I have found out since then that it is from Sierra Leone in Africa, and that it is from the family Apocynaceae, and the genus Roupellia. This Roupellia grata is a flowering bush with climbing vines if you do not prune it.The flowers are creamy white with a touch of pink, have a deep burgundy throat, and crimson petals on its underside. It is free flowering, but the smooth,shiny leaves tend to overwhelm the blossoms on my bush. The flowers suffer from low self esteem and usually hide under the leaves. The scent that the flowers give out is pretty much like the fragrance of roses. That must be why it is also known as Rose allamanda. It is also called Climbing oleander. The blooms do bear some resemblance to the oleander, except that the Cream Fruit flowers are sturdier and larger.
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