Showing posts with label CA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CA. Show all posts


High School Graduations

Yesterday, I was making a quick trip to the grocery store and drove by my old high school, Millikan HS, here in Long Beach, I asked myself, "how did time pass this quickl"? I can still remember the cheer song that spelled out the name of my school. Great, now I won't be able to get it out of my head all day! I haven't traveled too far from my roots. Katie and her family now own my folks home that I grew up in. My house now is right around the corner from my first job I had at a dry cleaners. And the pizza restaurant we all hung out at in high school and college still sits next to the dry cleaner and now my family and I eat there. I'm on the left in the picture above and posing with my bestfriend since elementary school Donna Nagel. Peace and love were big back then considering we got ourselves over in the Vietnam "situation".

I loved high school, had lots of friends, in a soriety, life was good back then. My folks didn't have a lot of money but I never did without much. As I sat at the red light in my car watching all the kids leaving Millikan, carrying their yearbooks, some wearing the school color of blue & gold, I thought about my life and all the years that have passed since I was carrying my yearbook, and re-reading all the stuff my friends wrote in it. I wondered would I do anything different if I could do it all over again? I think for the most part the answer would be no, I'm happy, content, and satisfied with my life. There is one small thing I "may" have reconsidered. When I was in my last semester of college at Cal State University Fullerton, I had only 12 units left until I received my BA in Sociology and minored in American Studies. Spent some serious time on the Cocopah Indian reservation in those days as well. I wanted to change the world! So, looking back the decision to quit college so I could continue to work, party, and have my own apartment probably was the only dumbass regret I have!! So, my wish to all this years grads is to "think, think, think" before you make any "dumbass" decisions about your education like I did. Happy Graduation Class of 2009!!


Johnnye Merle Gardens & Nursery

Country Roads has always been about "family"!! Our gardens, Johnnye Merle Gardens & Nursery is very special to me for a lot of reason. "IF" all works well, click on the little slideshow below to see some great pictures of what our garden is like, and the little story behind it's creation.

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Movin' A Historic House!

My store, Country Roads is in Old Towne Orange, CA. It's an historic area, and a beautiful place filled with the most awesome historic homes. In a disposable world, this little Old Towne area takes great care in preserving the past. Yesterday they actually moved a historic home to a different location. If this isn't preservation, then I don't know how else you could define that word. Our little Old Towne area is filled with family businesses, such as mine. I'm glad to be a part of this community where they value history, things from the past, and they don't allow them to be destroyed or become disposable. And with all that is going on in the world today, I hope with all my heart that all of our family businesses continue to thrive here in Old Towne Orange! This is what our country was founded on, these values, these little businesses are an important part of our roots, our culture. And when I see such great efforts made to move a house, like Louie Armstrong's song, "I think to myself what a wonderful world it is".(photo from the OC Register online)


Just Another Day in the Life of "ME"

Like every morning, my day starts at 6am. I don't want to waste the day so I roll out of bed ready to tackle the day ahead. I had Riley today and also had to go back to Country Roads because we are moving stuff around in the Mercantile building. I wanted to get some work done at home before that all started. You can always tell when my son is working, a trail of Pepsi cans! That is just one photo of our chaos in the store. There are three of my bigger dealers moving around in the same building, Christina Biggerstaff, Gay Anderson, and Ginny DeRosa. So, there is stuff everywhere! There are display pieces everywhere and it looked like someone just "threw up antiques" all over the floor, as in splat! I only had to be there for about an hour, but what an hour. At one point, Riley had my glasses and next thing I knew she had pitched them across the sales floor somewhere. In the middle of all that confusion, I had to walk up to the counter to get something, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw "him". Because when you see "him", something just pulls your eyes in "his" direction. Maybe because "he" is such eye candy! I'm talking about Wentworth Miller, from the Prison Break tv show. He has the most beautiful blue eyes. He comes in from time to time and you try hard not to stare, but its tough. And if you are working at the counter and writing up his order, it's even more difficult not to stare. He's just a damn good looking guy! There is an older post somewhere on my blog that has his picture. After I put my eyes back in my head, it was time for Riley and I to go home and play all day!First we played with blocks on my bedroom floor. Then of course Riley had to make lunch for her buddy Leonard who is always thrilled to see her. I haven't had Riley all day for awhile since her daddy is out on disability because of his back. I see Riley all the time, but its not the same as just hangin out together for the day. We really had a great time. When I carried her out to her daddy's truck this afternoon(she wouldn't walk because she didn't want to leave)Riley had her little arms wrapped tightly around my neck like in the post below of Brande as a baby. And when her daddy put her in the carseat, I saw the tears start rolling down her cheeks from her big blue eyes, it just broke my heart! It is amazing how much we love those little kids, you know that bond we share. It's after 7:30 now and I still have a couple of things I want to get done before I call it a day. It's been a long day, but I don't mind, really. My life is full, productive and I am grateful and blessed to have these kinds of days. So, all and all, it was just another day in the life of "me"!


The Finished Presentation

This is the finished presentation of one of my kids, Carol Castillo's, space. Although little Carol is not my biological kid, I still love her like I do my own kids! When Carol first got this armoire, it was a small, scratched up unloved walnut armoire. And now look at it! Wouldn't it be beautiful in a baby's room? I love the way she has displayed these colorful florals, especially around the vintage birdcage. Wouldn't you like to curl up next to the fire with a good book on a cold winters night in front of this awesome fireplace & mantle? All of us that know Carol, know what a big fan she is of pink! This buffet or server would add a little romantic elegance in just about any dining room. Just another photo of another great display Carol has put together. You know, Carol is one of the sweetest, most sincere kids that I know! Always positive, always willing to help, and never, ever taking credit for what beautiful displays she knows how to put together, and has been doing for a long time now. I'm SO proud she has finally taken a space big enough to really showcase the talent she has. I have a pretty good feeling you'll be seeing many more photos in the future of Carol's presentations.


Decorating "Outside" of The Box

  This is my son Bryce and his wife's room at my house. He does all the decorationg, its in his blood. These little seats that Riley and Leonard are sitting on are actually airliner seats. You know, from a big jet. They make great seating. Riley is pretty fond of them, and wherever Riley goes, as you can see, Leonard follows. Decorating "outside" of the box is really a lot of fun. Finding funky stuff and utilizing it in a completely different way than it orginally was intended to be used is part of the fun. For those of you that are like myself, family, and friends you DO realize we all suffer from the same disease, right! Once the "antique-collecting-junk bug" is in your blood, I don't believe there is any cure for it so we might as well enjoy our addiction, don't you think?
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Thinking "Outside" of the Box

I know that I always have thought a bit different than others. And my thoughts and brain never stop and sometimes its exhausting. I "think" about stuff that happens in each of my days and what it means, and "why" I may have gone through a tough experience or had a day so full of joy. I guess I'm just a little crazy when it comes to that. I DO believe though, we go through our own stuff for reasons, and it's important to find the positive in what we experience in our daily lives. I hate when people say, "today sucked". Yep, we've all had days that maybe aren't our best, but I think if you look inside of yourself you will see how really grateful you should be to have the life you do. Anyway, I stumbled across this little book online this morning, and fell in love with it. To me, it kind of sums up life and our dreams. I ordered two copies this morning. Go to this website: and you can read the book online. Then, if you are like me, you will have to order one or two copies of this book because it truly is an "awesome" little book!


Just A "Peek" of Things to Come!

These are just a few photos of a new little romantic space being put together at Country Roads. Little Carol, as I have often called her since she was 18 when she started working at the store, and is now 30, and a wife and mom of two of the Country Roads little toddlers, Arianna & Azul. Carol is responsible for this beautiful work in progress!
Carol has always had spaces at Country Roads, but they've always been smaller spaces with the merchandise consisting mostly of smaller items. She decided to take a step us to a big space and I was just blown away when I saw how beautiful everything is turning out, and she isn't even done yet!! This is such a beautiful display, so romantic and elegant. And if you look above the mantel on the wall, you'll see a frame over a painting. That painting is actually painted onto the wall of this space, and just happens to be an original Christie Repasy painting. About fifteen years ago, she painted it for the dealer, Sharon ,who was her friend. She had helped Sharon put her space together and painted a little floral on the wall for her. We've taken care of it all these years, to make sure no other dealer has ever painted over it. And being the way we are all, family so to speak, we've traveled the full circle with Christie joining our Country Roads family last year, and now having her own space, just down the aisle from Carol's. I think this is the reason Country Roads is such a special place to shop. Our customers are not only are dazzled by our displays, but that feeling that "family feeling" is always in the air at Country Roads.


"On This Day. . . .

we gather because we have chosen. . .

hope over fear. . .

unity of purpose over conflict and discord."

What a wonderful, historical day, and we even got Aretha up there singing only as she can! I believe in my heart that this new journey will take us all where we need to be as long as we carry "hope" in our hearts along the way!


"I Have a Dream"

To me, today has great meaning. I'm old enough to remember Mr. King, and unfortunately, I'm also old enough to remember his death, and the horrific way he died! Even today, there are times I feel we have learned absolutely nothing from history, and I feel frustrated and saddened. I majored in Sociology in college, and I'm still pretty liberal in my opinions, but I still believe in being positive. And even in the sadness of the death of someone has brilliant as Martin Luther King, I remember one thing. That tomorrow, yes tomorrow, we will have a new President, someone that for me, represents HOPE!! The FIRST African-American president of the United States! So, as I go to sleep tonight remembering everything that Mr. King stood for, I believe in that full circle of life, I believe in Barrack Obama, and I believe once again in HOPE! I sincerely hope that you too share these thoughts, positive thoughts, hopeful thoughts, that Mr. Obama will make a difference in ALL of our lives, a difference in our world, and most in important, a hope there will be a difference in the way we look at each other, regardless of the color of your skin!


"Awesome Antiques"

For those of you that love country, primitive, real antiques, one of my dealers and friends, Ginny DeRosa, has set up a website/blog. It's awesome antiques: old john deere tractor umbrellaWhat I enjoy about Ginny's site is she tells you some history of the piece, the story behind it or what it may have been used for. I love the photo above, the vintage laundry basket on wheels with just a "touch of pink", and filled with great, old vintage rugs! I absolutely LOVE the old, mint JULEP container. I'm a sucker for advertising pieces and graphics. I've had a love affair with this little piece for awhile now. It's just tough sometimes to justify paying so much for a "shelf piece", although it is truly a one of a kind, something you never see and well worth the money! When it comes to those old country cupboards, Ginny has plenty, and they are all antique, no reproductions here!! The above pictures show us all what our history is about, what our ancestors used in their daily lives. These country primitive antiques are also becoming harder and harder to find. Speaking of history, check out Ginny's site because she is great when she tells you about her own personal love affair with antiques!


Country Roads Welcomes "Uncle Tom's"

For those of you that shop Old Towne Orange regularly, you all know Uncle Tom's. Over the past couple of years, Old Towne has gone through quite a bit of change as in the addition of many restaurants. I think in Uncle Tom's case, it was a yogurt shop! I can't say that I necessarily support this "trend" as I believe strongly that Old Towne Orange is known for its antiques. Anyway, we have had the pleasure of Cindy, from Uncle Tom's join our Country Roads family! As you can see, in just a day, Cindy already is beginning to put together some great displays! This patriotic display is just in time for our now famous President's week-end, "Antique Affair" that is held each year. This year it begins on February the 14th, and wraps up on Monday the 16th. A great week-end to shop and also to stop in and see the talent and displays by Cindy, from Uncle Tom's!


Where I Spend Most of My Time

There are all kinds of names for this kind of room: work space, studio, office and such. Whatever word you choose, this is where I spend most of my time at home. In this room I've added stuff that I really like, such as old vintage signs, architectural stuff and I also love anything Hawaiian! This is one of my most favorite work tables. I love the rusty table legs,bottom shelf, drawer and the thick wooden tabletop. The hanging "stars" in the window are actually old vintage wooden tape measures.
You know how we all have our favorite cabinets, this is mine, filled with vintage Hawaiiana and vintage cocktail shakers. I figured since I spend so much time in this room, I'd put all the stuff I love in here. This industrial table sits behind my desk and is filled with all "my stuff" that I pretty much use all the time. The table has these awesome industrial looking wheels on the bottom of the legs and its a great height to stand and work. This is my desk (which is never too tidy), which is really an old harvest table. It works really well as a desk because of all the room. The floor lamp is an old medical exam lamp that really lights up the desktop and it works perfectly. And of course, since I'm in this room all the time, I have to have my architectural fix. I love this piece over the vintage Coke sign. It's open at the bottom, so someday I'd like to add some lights so it would light up the sign. I also have to have music in this room playing all the time. My first addiction is antiques, but a close second is music. And for any of you that love music like I do, check out all the products Bose carries. Their stuff is totally awesome! Okay, I need to post this so I can get back to my other work in one of my favorite rooms.


More Adventures of "Riley & Leonard"

Riley hasn't been over as much the past couple of weeks. Her daddy has been off work with a back problem, and I've been working a lot both at the store and at home. I've missed playing with Riley and Leonard has missed Riley even more. The minute Riley got here today, she ran into her little playroom, and Leonard also came running in too! Riley immediately got to work making lunch for her buddy, I believe she had a play hamburger on her menu today! Looks as if Riley was concerned that Leonard wasn't getting enough veggies as she offers him some of her play eggplant! With lunch finished, Leonard settles in for an afternoon nap, as Riley gently puts his Christmas bow back on him. Guess it doesn't matter the holiday has passed when it comes to those two. You know, there are days that I get on total overload with everything I"ve got going in my life. I HATE to be that busy, I really do. And then, just like magic, I watch Riley's big blue eyes sparkle as she plays with Leonard, and suddenly I don't have a care in the world! And life is once again good.


A Little "Vintage Bling"

I thought I'd share a little "vintage bling" from one of my favorite dealers, and friend, Stacey Stemile. I have to say she is one of our more creative talents here at Country Roads!
I would never have the patience to work with such tiny objects, and I love how all these little treasures are mixed together to create such awesome stuff. I like the use of vintage items, especially old bottles and individuals, such as Stacey, taking the time to put these together. Like most things these days, these bottles are now being reproduced and sold at cheaper prices. But I've gotta tell you, they aren't nearly as artistic as when individuals make them by hand! This is another shot of some of Stacey's work. I love the way this is displayed. I think there is something to be said about purchasing "art". It's not always about the cheapest price, but to me, I much rather have something made by hand with love and care than from a factory in China somewhere. You know.


A "Wolf Moon"

  I'm sure everyone has seen the big ass moon that has been out the past two nights. I heard someone call it a "wolf moon". It's pretty incredible. Those of us in retail always know that when it's a full moon, "those" customers all come shopping. And at Country Roads, there is something different about our Sunday customers as well. Not sure how to pinpoint it, but they are brutal! So, today with it being Sunday and a very FULL and bright moon out, I'm definately feeling the pain of the day. Although I'm very grateful, thankful, and blessed that we were very busy today, it was still a tough day. So, whenever I'm tired, or sad, or just need to feel good, I go see my little Riley, my granddaughter. So after work I went over to visit. And I was oh so lucky, one of the Christmas gifts that "Grandpa Gout" (my ex-husband) had given her was one of those things that the bottom looks like a wading pool filled with balls that get thrown down the tube in the middle! So, since I'm not really tall I could easily fit inside of it with Riley. I had a cold Corona to forget about the torture of the day, while I sat among all the balls that Riley either threw down the tube or bounced off me. And you know, the "numbers" we did at the store were great today, but sitting in the ball thing with Riley was what I'll remember the most about today because that is always, by far, the best moments of my days, spending time with Riley! Happy Wolf Moon!
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A Little Elegance

The one thing I really love about Country Roads is the different "looks" you will find throughout our 15,000 sq feet(both inside and outside in the garden). The photo above is in Loretta Kilheffer's area, she has two spots in the store. I love how the exposed brick from the old building goes so well with her beautiful whites. The chandelier in this picture looks great with the contrast of the vintage shutters and picture frames, all perched above a white washed vintage dresser. Over in Loretta's second area of the store, that is in one of our front windows, I love the top shelf. I'm a sucker for architectural pieces and old globes (I have several vintage globes in Riley's playroom). Loretta's pillows are also pretty cool as well. The old, chippy white door with the mirror would look great in ANY room. In this photo, it sits next to an old farm table. These really awesome architectural corbels look even better with the tabletop chandelier in the back! You know, when I first opened Country Roads in January of 1993, we were primarily country and primitive antiques. Now, many years later Country Roads has many looks, something for everyone. And these looks are changing all the time, so its fun to shop. But what means the most to me is that the majority of my dealers really understand the importance of display, and they are GOOD at it!