Cross Israel [Highway] Baby: Woman gives birth on Highway 6 shoulder, baby receives lifetime "toll free" highway access.
One of the myths that we all know from birth, and it's unsure whether it's an urban legend or truth, is that someone born on an airplane is entitled to lifetime free flights on that airline, or in the country where the person was born.
This way or that, a baby born last week in Israel affirmed the myth -- even if only partially. Yediot Achronot reports that a woman from Kiryat Malachi gave birth last week to a baby on on the shoulder of Highway 6 (Cross Israel Highway) on her way to the "Assaf Harofeh" Hospital in Tzrifin; the baby was give lifetime "toll free" highway access.
The husband delivered the baby in the backseat of their car, receiving instructions from Magen David Adom by mobile phone. Afterwards, the baby and mothered were taken a nursery [Jameel: I assume at the hospital].
Yehuda Wilk, CEO of "Derech Eretz" which operates Highway 6, announced to the new parents about their new economic benefit when he learned of the birth. However, the parents will need to wait patiently till their son receives his driver's license, as only he [the baby] is entitled to the benefit.
While it sounds like a great gimmick, the "Derech Eretz" company is only the operator of Highway 6 for an additional 20 years from. After that, the ownership reverts back to the State of Israel, who most probably will not honor the special benefit...
Snopes has the full story on free flights for babies born on planes (and it is a myth)
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