Showing posts with label Altered Bits zine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Altered Bits zine. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

and the winner is...

Elena of Bicocacolors!

Congratulations Elena and 
many thanks to everyone who entered and 
left such kind comments about the book 
and my entry.

The deadline for the next zine submission 
is October 31, 2011. 
If you'd like to find out how to 
submit artwork for consideration 
visit Altered Bits here for all the details!

Friday, June 17, 2011

hot off the press!

Alicia Caudle has just introduced her 
first ever print issue of the
Altered Bits Mixed Media Art Zine. 

Not only is Alicia an amazing mixed media artist 
but her digital design will blow your mind...
every page is fresh and unique down to the smallest detail!

This dynamic work of art is available for purchase at amazon or at 
 lulu where you can choose either print copy or digital download.

If you'd like a chance to win a copy...
please leave a comment below and I'll draw a lucky winner 
on Wednesday, June 22nd.

As one of the 21 artists featured in this exciting new book, 
I am honored to have my work included...

In addition, I'm pleased to announce that I am the spotlight artist
with a personal interview and a few of my works highlighted. 
I couldn't be more thrilled to have been chosen to 
be part of such an inspiring project! 

Many thanks Alicia!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

noir et blanc

It's here for your viewing pleasure!
I'm talking about the spectacular Black and White zine 
published by Alicia of Altered Bits!
Big congratulations to her as this is her third online art zine!
Click here to be taken to the new zine as well as her
previous zines and information regarding future
issues and artwork submissions.

A big thank you Alicia for including my work
the "art of being mae"
in this issue!

Monday, September 14, 2009

the meme, the bad and the ugly

seems pretty clear doesn't it?
(no, I don't mean the photo taken with my iphone
while dodging oncoming vehicle)
i's right in the middle of the road.
o.k. I'm a runner.
ran my first marathon in 1997 so i've been on the streets
for quite a while, so to say.
so this is not a momentary gripe.
i must have counted at least 25 cars that did not stop...
not even slow down
while i was waiting on the white painted crosswalk...
including the guy in the convertible
who watched me as he sped right past this sign in the middle of the road.
"don't worry" i told him pointing to the sign "that doesn't apply to you"
he had no idea what i was talking about.
that's scary.
in fact there are two signs about 30 yards apart at this crosswalk.
nobody seems to think it applies to them
how crazy is that? maybe they can't see or read...
but then should they be driving a car?
i ride a road bike as well but I'm not even going there today...
please drive safely
the life you save might be your own.
anyway...this post was written in the spirit of the
kind and good meme award
 which was passed along to me by the lovely sweetheart 
Alicia who at this very moment is
working feriously on the next issue of the Altered Bits art zine!
this award requires me to reveal 7 things about myself
before passing it onto 7 other people.
this is an obvious challenge for me as my post today is #1.
I am going to reserve the other 6
until they come to mind and
i promise they won't
be commentary on bad human behavior!
Thanks Alicia!

Monday, September 7, 2009

how the west was won...

"art of being mae"
"Love isn't an emotion or an instinct...It's an Art"
~Mae West
My challenge piece for Altered Bit's Black and White ezine
to be published in early September.
Deadline is past for this issue but you can find more information
about upcoming issues here. 
Check out the current Odd Numbers zine issue while you're there!
It's a bevy of imaginative works of art and
the ultimate in publication design
by the very talented and gifted Alicia.
