Showing posts with label tip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tip. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Beauty in the midst, operation smile and good tip

- A dragonfly hovers over the hood of my car as I crawl toward work on I-85 south during my morning commute.  Possibly not remarkable except as a reminder that there is beauty even in the midst of a congregation of cars.

- Encountering so many morose employees lately when I'm out shopping that I decide to smile at everyone who does a service for me.  And so far it's working.  I am getting a return smile at least 90% of the time. :) 

- Rubbing a walnut over scratches in your furniture will disguise dings and scrapes.  This astounding tip was shared by Sandie on her blog.   I read the tip on her Saturday post and immediately went to get a walnut to rub over the scratch on my dining room buffet (made by a careless repairman.)  And it worked!  Amazing.