Showing posts with label Austin TX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Austin TX. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

I Can see clearly now.

I had a whole different post in mind for this week, But had to switch it up at the last minute. 
After all the fog we had last week, I thought it would be the
perfect topic for this week's challenge over at 

The song title this week is 
"I can see clearly now" 

We have had no rain since the first week we were here in Imperial Beach.
But we did get some pretty heavy fog.  Lots of it.

 Taken with my iphone

It was so crazy how fast this fog came in.  When we first started
off on our walk down to the beach it was perfectly clear.  But blocks before we got
to the ocean you could see the fog rolling in.  And by the time we made it down there
it was so thick we could barely see 20 feet in front of us.

Taken with my iphone 

I know what you are thinking.  So what's a little bit of fog. 
Me being from Las Vegas we didn't get to see fog very often.
So it is a kinda cool for me to see it.  As long as I don't have to drive in it. 

The last couple of days we have had no more fog.

So as the song goes, 
"I can see clearly now the FOG is gone."
or something like that.  LOL.. 

This lady on the bike was collecting seashells.
I was a little bit nervous about taking her photo because she kept looking up at me,
But I could have always said I was snapping a photo of the pier.  Right...

And Over at


It's all about Color.
I'm sharing some photos of when we were in Austin, Texas.
Once again I do believe it is perfect for the Prompt.

This is called the Baylor Street Art Wall.
But there is way more than just a wall. Graffiti is everywhere or Art or both. lol

It was an old building that had never finished being built.
And the Art begins. 

Some of it is really good.

I had to climb up to get to this sign.


It was a bit scary getting up to it. But I was up for the challenge.
We heard on the news that they were closing this down due to the traffic.
It is right in the middle of a neighborhood and has become a real headache
for the people living in that neighborhood.
I totally get that..

Well that's all for now my friends.

Here is the Links to the Meme's I'm playing along with.



Our Beautiful world

Thanks so much Ladies for hosting,
It gives me something to blog about.
