Should be a fun filled time - obviously my
favorite eldest son is not quite the fan
I thought he'd be a this age.
Santa was amused though and
Santa was also a woman.
Favorite youngest son never had an issue.
He knew who he had to butter up and
had the innocent "who me" look down to a science.
I'm sure I did pages, however, I'm thinking
these were done way back in the day
A. may not have been photographed because blogs
weren't quite there yet or,
B. They are soooooo bad they'll never see the light of day.
Now I have to look.
Looks like its B.
This page is ME and my dad played Santa.
And I never knew - mom told me the story when
we found this photo. Priceless as my shock.
Keep in mind these were all done in 2006 and
I belonged to a design team that GAVE you the papers
and you had to work with it whether it was your style or not.
I'm not sure I actually had a style then. Everyone was kinda
floundering except for the graphic designers and artists.
They had a bead on it.
I really tried to emulate them.
I worked at a LSS and this page was designed with
Pages by Designs templates and classes were
held to learn how to use said templates and sketches.
This page was designed by that.
This is kind of surprising since it breaks the floating/sneeze rule.
Well 2 items of them do.
AND aren't rules just made for breaking.