Showing posts with label prima flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prima flowers. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Additional pages in my Travelers Notebook

I am actually loving how this notebook is coming together.
Even with the lack of dimension.
This photo was made in the collage choice in Easy PhotoPrint editor.
So in the background is a faded covered bridge that
covers the entire page and the others nesting in it.
Pretty cool - there is supposed to be text in the first block
but I couldn't figure that part out. LOL.
Finally got that 82 out of my stash!
 Just having fun with die cut embellies and love the 
photo with the lighthouse behind our home.
And because the patch had bling - there's bling going on there.
It's so much fun exploring and that bridge
is amazing - high and deep sprouting up from the gorge.
 This is from our ride through the backroads that take
you from one cool town to another.
And then my favorite road to hate. LOL.
 The abandoned mine was huge.
The conveyor runs at least 1300 feet and was
designed by Henry Ford.
It made the workers lives easier in getting the coal to the train.

Tim Holtz, Studio Calico, MS alpha punch (ooohh)
 prima flowers, Quikutz dies

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Travelers Notebook - Heceta Lighthouse

Lighthouses just make me swoon.
They are just soooo cool looking, have "romantic" pasts
that involved a lot of work and sometime solitary existences for
the lightkeepers. So yeah my darling sweet hubby 
chases down lighthouses for me.
 I remembered I had some thread so I popped some
in along with some frayed "cloth" for
some dimension and texture.
Some Tim Holtz paper.
Breaking out my MS alpha punch again.
Love that font.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Project Life page for Goldwell Open Air Museum

If you read my last post, it never alluded to the weird
size the project life pages are. 
This is the back side of Death Valley.
 The Last Supper and vignette of the crucifiction
just pulled me in.
The artist's rendition is soooo hauntingly beautiful.
This museum was on the way from Rhyolite on the
way to Death Valley........
Put all three on your bucket list.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Traveler's Notebook - Tote

I have been jonesing for this tote for awhile.
I love Duluth Trading. They are a tad expensive
but their quality rocks. 
I have purchased their clothing line.
Well made and last forever.
 I had the smaller version of this tote.
It's actually purse/pocketbook.
Well. Love all the pockets, the durability,
and cuteness but it was too small.
On the road.
 It's the grapefruit color. A really neat kind of corally orange.
Why be boring eh?
So I broke out my Button's galore, prima flower 
and the mushroom.
Using a Studio Calico stamp or two and cutting them out
made really need "words". 
Also the glassine bag - I kept it folded and then sliced that top 
and glued down the flap and tucked a journaling tag
inside. I think it's rather neat.

Anyway I love my tote.
Yeah it's heavy but it carries stuff that in using the
smaller purse, its still heavy and just being juggled which is
very annoying.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

TN - Fun page of our getaway

to the Keys.
Key Largo - John Pennecamp - a lovely state park
that I wasn't sure I would like.
However, it started out 3 days and ended up being 5.
Love spur of the moment stuff and love
that it totally worked out.
I took this lovely photo and printed it as a 4x6.
Not that I wanted to, but I printed from my phone and
I am not familiar with that, I am still an aperture user
but lately updates has been making it weird, so now
I'm attempting to use photos and my phone.
The phone only has one choice.
The best thing about aperture is I can take 2 or 4 2x3 photos
and print them all on a 4x6 - NO waste.
Photos is a joke. Really. And the superstar
Lightroom doesn't do it either.
So, enough with the whining...
As you will see, 4x6 landscape does not work in
the TN unless you split it in half
across the pages.
As my notebook is WAY TOO thick, it wouldn't
have worked out so I whacked the photo literally in half 
that fits on the page quite nicely.
Not the look I was going for but it worked.
 So using some die cuts and a flair as a sort of title
thing going on and a date banner because
when I stamped directly on the page
it was a bit screwed up because of the thickness.
Because of the way I took the picture,
I was able to split it.
I do love the result (and not wasting a 4x6)
and if was fun, we did use our bikes
a lot on this trip.

And, ta-da - this is the final page in this notebook
and now I get to start a new notebook.
I think I'm going to try to keep it flat-er.
*Laughing hysterically*

I changed the cover because it had 2018 on it
and of course I added 2019 photos into it.
I think you're supposed to run the month with
it but my months wasn't been exciting enough LOL.
It is quite thick.
Which is way I neeeeed to work on lack of dimension. 
Or not.
This book is now retiring to our storage locker and
I am currently working on a new one.
Exciting times as we are getting closer to hitting the road.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

TN - I have issues

I LOVE those cards from Paper Issues.
Their swag bags rock. 
I need to get a few more before leaving.
And that smiley - one of my favs LOL.
 So I actually do have hand/finger issues.
It seems that it was not arthrytis but Dupuytrens 
or Viking Hand.
It appears I have viking blood.
Anyhoo, I had a procedure done on each hand
that cut the growth that was pulling my fingers into a claw.
I now have almost normal hands.

It was done in the office, and I was using the hand
right after. I have to keep the brace on at night
to train my fingers to be straight.
I have a great doctor in case there are any
Vikings out there with clawed hands.
PM me. 

It is sooo cool. I can straighten my hand to
put lotion on those parts that are straight
and they look normal. 
More or less.

Studio Calico, Paper Issues

Monday, January 14, 2019

MM - That mushroom stencil

Has gotten around.
I did an Inky Quill thing while I had
that baby out and messy I 
plopped it in all 3 books - sometimes a few
times because - mostly because things didn't go well. 
 Also played with my new dylusion paints and after
watching Suzanne Rose and her amazing 
mushrooms - it just seemed to be the thing to do.
Again, my mushroom looks nothing like her's although
I can say I was extremely pleased how mine
turned out.
Also had a play day at Holli's where she had
that wonderful woman with a hat stamp
and it just totally makes the page.

That is a graduation photo of my mom and I'm
sure I scrapped it before but it just
totally worked out for this page and again,
I cut it out.
Because why not.
I'm liking that.