Showing posts with label golf fixes everything. Show all posts
Showing posts with label golf fixes everything. Show all posts

Monday, August 31, 2015

Training Day

Okay so this is 2.5 minutes you will never get back.  But it's a pleasant little trifle for golfers.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

So you think you can Mungowitz

People, this is EXACTLY how Mungowitz tends the pin when you golf with him.


Every time.

Sure it seems cute, but believe me, it gets pretty old by the 5th hole.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Tommy the Tenured Brit sent in this sign (click for a larger image):


1.  Would this be Allen Iversen's favorite golf course, or Michael Jackson's?  Or both?

2.  Why no apostrophe for possesive?  Is "childrens" just the plural of "children" in England?  I think "churrins" would be the correct form of that.

3.  The dog poop sign:  clearly an afterthought.  Perhaps they should allow practise after all.  And maybe learn how to spell "practice."  Allen Iversen could help with that.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I'll Just Pick Up

So, if you are playing golf, and one of the other members of the foursome said, "I'll just pick up, I've lost this hole," you might not expect to see what is described here

But then you likely don't belong to such a high class, "exclusive" golf club, you loser.

With thanks to S.W. who writes:

My favorite quote: "several members urinated on one of the greens, in the presence of the caddie, a female, and one or more of the members deliberately exposed themselves to her while urinating. I suspect that this is also a crime in Georgia."

I seem to recall golf being a Scottish invention. How peculiar that its adherents have become uptight about allowing a good breeze to waft 'cross the withers.

Heh, heh.  He said "waft."

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Lucky, sure, but....

So, hitting from sharply downhill lie on lip of water, he skips the ball across the water, and then.... well, you'll see.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Strokes of genius

Raul Castro is a genius. He has figured out the key to development. People, it's condos and golf courses:

Cuba has begun allowing foreign investors to lease government land for up to 99 years, a step toward a future that could be filled with golf courses ringed by luxury villas, beachfront timeshares and vacation homes for well-heeled tourists....

The new law makes it clear Cuba is looking to boost profits, saying the step is necessary "for the sustainable development of the country and the international economy."

People, this move is all about generating $$$ for the Castro brothers and will not do much for actual Cuban people. I guess it may create "sustainable" custodial and landscaping jobs.