Showing posts with label CNN lies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CNN lies. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

CNN knows (and loves) their Teargas

Wonderfully amusing CNN video came out today about teargas in Tunisia.

It's not a story about the Tunisian riots, but more about the CNN staff's experience with teargas.

In the story the reporters are joking about the tear gas, they're describing its effects. There going back into the the clouds of it. They actually seem to be enjoying themselves overall.

In the video you see people coming out of massive clouds of teargas.

No one dies of course from the tear gas, just like no one died in Bil'in despite what the Useful Twittiots still like to claim.

And speaking of Bil'in, we'll have some new and interesting news for you hopefully soon as the army has just completed its investigation and determined that what's her name, oh yeah, Abu Rahma, died from being treated with the wrong medication (overdose of Atropine) in the hospital, and that she was indoors, not near the demonstration.

But more on Bil'in and their Useful Twittiots another time.

My favorite line in the video was:

(4:35) "Barry, Ben and Mary have been gassed enough to talk about the difference betwen the tear gas in Tunisia versus let's say the West Bank and Gaza. Having savored the West Bank style I can tell you that it's very choking, but theirs [Tunis] sound particularly nasty."

There you have it. CNN declares that Israeli tear gas is not the worst in the world.

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