Showing posts with label Bloggie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bloggie. Show all posts

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Project 365: #3

There goes my Sunday - Photo taken this evening, was discussing for the 'War Cry' video thingy with the team. We're now still working on the video and poster too, hopefully our team got selected. *Mesti boleh can!* lolol..

Project 365: #3

Pssyla beads by Miss Twenty...

kthxbai =)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Random: Christmas Bokeh.

Yeah! Blog is dead for weeks, one random photo for the day. Getting lazier to update blog after back from work, just feel like relaxing at home online-facebook-plurk. Catch me up in Facebook for my recent photo outing, gonna update Avira studio photo shoot soon once I get approval from the 'boss'.. lolol

One photo for tonight, I feels:

Colorful Depth of field

Monday, November 30, 2009

I’m a Sherlock Holmes in the Making

I’m a Sherlock Holmes in the Making

Nuffnang Premiere Screening – Sherlock Holmes

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy 2 Years Old -


May the 13th,

Time flies so fast, it been 2 years since I started these blog. Browsing thru all the post makes me emo for sometimes, miss the time when outing with my classmates (AMLers), the time we went to Klang, Taman Pertanian, CNY 'bai nian' day, etc. Aihzzzz!

Anyhow, let's check back some of my photos post in these 2 years.

Randomly chosen post:
My first winning of photography competition, Visited Malacca with the gang of 4, First Hot Air Balloon, Korean BBQ with FYP gang, Kajang Satay with AMLers, Visited Broga Hill, Been to MIFA Fashion Show, Visited Sekinchan, First PC Fair with my dSLR, First time visited Penang, Visited Desa Park City, Eye on Malaysia,

***Happy 2 years old***

Friday, May 8, 2009

Malaysian Dreamgirl 2 - Grand Finale.

I've followed one of the Malaysia's hottest online reality series Malaysian Dreamgirl 2 for the past 2 months. Now here's my chance to catch the girls live on the runway one more time and see how it all ends!

Malaysian Dreamgirl 2 Grand Finale will be held in The Curve next coming Friday. I'm definitely going with my gang. Anyone going? See you there!

Grand Finale at The Curve.

15 May 2009
: 7pm onwards
The Curve, Mutiara Damansara

If you haven't watch MDG2, check out the girls performance at

Saturday, December 6, 2008

New. Bolt. Birthday.

3 short talk for now...

1) Finally I changed my blog header! It's about half year didn't do anything for it. Happy with it now.. =)

New blog header

2) Oh ya! Yesterday I went to Pavilion with the gang for "Bolt" the movie. Awesome 3D's, damn nice. The dog was damn cute as well, worth to watch in cinema. I would rate 10/10!

3) Happy Birthday Chicken! Stay healthy!

photo taken from dylan's blog

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Adverlets: Movie Date!

get to know this from

Okie. Just wanna try my luck here. =D

Joined for quite a time and this is my 1st time to write a post for movie date.

Why I will like to join for a movie date to watch Made Of Honour, with Advertlets!?
- perhaps it's a chance for me to meet up with other bloggers. movie watching together with all bloggers *blink* should be fun I guess. (simple-kan)

Hope I can make it, and joining Adverlets for a big movie date!

Do you want to have a date?
Just write a post on your blog, and tell why you’ll like to join Adverlets for a movie date. click here to Advertlets blog

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Classic Cheese

Happy 1st Birthday to munster0606.blogspot..

Blog 1st Birthday - 13 May

a day late to post about this, date 13 of May which is my blog 1 year old. feel like buying a cake to post with. anyway, i damn tiring now.. another makan makan, jalan jalan outings..

I ate durian durian durian!! durian! damn nice.. long time din eat liao.. XD

it's time to sleep now, good nitez everyone & happy 1st baladay to my blog.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Bloggie Header for May 2008

weee.. Blog header for May 2008..


cantik-nyer this header.. lame.. XD

Omg! tomolo's monday!!!!!!! No need to work!!!!!
Boss said since the new computers haven't come, I can continue my work at home! *syokness*

Thursday, April 17, 2008

New Blog Header

due to the boredom in office, I just changed my blog header..
anyways it just a simple header.. ahaha

how's the header?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

New Header

This is Year 2008! You must have something new!
This is my new header!

New Header

Just uploaded my new header. What do you guys think?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Munster gone banana

Yeah! This is , you are here right now!

Okies. Just changed my blog header and some font colors. Why changed? Cos previously header very the sien edi, it's time to change. I had chosen yellow for header and fonts, and now overall my blog kinda looks like banana. I love yellow can!?

Apparently, I didn't update my blog for so so so long, I meant very long time no update! Sigh~ apa boleh buat?.. Got a lot things to blog it but I just don't have the feelings to blog. How ar? Anyone's mahu offer me counselling? XD (Asked Si 20, she says 5 bucks for counselling me. So baik? vomitted).

Anyways, I just wanna shout "Munster gone bananas!!!!"

Note: She's coming back tomorrow from hospital. Yeah!!
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