"The [school] bus wasn't that badly damaged, but Israel wants to use the attack on the bus as an excuse for its latest war crime against our people."
Wow. Hamas fires an anti-tank missile at a school bus...the PA decides it wasn't badly damaged...and then Israel used the damage on the bus as an "excuse" to attack Israel.
No mention of actual human beings injured in the attack...the 16 year old teenager in critical condition. All that matters to Salam Fayyad's adviser Omar Al-Ghoul is that "the bus wasn't that badly damaged"...
Of course, this incitement was broadcast on PA TV...along with shifting all the blame of the attack to Israel:
"Israel is a country that was founded on aggression and colonialism, and it lives on the continuation of bloodshed, war and violence. The racist Israeli apartheid state is incapable of turning to peace and coexistence between nations... This aggression is currently focused on Gaza, under the pretext of a shell being fired at an Israeli bus. The [school] bus wasn't that badly damaged, but Israel wants to use the attack on the bus as an excuse for its latest war crime against our people." (source)This is so typical of the Palestinian Authority. It's no wonder their society produces suicide bombers and butchers of families and babies.
It starts with completely ignoring human life -- and focusing on something as stupid as the "damage to a bus."
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