Showing posts with label winter chill preset. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter chill preset. Show all posts

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Scenes from Chincoteague and Assateague

This was the view from our campsite at Tom's Cove.
The lighthouse which is silent during day - does flash from dark to dawn.
Absolutely stunning!
If you look below the treeline to the right those
itty bitty dots are wild horses.
They come out every morning to graze - and that's about
as close as one can get.
And that's about the length on my Canon 80-300mm lens.
 They did come a wee bit closer.
But not much.
These two were amusing.
 Just sayin...

Scenes inside the wildlife refuge when we where
hunting for close ups of the horses.
 This was the trail to the lighthouse.
Beautiful walk.
 The lighthouse is beautifully kept with
rugged terrain around it - and dense - so you couldn't
see the horses on the other side of the trees.
I really tried.
 And I tried a Thomas Fitzgerald preset called "Winter Chill".
I quite love the look.
Makes it look old timey.