Not just any Burger King..."Adam's" Burger King.
Wondering if Adam's restaurant was part of the Global Burger King franchise, I wrote to Burger King for comment.
from Jameel Rashid muqata@gmail.comI'll let you know what reply I get from Burger King...opening Jameel's Burger King or The Muqata Burger King sounds like a great opportunity, and we could even sell waffles as well.
date Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 2:22 PM
subject Franchising Burger King in the West Bank Palestinian Areas
Dear Burger King - International Franchise Division,
While driving to work last week, I drove through the West Bank Palestinian town of Hawara, and noticed the "Adam's Burger King" eatery on the main road (highway 60).
I assume its a legally franchised operation because they use the Burger King trademarked logo, with the word "Adam's" in the top yellow bun. (See enclosed)
What franchise opportunities exist for opening an additional Burger King in the Palestinian territories?
I would like to open "Jameel's Burger King" in Ramallah, across the street from the Muqata government compound, with the same type of logo ("Jameel's" in the top yellow bun), or perhaps "The Muqata Burger King." Both of these would be very popular names for the restaurant, and I'm sure people would enjoy eating at a quality Burger King restaurant in Ramallah.
Is this a possibility?
Thanks very much!
Jameel Rashid
Jameel @ The Muqata
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