Viser innlegg med etiketten Challenge #25. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten Challenge #25. Vis alle innlegg

søndag 14. september 2014

BLOGHOP - Utfordring #25 GD og vinnere utfordring #24 / BLOGHOP - Challenge #25 GD and winners Challenge #24

Hei alle sammen, og velkommen til en ny utfordring her hos My Besties, denne gangen har vi i tillegg til vår utfordring også en bloghop!! / Hi everybody, and welcome to a new challenge here at My Besties Norge. In addition to our challenge, we also have a Blog Hop this time.

For å være med i trekningen på Blog Hop premiene må man; /
To be in the draw for the Blog Hop prizes you must;

1. følge My Besties Norge bloggen, / 1. Be a follower of the My Besties Norge blog.
2.Besøke alle på bloghoplisten, og legge igjen en kommentar.  / 2. Visit everybody on the bloghoplist, and leave a comment.
3. Ha bloghopbilde på siden din og link tilbake til oss! / Put the Bloghop pic in your blog and link back to us.

Her er alle bloggene dere må besøke: / Here is the blogs you need to visit!

My Besties Norge (you are here now)
Tina- Mari

Vi har 2 ekstra premier til Bloghopen. / We have 2 extra prizes for the Blog Hop.

1. Produktpakke (se bilde over her)/ 1. Product package ( see pic above)
2. Fem My Besties Digistempel / 2. Five My Besties digistamp.

Så bli med oss da vel!! / So please join us!
Vel vi må jo også trekke noen vinnere fra forrige utfordring, /well, we also need to pick some winners from last challenge as well;

Her kommer DT`s Topp 3 liste / Here comes the DT`s top 3 list:

DT gratulerer: / the DT congratulates:
Nr 1 VINNER / No 1.WINNER - 3 stk valgfrie* Sherri Baldy digis / 3 pcs Sherri Baldy digis of your choice*.

no 1. -13.Bea
Her har du et merke til bloggen din hvis du vil ha / Please grab the badge for your blog if you like!

eller denne / or this one:

Nr 2 / No 2
2 stk valgfrie* Sherri Baldy My Besties digis/ 2 pcs Sherri Baldy My Besties digis of your choice*

Nr 3 / No 3

1 stk valgfrie* Sherri Baldy My Besties digis / 1 pcs Sherri Baldy My Besties digis of your choice*.

Her har du et merke til bloggen din hvis du vil ha / Please grab the badge for your blog if you like!

eller denne / or this one

og vår Gjestedesigner til neste utfordring hvis hun vil er:

/ and we have picked one person who will be our Guestdesigner next challenge if she likes
and the GD Spot goes to:

Gratulerer så mye jenter - send meg en epost med digivalgene deres. Skriv plassering + Utfordring nr #XX i emnefeltet /
Congratulations Girls - Winners and GD please email me with your digichoices.
Please put your placement + Challenge no #XX in the subject field.

* Digiser av My Besties Norges utvalg / * Digis of the My Besties Norge`s selection.
Bare send inn dine ønsker - jeg har mange av dem. / Just send me your request, I have many of them. 

Email adress:
(or send a PM on Facebook; Eva Gro Røsok)


Og nå til vår GD - denne gangen fra USA/ 
And now to our GD - This time from USA :

Antoinette Tristan
Hello Everyone,
I am Antoinette Tristan born and raised in the United States in the State of Texas. I have known I love arts and crafts since I was a little girl. I found myself creating with paper Mache making brooches and even selling them to friends when I was a young teen to gather money to buy my Junior High Band shirt with my long name on it.  I was also blessed to have my Grandmother teach me how to embroider which I still love to do and hope to teach my 15 year old Grand Daughter. I went through a period of painting ceramics and even had requests from people who paid me to paint special items.  I even got into making hook loop rugs to frame and hang on walls. I even made a hook loop Christmas stocking for my one only Son which I still stuff with goodies and he is now 37 years old. And since I am talking about children…I cannot leave out I make my Furbaby a mini-piebald dachshund, Ms. Pepper her blinged out collar necklaces. I must say growing up and into adulthood I mostly loved to color in coloring books...who would have ever thought I would be coloring Stamps and Digital images as an older adult.  I guess I was getting practice.  I had seen stamps at the craft store but they never really caught my attention until I was introduced to the cyber world of Facebook and Blog Land. I started blog hopping and meeting all kinds of amazing crafters from all over the World showcasing all there fabulous talents and creativity. So I worked hard on creating my own Blog in 2012 and joined the Crafting world.  I kind of skipped the part of how I got started on Blogging. I had to take early retirement in July 2008 after working for 35 years for the same newspaper company due to health reasons spending lots of time in and out of the hospital (still) and in bed. I still have lots of issues but I have learned to enjoy life and God’s creations in slow motion and through my laptop. I have learned to keep a happy heart knowing God was there all along with me through the storms in life’s journey.
I love my new journey making new friends from all around the world.  It is amazingly fun…learning and sharing never-ending tips, techniques and new ideas. I also love that we all give creativity an added ingredient of ourselves when we share. I want to “Thank you” for letting me share my fun of creating with My Besties by the talented Artist Sherri Baldy. I hope I inspired you
 Here is my Card:

Utfordring #25 - / Challenge #25
Tema: Høst eller høstfarger
Theme: Autumn or autumncolors. (fall or fallcolors)

Her er litt inspirasjon fra våre flinke DT medlemmer /
Here are som inspiration from our talented DT members.

Motiv: Fancy Pants