realm love to work out a few casual (sixty-card standard constructed) builds to explore the new mechanics and some key cards.  Too often we gather a collection of new cards which simply just hits our shelf not to get gamed with again.  The greatest compliment we can get from another player at a Friday Night Magic event is a comment along the lines of 'wow, what's that card - that's actually pretty good' or some such thing.  With more tournament-worthy 'net decks' becoming prevalent / popular at local gaming stores, we're seeing less and less cards from any new set with only a dozen or so 'good' cards seeing prevalent play.  That's just one reason we like to toy with our new 'sampler' builds to showcase more of the new cards with our group at our kitchen table.

Anywhoos - here's one of those 'sampler' builds featuring Gatecrash's Simic Combine and their new mechanic 'evolve'.  We particularly love the mana acceleration possible here with Gyre Sage and Somberwald Sage to drop increasingly larger threats onto the battlefield.

23 Lands : 10 x Forest, 6 x Island, 4 x Hinterland Harbor, 2 x Breeding Pool, 1 x Alchemist's Refuge

30 Creatures : 4 x Arbor Elf, 3 x Experiment One, 3 x Cloudfin Raptor, 3 x Gyre Sage, 2 x Elusive Krasis, 3 x Somberwald Sage, 2 x Drakewing Krasis, 2 x Nimbus Swimmer, 2 x Fathom Mage, 2 x Maste Biomancer, 2 x Prime Speaker Zegana, 1 x Soul of the Harvest, 1 x Worldspine Wurm

7 Other Spells : 3 x Simic Charm, 2 x Simic Keyrune, 2 x Increasing Savagery

If, over the next few weeks, we like the 'feel' of this deck, we will likely drop a few cards, pick up a few additional copies at MTG Mint Card to give it a more competitive profile and take it for a spin at our local gaming store, OMG! Games here in Canada-Land just north of Toronto. 

Our buddy Marvel Sutantio in Jakarta, Indonesia had some very excellent points regarding strategy and the new Simic 'evolve' mechanic.  Here's his solid points . . .

• Having Ajani, Caller of the Pride giving +1/+1 counters to Fathom Mage (and for Zameck Guildmage) can consistently give you a free card draw every turn. Ajani curves extremely well with Fathom Mage too.

• A good evolve deck IMHO doesn't rely on accumulating +1/+1 counters on a specific key creature. Those counters are just tools, a win more card. So cards such as Ooze Flux, Simic Manipulator, Simic Fluxmage aren't useful. I think the deck best work using both green & white's "standard" powerful creatures while giving them those +1/+1 as a win more mechanism.

• Sooo in conclusion, I think the deck should use creatures like Centaur Healer, Loxodon Smiter, Thragtusk, Armada Wurm, to evolve Elusive Krasis (Unblockable finisher), Gyre Sage (Mana booster to cast the bigger guns) & Fathom Mage (card drawer). Plus having Master Biomancer active to boost the big guns to be even bigger. Prime Speaker Zegana is sweet as another card drawer in the deck.

• IMO Simic Charm is probably the only charm worth playing in this kind of deck

• Another thing I've been thinking about is Unleash. Making a UGR deck using Unleash as an initial source of +1/+1 counters then spreading them out can be quite interesting....

• Though it probably won't be as versatile as Scavenge. Filtering / drawing cards using Grisly Salvage then Scavenging Dreg Mangler & Deadbridge Goliath can be quite interesting. Especially with Gyre Sage giving the much needed mana boost to pay for the Scavenge costs. Lotleth Troll can give extra +1/+1 counters too. But the sickest combo in this UBG deck would be Corpsejack Menace + Master Biomancer.




Gatecrash Top Non-Rares

Happy Tuesday MTG peeps,

We are very happy to received our bulk lot of Gatecrash 4x Uncommons and 4x Commons we pre-ordered from MTG Mint Card.  The order was processed on Friday 1st, shipped from Hong Kong and was in our paws on Monday 4th, February -THAT was damn fast.  With 101 commons and 80 commons, we now have 724 Magic: the Gathering cards obtained at a very good price.  Why?  After two pre-release events, a fat pack, and a handful of boosters, we were still missing quite a few rather important cards we wanted to build with, and definitely nowhere near the decksets we needed to go forward.  

Anywhoos - now that we have all the uncommons and commons, it's time now for our Top 8 picks for both these rarities.  Our selection is based upon what we experienced during sealed gaming and our evaluation of how we feel these non-rares will perform in the new standard constructed environment.  Here's the video first . . .
Gatecrash - Top 8 Uncommons : Boros Charm / Skullcrack / Dimir Charm / Burning Tree Emissary / Ghor Clan Rampager / Orzhov Charm / Simic Charm / Wight of Precinct Six

Gatecrash - Top 8 Commons : Devour Flesh / Basillica Screecher / Smite / Cloudfin Raptor / Forced Adaptation / Executioner's Swing / Pit Fit / Beckon Apparition

If you have an Uncommon or Common card that you think will rock standard, please drop your thoughts in the comment thingy below.
