Showing posts with label Daulatabad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daulatabad. Show all posts

Monday, January 16, 2017

Bharat Mata Mandir, Devgiri Fort

The Devgiri Fort 15 kms from Aurangabad, has many interesting structures. Each one of them is very different from each other.

The fort also has a temple, dedicated to Bharat Mata Mandir. It is opposite to Chand Minar near the Hathi Hauz. There is a dome shaped entrance gate to the temple. 

This temple has many ancient pillar halls and there is a wide courtyard in front of the temple. 

Within the rows of pillars there is a beautiful sanding image of Bharat Mata. The image of deity is very new when compared to rest of the structures.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Kila Shikan, Devgiri Fort

The 14th century Devgiri Fort is known for various bronze canons found all around the fort. One such canon is Kila Shikan.

The canon located in a strategic place named so mean Fort Breaker. It lies on a stone platform.

The impressive canon has a ram-head.

The canon has the name inscribed on it in Persian.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hathi Hauz, Devgiri Fort

The 14th century Devgiri Fort has several interesting structures of historic importance. One such restored structure is Hathi Hauz which is 20 yards before Chand Minar. It is 47 m in length, 46 m in width and 6.6 m deep with arrangements for inlet and outlet of water through underground channels. But there was no water in this tank during our visit.

In olden days it was used for imparting training in skillful swimming, diving to the soldiers which was necessary for them during an action of defense or attack in the wet moat surrounding the main citadel. 

We shall explore more on this fort through other articles.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Images of India - 88

A glimpse of sites of India in black and white. Check other posts that will give you more details about this place.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Dark Passage, Devgiri Fort

The only entrance to citadel of 14th century Devgiri Fort is through a devious tunnel which in times of siege was rendered impassable by an ingenious contrivance. This sub-terrain passage is indeed mysterious and in spite of several individual's attempts, all its mysteries are not known. 

The long ascending tunnel rises rapidly and tortuously by a flight of steps, which are uneven in width and height, difficult for climb in the absence of light.

The labyrintheine passage coupled with the darkness confuse the enemy army to kill themselves along a tunnel containing numerous chambers cut out of solid rock which were used then as guard rooms and store houses. The tunnel was impassable when the great obstacles come in the form of darkness, barrier of smoke, splash of oil and water from above. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sunset Sky at Devgiri Fort

The formidable 14th century hill fort, the Devgiri Fort is at Daulatabad, 15 kms away from Aurangabad. On our way back after a visit to Ellora in the evening the fort was engulfed by sunset sky.

The view of fort in the mild orange sky was  mind blowing. I could not resist myself from clicking a few snaps by stopping the vehicle.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bardari, Devgiri Fort

The 14th century Devgiri Fort is one of the most complex and intricate forts of India  There are various structures inside the fort that are worth attention. 

Bardari is an octagonal building at the summit in the Devgiri Fort. It has dome shaped roof and nicely carved windows. This can be reached only after climbing 200 to 400 steps.

When this fort was under the control of Mughal dynasty this place was home for Mughal Governor. 

The complete area around the fort can be seen from the top here. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Cannons of Daulatabad Fort

In India, cannons were used effectively for the first time in the First Battle of Panipat in 1526. Since then, cannons have become an important component in the battles. The earliest cannons were made of bronze. The range of these cannons varied from 1 to 3.5 kms. 

These cannons were either mounted them on bastions or wooden carriages, with four or two wheels and drawn to the battlefields. 

A large number of cannons are found at Daulatabad Fort 15 kms from Aurangabad, some in their original places like bastions on fort walls and circular towers while others were collected from various locations. Now they have been displayed in the courtyard near the entrance gate.

The cannons range from large to heavy guns. These cannons are made of either bronze or iron - both wrought and cast. Other noteworthy cannons here are Durga cannon, Ram Cannon which is the largest artillery in this fort.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mahakoot, Devgiri Fort

The Devgiri Fort is one of the most complex and intricate forts of India  The defense system consists of two moats, three encircling fortification walls, bastions at regular intervals, zigzag and lofty gates with spikes.

The combination of Hill and Land fort is divided into small sectors encircled by fortification walls. 

The second line of defence management is known as Mahakoot was made complicated by construction of four distinct lines of enclosure walls with innumerable, small and bastions of single, double and triple storied rampant which would have to be scrambled before main entrance is reached.

The outer wall of the fort is 5 k.m in circumference, has an average height between 6 to 9 mts and 2 to 3 mts in thickness. In every interval there are strong chambers that serve both as guardrooms as well as stores for ammunition.

The area consists of noteworthy monuments like the Saraswati Step well, Hathi Hauz, Bharatmata Mandir, Chand Minar and ruins of palaces.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Chand Minar, Devgiri Fort

At Devgiri Fort 15 kms from Aurangabad, the most distinctive structure is red coloured Minar which is contrast to the rustic surroundings in the fort. 

This tower standing in front of the pyramidal hill within the fort can be seen be from very far. Seeing this tower from the road  while going to Ellora is an experience by itself.

Built in the Persian style in 1435 by Ala-ud-din Bahmani to celebrate his victory over Surat the fort is an outstanding example of Islamic art. This tower 110 meters height is plain and simple from outside and inside.

It is constructed of stone & was decorated with colored tiles which were stuck on the walls. Some of which are still visible even though the tower is colored in red now. It has 4 floors and every floor, a circular balcony is present that is beautifully carved from the bottom. 

For every floor there are 80 steps and 6 small ventilators. The small windows provided are for fresh air an light. On one side of the Minar there is a mosque  and on the other side there is a Naqar Khana. At the base there is a 24 arched chamber without any decorative motifs.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Chini Mahal, Devgiri Fort

The formidable 14th century Devgiri Fort at Daulatabad, 15 kms from Aurangabad is a prime attraction. Here Chini Mahal insaide the third gate of the fort is an important monument.

It is a two story building that was once upon a time inlaid with blue and yellow enameled, en-caustic tiles from China. Hence it was also known as Chinese Palace. Now only a portion of the tiles remain and the roof of the building has collapsed. The upper floor is well ventilated and has two chambers.

Here ruler of Golanda, Abul-Hasan, the last Qutb Shahi Ruler was imprisoned by Mughal Emperor Aurangzed from 1687 to 1700. This place was more used as a Royal prison rather than a palace.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Saraswati Well, Devgiri Fort

The formidable 14th century Devgiri Fort is at Daulatabad, near Aurangabad has triple line of fort walls surrounded by moats preventing easy access to the summit. The space between the outer and the inner defenses contains many ruined palaces, temples, dargahs and mosques. 

In this region there is a well known as Sarasvati Well which is about 100 feet square and 40 feet deep. Today this well is in ruined state. It is considered sacred and named after Goddess Sarasvati. The sides are paved with square blocks of stone, and have narrow flights of steps leading to the bottom. 

The water in the well is filled by natural springs. There is used to be pipes that supplied water to it from the nearby reservoir.  

Monday, November 5, 2012

Devgiri Fort

The formidable 14th century hill fort is at Daulatabad, 15 kms from Aurangabad. The fort is 190 meters conical hill that rises from a plain. This fort is visible from a very far distance and dominates the landscape. This fortress was constructed by Raja Bhillamraj, of Yadav Dynasty, who was a great general of his time. 

As the time passed the fortress was under the control of several dynasties such as Thuglaqs, Delhi Sultans, Bahmanis, Marathas. Each of them developed and strengthened the fort in their own way. The outer wall is 4.43 km in circumference. The entrance through the fort is a huge gate guarded by strong outer door. The door studded and spiked against elephant attack, is still in position. 

The fortification comprises of triple line of fort walls surounded by moats preventing easy access to the summit. To reach the top of the fort one has to pass through successive lines of gateways and courtyards.

The third line of defense is called Kalakot (fort of the Death), due to provision of deep rock cut moat, strong thick fortifications having bastions zigzag gateways, wide wall-walk with battlements and the strategic position gun-turrets. 

This fortress enclosed an area occupied by the ruins of the palaces once used by the kings and queens. The outer part has also numerous ruined buildings – palaces, temples and mosques. 

The important structures that still present are:

Monday, August 20, 2012

Daulatabad, City of Prosperity

From Aurangabad our first destination is Daulatabad on the way to Ellora. We started to this place early morning which is 15 kms away. The city is also known by names Devgiri or Deogiri. Here is the famous medieval fortress, which is visible from the highway. The Devgiri Fort dominates the entire landscape of the city.

The history of the place dates back to 12th century, as the capital of the Hindu Kingdoms in Deccan. The fort was constructed by Raja Bhillamraj of Yadav Dynasty. Later the city was controlled by Sultans and Tughlak of the Delhi. This is the city where Mohammed-bin Tughlak try to relocate the capital from Delhi. The move was unsuccessful leading to mass destruction and Delhi was capital once again.

Even though the decision was reversed, the city grew as important as Delhi. Later city broke away from the rule of Delhi. The old citadel on the isolated hill was further strengthened with by building bastions with mounted cannons and a moat surrounding the fort.

We will further explore this historic fort as I have seen it There are interesting ramparts here that we will explore.