Showing posts with label neighborhood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neighborhood. Show all posts

Friday, June 26, 2015

Infinite Summer, lyrical and dance *

- Infinite Summer. The challenge: Join endurance bibliophiles from around the world in reading Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace over the summer of 2009, June 21st to September 22nd. A thousand pages ÷ 92 days = 75 pages a week. (Plus end notes. A lot of them.) No sweat, right? Although loving the idea of the project, I find the book infinitely difficult to follow. So bye-bye Infinite Jest, you may be just a little too deep for the summer. And the library wants you back.

- The lyrical voices of the nail technicians as they speak to each other in Vietnamese.

- Doing a little shrieking dance at my front door when I think a spider might have fallen in my hair. And then doing a slow turn to see if the elegant couple in building 3 are on their back porch as they often are. They are, but kindly acting as if they didn't notice.


* This is a re-post from June 26, 2009 - a long time ago, seems like.  Between outside plant watering and a 45 minute video work out before work this morning, I completely forgot about my blog!  Since I always post on Friday, I looked at past posts dated June 26 and liked this one the most.  And ... (1) I still don't want to read Infinite Jest.  (2) I'm going to the same nail place this afternoon after work, and (3) I knocked down a spider web in the same spot this morning, using the handy spider web knock down stick I keep on the table by the front door.  :)

Happy weekend, y'all!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Mailbox flowers, the calla lilies are in bloom again and the bee

- I had my usual walk up the street on which I live on Sunday morning - early, between 8am and 9am.  There was no one much stirring about except early church goers at the Baptist church up the street.  I thought these blooming plants around this mailbox were pretty and snapped a phone photo on my way up the street.  The property on the other side of the street, that is for sale, figures into the next photo.

- On my return trip, I noticed some calla lilies swaying in the breeze - under a tree in the yard of the house for sale.  They were near the edge of the property, so I wandered into the yard a bit and snapped the photo.  They always remind me of the Katharine Hepburn quote from the 1937 film Stage Door"The calla lilies are in bloom again.  Such a strange flower - suitable for any occasion..."  A man flagged me down from the side of the house.  I was a little alarmed since I was trespassing, but he was an appraiser for a couple wanting to purchase the house and had questions about the sewer lines in the neighborhood that I couldn't answer.  I did tell him that this part of the neighborhood was once an old farm and the old farmhouse for the property stood right in back of the house that is now for sale.  He observed that the homes on the rest of the street seem old and some need updating, but I told him that this neighborhood is like a little united nations, and that's why I like it.

- And when I got home, there was a bee giving its attention to each of the yellow flowers in my hanging basket.  See it?  (Click to enlarge if you can.)  I loved that since I hear bees are growing more scarce these days. 

Thanks for going on my walk with me!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Back porch, hummingbirds (finally) and not playing basketball

- Friend Janice brought me some Kona coffee from her visit to Hawaii last week and I enjoyed it on the back porch on Sunday morning.  Kona coffee always makes me think of my dad, who discovered it when he passed through Hawaii on his journey home at the end of World War II.  I used to put a pound of Kona in his Christmas stocking sometimes.  And the device there on the table with it is a Thermcell - it keeps mosquitoes at bay.  They are at it already and it really does work.

- I had almost given up on any hummingbirds ever visiting my feeder, but heeded the advice of the woman who works at the nearby garden center, "Put it out with nectar in the spring and they'll start coming by in early June."  And right on schedule - a hummingbird flew up, saw that I was sitting nearby and flew away with a squeak!  I can also see it from my sofa and was happy to see it came back again and again over the weekend.

- You'd have to click to enlarge to really see the basketball goals in the clearing at the end of this sidewalk that is at the side property of the elementary school up the street from my home.  My sister spotted this when she was walking with me here a few weeks ago when she visited and said (tongue in cheek), "We'll have to come back up here and play basketball!"  Ha!  I have a chuckle about that every time I pass this way on a neighborhood walk (because walking is about as athletic as the two of us have ever gotten.)  :)

Monday, July 22, 2013

More and more flowers, it's just me and yard art

Another Sunday morning walk on the street where I live.

 - The last time I walked this way was at the end of June - it's really best walked early in the morning, as there is no shade at all.  On this overcast morning, I encounter the flower again that Hilary identified last time as cleome.  There was just one last time, but this time it has friends who have joined it.

 - A condo neighbor and her dog approach.  I see them all the time, walking up the street.  I ask her if she has memorized every crack in the pavement by now, and she shakes her head no, a little puzzled.  Maybe it's just me.  :)  Someone left their foot prints here for posterity, or until the sidewalk is replaced.

 - I like how someone put this dear turtle on top of a stump, with a little greenery around it, at the edge of their yard.

- The daylilies are on the wane, but there were these cheerful gladioli in front of the silent elementary school halfway home.

I was singing out loud along with a song from my iPod when I noticed a little girl in her front yard - dressed in her Sunday best.  I wondered if she heard me, then I realized she was doing the same, listening to music and moving to it in a little dance.  I waved and she waved back, each of us lost in our own world.  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Morning walk, Daylilies, mailbox decor and home

Seen on a recent morning walk on the street where I live...

- These guys seem to be everywhere right now - Daylilies.  I used to see a therapist years ago after some trauma in my life and he was kind enough to let me come to his home for sessions (he was a family friend of a close friend).  His late wife had loved Daylilies and his back yard was full of them.  We used to walk the yard and he would tell me about each of them.  I realize  now that was probably part of the therapy - a gentle walk with quiet talk.  I will forever think of him when I see them blooming.

- Love the special decoration on this mailbox and wonder if the residents of the house behind it have a child who did that.  I like to think so.

- This pretty flower staunchly guards another mailbox along the way.  I spotted it in my first 1.5 mile up the street and snapped the photo on the return trip.

- And the best view of all - the driveway to my condos when my 3.0 mile walk was done.  A beautiful sight.

Happy 4th of July everyone who lives in the states!  And a belated happy Canada Day to my friends to the north.  :)

I'm heading to the hills tomorrow with no internet access, but will catch up with blogs on Sunday.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Pink clouds, he's a keeper and special time of day

- When I passed these trees in front of the elementary school on my street last Sunday morning, a woman was photographing two little boys in front of them.  They were laughing and romping around - I'll bet those photos turned out great.  This photo was from my return trip from my walk in the park and I couldn't resist photographing these trees myself (from across the street, using the camera on my phone).  They look like pink clouds in person and I wish my photo did them justice.

- This message from cousin Anna on facebook this a.m. regarding her son Jack's birthday today:  "Happy 9th birthday to the best big brother, wonderful son, puppy lover, chicken chaser, Harry Potter reader, loving son, and kind friend that a mother could ever hope for!!!  Love you, Jack, and am so blessed to be your mommy."  

- Loving the time (Monday through Friday) between 5am and 6am.  After the initial getting-out-of-bed resistance, there is such quiet and peace.  No talking, no TV, no noise at all, except for the distant sound of the train whistle a mile away.

Monday, November 12, 2012

We give thanks, there was good chatting, too, and nap

- The annual pre-Thanksgiving cornucopia at my church.  The fruits and vegetables are donated to local food co-ops.

- A burger cooked on a charcoal grill at the neighborhood picnic on a warmish November Sunday.  Not to mention baked artichoke dip.  And crunchy potato chips!  Plus Diet Coke flavored with lime.  And my secret recipe brownies, warm from the oven, were a hit.  :)  Yum.

- Late afternoon reading in my favorite spot - the blue upholstered chair in my bedroom.  And being lulled to a drowsy sitting up nap by the quiet, plus the distant sound of the clothes dryer rumbling.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Good neighbors, Ahhnold and jumping the gun

- This happy place is at the other end of my residential street - a rather unlovely intersection except for this.  It's family owned and all of the family call you "darlin".  The nicest people ever.  I went by to pick up something to add to dinner, and ended up with some potatoes and two cucumbers.  One of the brothers said, "Mmmm - how about $1?"  I said I didn't have any cash, I had intended to use my debit card and he said, "Don't worry about it - just bring us a dollar next time you come."  So nice, huh?

- There are signs of a movie filming down the middle of the street, about a mile up from my condos.  Mt. Moriah Baptist Church's side parking lot is filled with trailers and signs indicating a film "base camp."  Ah - the internet.  It's an Arnold Schwarznegger film called, "Breacher."  So Ahhnold is coming to my 'hood.  :)

- And finally, something that was funny to me.  I am often entertained by what Google thinks I are going to  inquire about and how it "jumps the gun" with suggestions.   When I was typing in "What to use if you are...", four choices appeared.

What to use if you are:
  1. ...out of dishwashing soap
  2. ...allergic to hair dye
  3. ...out of coffee filters
  4. ...allergic to condoms
How about that?  A variety of choices.  Me - I was out of coffee filters and learned that a folded over paper towel would work just fine.  :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Spun sugar, like a puzzle and green

- My Saturday morning walk in Lilburn (Georgia) park was over and I impulsively pulled over to snap a photo of the nearby Hindu temple on the way home.  I always think it looks as if it were made of spun sugar.     Much better photos can be seen here.  Oddly - it shares the block with a Walgreens Drug store - I was standing in its parking lot here.

- My Sunday School class was studying world religions and took a Sunday afternoon tour a few years ago.  Gracious tour guides told us of the volunteers who carved 34,000 individual pieces to be shipped to the USA and assembled in Lilburn "like a giant 3-D puzzle."  

- Looking up on Sunday morning to see a plant trickling down from my upstairs neighbor's back porch.  See it there?  It was wonderfully cool and a perfect time for a peaceful hour of reading.  I hope your weekend was good, too.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Clippings, chocolate fortune and empowering

- Someone brought in clippings of blossoms from their cherry tree and azalea bush at home to brighten up the office. So pretty.

- From the inside wrapper of a tasty Dove dark chocolate square: "The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." Better than a fortune cookie. :)

- Calling a neighbor from my volunteer organization after work to find that the power came back on in the neighborhood around 5pm. The volunteer coordinator says there is something so empowering about the electric power returning, isn't it? I agree, but was considering staying in a hotel last night if it hadn't and was a little disappointed to not have that adventure. :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Trumpet vine, road trip and hog heaven

- This vine has popped up in two places recently - here next to the "no pooing and peeing" zone and running up a utility pole on my commuting route. I think I have identified it as a trumpet vine. Whatever it is, it's pretty.

- A Tuesday after work road trip with friends Kim L. and Robert to give hugs at a funeral home visitation. LaGrange, Georgia turns out to be a perfectly delightful little town with a full downtown at 6:30pm with nary a parking space available. According to Wikipedia, it is named after the country estate near Paris of the Marquis de La Fayette, who visited the area in 1825.

- A dinner of barbecue at a place called "Hog Heaven" - oh my! An icy cold "Blue Moon" beer arrives with an orange slice garnish. Delicious.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Pansies, rhythmic music and knackered

- A late afternoon view of the pansies my neighbor planted last fall. They withstood snow and ice and bounced back every time, cheerfully presenting their colorful faces to passersby. She will be putting out spring flowers soon and I will miss these guys.

- Having an after work walk in an office park near my house where there is a lake in the middle with a path around it. I have loaded up my ipod with all new music that I think would be good to walk to. The best rhythmic song turns out to be "Word Up" by Cameo.

- Learning a new expression from my friend who has an English background: Knackered. She said, "You must be knackered!" in an email. I replied that I probably am, but don't know what that means. Turns out "Knackered is exhausted...English expression. It's about as tired as you can get." I adore that word and will use it all the time now. Thanks friend!

If y'all have any suggestions for good walking songs, I'm an itunes downloading fool right now. Love those 80s songs like "Word Up" and David Bowie's "Let's Dance". That kind of thing. Have a great weekend, my friends!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Festive lights, love and name calling

- My neighbor Beth's windows with the tiny white lights left up after Christmas. I quite enjoy seeing her lit up window in the early morning and after dark and hope she keeps them there.

- Her son is a teenager who is blind and autistic and is very, very sweet. I asked about him on Sunday and he was off with his dad. She said not to be surprised if he tells me he loves me next time we meet; it's his new thing. I tell her I think that is something I would welcome.

- Up the street, my annual visit for the car emission testing by the big guy with the Barry White voice. Ramón opens the door for me, says Hello Sugar and sends me inside to wait. He looks surprised and pleased when I thank him by name as I am paying. I vow to do more of that with people in the future.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Drizzly day, panda cam and a good story

- A windy drizzly day, but the trees sure are beautiful.

- Checking in on our Giant Panda, Lun Lun, and her as-yet-unnamed cub, the panda cam showing them having a cuddle. This is her third cub and I like to go to the panda cam at random times during the day to have a look.

- The librarian smiles when I check out a couple more books on CD - I tell her how much I love hearing a story when I am out and about during the week or on the road for travel. Listening to a good yarn makes it all so much better.

I hope good things are in store for you this weekend, my friends!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Standing in line, representation and earthy

- A little political sign madness - it is good that it is over, so these signs can go away. It is always enjoyable to chat with the people around me in line at 6:45am - waiting for that 7am voting time and even more fun when the director of my volunteer organization walks in and joins the line. We didn't know we lived in the same neighborhood.

- The Wednesday email for the weekly farmers' market near my house. I love this (partial) list of what they will have: milk, cream, organic bread, local honey, doggie treats, tarts, pies and cookies. Even the dogs get homemade goodies - how nice.

- And a surprise healthy treat at a late evening meeting - someone brings in pumpkin bread. Earthy, moist and the right color for fall - kind of orangey.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Refuge, ravishing and there's always next year

- Sunday morning at my sister's house and the view from the back. No other houses as far as you can see. They used to have cows in that lower pasture, but getting water to them became a problem. Now the property is a wildlife refuge of sorts - deer routinely wander through.

- Finally getting a much needed pedicure. The most fun of the whole thing for me is choosing the color my toenails will be painted. The OPI line has the most delightful polish names - I chose a lovely deep red polish with the name "Ravishing Dahling."

- Halloween update - no trick or treaters. But I might have missed the little ones - I got home from Florida a little after 8pm. This time I was prepared with Starburst candy and Gummi Bears. They are in my plastic pumpkin for next year. :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Ghoulish, fun cake and busted

- This home is alarmingly close to a cemetery and always seems up for sale. The current owners obviously have a great sense of humor about the whole thing. When you get close to the ghoulish figures, they cackle and howl.

- A co-worker brought in a cake to work shaped like a witches head complete with hat. Nose holes were fashioned using two inverted chocolate chips. Every time she walked by it, she smiled at it.

- I never get Trick-or-Treaters in my condominiums, but a few years ago I was out to dinner on Halloween night and when I got home a group of little ghouls were walking toward my building with their mother. I hurried in and (shamefully) just didn't answer when they got to my door since I did not have anything close to a treat to give them. Then I heard a little boy say, "I know somebody's home Mom, because their key is in the door."

Maybe they'll have better luck this time. I'm always prepared now, no matter what. :) Hope you have a delightfully spooky weekend, friends!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Adjustment, pleasant call and loving the lattes

- Little Lucky (niece Amanda's dog) - apparently feeling usurped by the new kitty at my sister's house by burrowing in big dog Moby's bed to hide out. Amanda carries Lucky wherever she goes and he adapts.

- Driving by a teenager standing on the sidewalk using her cellphone. She snaps it shut and turns with a pleased smile to go in the house.

- Coworker Joanne gives me a Starbucks gift card as a thank you for delivering her stained glass materials for her. Totally unnecessary, but it has been fun to have an excuse to stop for random Grande Non-fat Lattes to go. :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Beer can girl, the long way and what looks good

- This mural I am calling "Beer can girl" painted on the back of Manuel's Tavern in the Virginia Highlands neighborhood of Atlanta. I found a blog from the artist, who says that Pabst Blue Ribbon beer seems to pop up everywhere in her life and she doesn't even drink it.

- Taking the long way home from work so I can stop by the DeKalb Farmers Market - an international "world" market. It is a festival of fresh produce, dairy products, and so much more. I love their manifesto, part of which reads: "No matter how technologically advanced we become, we cannot escape our fundamental relationships with food and each other."

- The cashiers there are always lovely and my cashier this day did not speak much English, but ran a smiling commentary on my purchases of fresh basil, brussel sprouts, salmon, fresh mozzarella, cage free eggs and hummus. I only stopped by for the basil, but this is the kind of place you walk around in, while dodging shopping carts, to see what looks good.

Have a lovely weekend, friends!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Not so scary, quiet time and precociousness

- This lovely lady is so festive I would think that crows would flock to her. But she seems to be keeping them at bay at this vegetable garden on the far end of the street where I live. A woman in pink, stooping over her plot, stands up and removes her ipod earpiece to affirm that this is a community garden.

- Having a lunchtime pedicure at a nail salon near my office, administered by a silent woman who just smiles now and then. She seems to understand that I need some quiet time and leaves me be.

- A toddler at the oil change place entertains the waiting room crowd with her smiles and jabber. A woman comes in to pay and asks the mother if she reads to the baby. A nod. This woman is proud that her 13-year-old daughter (read to constantly as a wee one) is studying this summer at Duke University.

Three things I have procrastinated: photographing the scarecrow, pedicure and oil change. Cheers!