Showing posts with label hailstone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hailstone. Show all posts

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hailstone Showers in Bangalore

Few years back Bangalore had the best climate in the country. In summers the temperature never used to raise beyond 30 degree Celsius. It was a paradise in all seasons. But it has been changing since couple of years at a rapid phase. The Mercury has been steadily raising every year in the summer. In summer now it is hovering around 35 degree Celsius. This year it has recorded the highest temperature of 37.6 degree Celsius in the past 25 years.

But, last week has been a pleasant surprise. Parts of Bangalore witnessed sudden and heavy showers for a period of one hour.

With it arrived this
year’s first hailstones. They were fast and plenty. Entire road got covered by small hailstones. The white spots in the above image are hailstones falling down. By enlarging the image they are clearly visible.