Showing posts with label rubons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rubons. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

'Twas a Banner Day!

Notice anything different??? 

My feet are wearing the same shoes. Woohoo!!! Good news on the footfront. Its healed; yet tender and tired. The caveat is to wear the sneakers until it aches and hurts, then break out the boot. I wore shoes for about 8 hours, moving around, but not bouncing off the rafters. and I'm good with that for a first day. Bonus!!! I don't have to sleep with it on anymore.

And then!!!
My first purchase of Basic Grey Warehouse box.
Its kind of like a grab bag with an attitude.
It wasn't what I thought it would be. 
I was thinking more lines, howevever, its about the
warehouse getting rid of old product to make room for the new.
I'm sure I'll be using quite a bit of this as Basic Grey
has always been my go-to line.
Especially when the mojo tanked.

The package of alphas - are alphas from all the lines and the embellishments
are the same - got stamps, bling, rubons, flowers, and enamels.
Lots of goodies.

The album is adorable - really adorable and I'll probably
dither about doing something with it because its 
really really adorable. LOL!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Using vellum embellishments & cover ups

Another fun page happening with the granddaughter. 
Although she looks a bit pensive, because after that slide was really
really high, once she slid down that first time,
all systems were go!
She would hop off the bottom, run back to the ladder and
practically knock her brothers aside to climbe back up.
It as very amusing to watch.

Therefore, it had to be a fun page.
Studio Calico to the rescue once again. (I know you're surprised).
Except for the alphas - that is QK Cosmopolitan.
A very fun, bubbly looking alpha.

Back to the vellum - the die cuts are scattered about the page in arrows, a layer 
that is actually a conversation bubble tucked in by the photo, 
the hearts and an @ that I love to use as her initial.
Vellum can be tricky adhering because 
whatever is behind it will show through.
I just used regular dotto repositionable adhesive
because honestly I don't care about it showing and it
proved to be almost transparent in some cases.

In full disclosure - remember the GO arrow stamped I used
on yesterday's page? Well I used it here
where those circles and doily papers cleverly cover them up.
Because I stamped directly onto the page
and I wanted the arrow to go toward the photo
the GO was OG. LOL
Can we say backwards???

OH OH and another booboo was a result in trying to gauge a rubon.
Hello today is a rubon and one of the easiest ones EVER,
which should've been a clue - because there was another that said
"let's do this" that I wanted on the page.
Only I couldn't figure out where.
So I laid it down and it partially stuck as I pulled it up because it was
not where I wanted it to be.
So under the cleverly placed washi tape - because well washi can go anywhere,
is the covered up half-stuck rubon. And just for good measure
I found a strip that said the same thing.


Friday, July 26, 2013

Sweet child of mine

Guns & Roses title - This is actually the only song of theirs I really liked. Obviously not a fan of AxelRose. But that's ok I'm not above snitching a title of theirs when need be.

The iphone photo was originally in color and I decided to play with B&W - not because there were clashy colors but because the pixels seemed to be smoother in B&W.

And it also worked better with the papers I picked out. I found this paper from Hobby Lobby by the Paper Studio. Its really flimsy so I backed it with some black bazzil. I broke out my new Heidi Swapp mist and played around. I started by sprinkling mist with the mister, but then I decided to mimic some others who slap mist on with a round paintbrush. I sortofkindof got the same effect they did.

I need more practice flinging.

I picked out bits and pieces of Bo Bunny and Authentique and whacked a journaling card in half. I found a place for my Studio Calico rubons (don't they make you swoon) and layered them and some wood do-dads. I tried gelatoes on the flower but it really didn't work so I broke out the watercolors. I also used some Pebbles (from SC Kit) stickers. to balance out that corner and slapped some feathers and a butterfly.

And then the title which took some brainstorming with April. After several lame tries (and I mean lame).  Wa-la. Then had to figure out how to get it on there. I had forgotten how much I love the labler and it was perfect.
The photo in color. It's sweet either way.
But I'm partial to b&w.
How about you?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Promised Soul

This is the baptism photo of my cousin Susan and her mom Aunt Sue.
My mom was chosen as her Godmother and was 
a proud and involved participant throughout Susan's life.
I remember Susan as a diamond in the rough.
She was sweet and fierce with those she loved and children absolutely adored her
and she absolutely adored them right back.
Sadly she never married nor had children of her own.
Sadly she passed at the young age of 50
and her story in battling her illness was one of bravery and faith.
I remember when we'd visit my grandmother, she'd always make
a special effort to come visit us during our time there.

Assorted papers and basic grey rubons that I layered. 
I went out to my ancestry line to look stuff up and all the information
I had mysteriously disappeared. Grrrr....

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Layering on - A double dawg dare.

First off, babybeast is momma's nickname because Grammy would never think
that sweet, adorable, loveable, Amelia could possibly be 
a babybeast. LOL!
I started this page with the red mat and built the rest around.
I liked the way it popped the photo.
I also loved this paper from Studio Calico kit and
this Authentique is perfect with it.
 Love washi tape and used it at the top and side to anchor the paper layers.
I then decided that something more was required.
I dug way back in stash and its either old Basic Grey or 7 Gypsies
rubons that I found. It was a long piece that I cut up at
various intervals to fit and layered it over the washi tape.
 Well. I had some bling laying about and hadn't used it like forever.
There were diamond and black. Swoon.
So I cut that up to fit. 
And then butterflies instead of flowers.
 It's been awhile since I did really girlie. In this corner I didn't use
the washi tape, but it looked blank so I added the rubons, bling and butterflies
and it balanced out the page. I also splattered some red mist about.
Back to the red, I love the saying on that strip from Authentique
sticker sheet  and it covers
up some goofy gluing I did and the hearts have the 
same function - a goofy corner that bothered me.
Then -I layered the title on top of everything
And in red because it just balanced the rest of the red out.
I had to resort to QK katie font because I didn't have enough red letters
and none that could genetically modified, nor were the white ones
I had the correct size. It was kinda fun to break out the dies.

So after a long and windy ride -