"Financial interests are driving Haim Ramon to ask to block the transition to direct talks".
Yesterday, we posted that Haim Ramon (Kadima party chief) met with PA Negotiator Saeb Erekat at the American Colony Hotel and advised him to not go to direct talks with Israel.
According to the article, Ramon stated to Erekat that Shimon Peres and another unnamed third party were behind the request to avoid direct talks.
Anonymous government officials claimed that the unnamed third party is Martin Schlaff.
Martin Schlaff was one of the investors in the Peace Process Casino is Jericho, and is under investigation for questionable transactions involving Ariel Sharon and his sons. He was also involved in the arrangement with the ship from Libya that was trying to go directly to Gaza.
By the way, Shimon Peres and Haim Ramon had lunch together on July 7.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
Kiss and Sell(out) - loved that tweet.
so,wait- do we want direct talks or not? i'm confused.
We don't want direct talks. But we are also tired of the Profiteers of Peace selling us out since Oslo.
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