Mckmama Fan Vs. Anti Mckmama
Why I was a fan of Mckmama
Part 1
I have referred to the blogger Jennifer Mckinney AKA Mckmama the author of the blog My Charming Kids. I “met” Jennifer a little over a year ago. I came across her blog via another heart blog. She was asking for prayers for her sweet little boy Stellan who was born with a Congenital Heart Defect. They live in the Midwest and were receiving cardiac care at our very own Children’s Hospital, Boston.
At the time I totally felt connected to her, she was living and feeling what I have felt since Kathryn was in my tummy. I was also drawn to her bright colorful photographs of her beautiful children,and her creative writing. When she wrote her feelings and fears…I just felt connected not only as a baby wearing, breast feeding, picture taking, blogging, teacher, mommy…but also as a fellow heart mom. Because even though at that time (and truth be known I still resent that I am one) I am a heart mom, and I do believe that us heart moms need to stick together, as do moms in general.
Anyway, I was a Mckmama Fan…I checked her blog daily…sometimes multiple times a day. Looking for an update on her sweet baby. I prayed for her, for Stellan, and her family at home.
On one of her trips to Boston, alone with Stellan at Children’s I contacted her via Facebook, since she had said that she was sick of Au Bon Pain and hospital food and offered to bring her up a meal. Since I know first hand how tiring the food at Children’s can get and I also thought that maybe a fellow heart mom might be a comfort to her during a difficult time. (She was all alone, I can’t imagine doing it alone)
So I headed up with lunch a few magazines and a gift for Stellan. Drove to Boston headed to 8 South (Cardiac ICU) stopped at the desk asked them to let Jennifer Mckinney know that I was there. They called Stellan’s nurse and she responded that Mrs. McKinney is not taking visitors. WHAT?! I just emailed her that I was coming, arranged childcare for my two kids and headed in to Boston. OK, well life in CICU changes in a moment,and maybe she was busy with the doctors or maybe Stellan wasn’t doing well. I left her lunch and gifts and went on my way.
I didn’t do any of that for a thank you… I didn’t do it for praise… I did it because it’s what I would hope would be done for me. If I was in a strange city, in a hospital, alone with my baby without my husband.
Was I disappointed that she didn’t take the time to let me know she had at least gotten it? When I saw that she had time to blog and FB about other things…a bit. Considering I did email her to make sure she got it. But, I digress… That has nothing to do with why I am now Anti Mckmama…
I will have to save that for Post 2…since I am blogging from the car and starting to feel a bit car sick!!
Part 2
So where was I….oh yeah! Why I am now Anti Mckmama… I guess I don’t know if that is really true. I do follow the Mckmama Without Pity more often than I do Jennifer’s blog…I guess I like the gossip and drama!!
I do wonder why so many people myself included care about what drives Jennifer to blog, and if it is all true. Really what difference does it make?! Why do we care, its her blog she can do with it what she wishes.
Clearly she is doing something right since she has a large following and is able to provide enough for her family so both her and her husband can stay home (this is not a proven fact… this is my interpretation of things I have read about her)
Maybe, people are jealous…damn, I wish my blog could support my family! I am excited if I get one comment. HA!
I know for me… I became questionable of her and her motives and went from a fan to almost anti….when she was really dramatizing Stellan’s heart condition.
I felt she was playing on my emotions and although I have no doubt that Stellan’s heart condition was in fact serious. He was healed. The doctor’s were able to fix his heart so he was no longer a sick CHD baby! Amazingly wonderful news. News that most heart moms (and dads) never hear. Since a lot of CHD’s are not curable.
The fact that Stellan is healthy and has been for quite sometime, and she still has up the pray for Stellan button with the picture of him at his sickest, is disturbing to me. I have similar pictures of Katy… from when she was very sick… I can barely look at them let alone post them to my blog. (I suppose I would if they were the only pictures I had…thankfully they aren’t)
So that is my humble opinion on Mckmama… Maybe you have never even heard of her…and I am just generating more traffic to her blog… if that’s the case…”your welcome, Jennifer” since I know you are much to busy to thank me!