Showing posts with label Tzipi Livni. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tzipi Livni. Show all posts

Sunday, March 09, 2014

On That "Jewish State" Demand

One of [Tzipi] Livni’s catchphrases is, “There is a process of delegitimization of Israel as a Jewish state.” She sees herself in a race against time.

...Stagnation works against those who believe in a two-state solution,” Livni said in our first conversation. The West, she suggested, needs to tell Hamas, the Islamist movement battling Fatah for control of a Palestinian movement now split between Gaza and the West Bank, that it must not only recognize Israel’s right to exist but also “the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state, which is not that obvious anymore.”


Sunday, February 02, 2014

An Erekat Munich Moment

I was watching the late night news wrap-up at midnight last night on Channel One TV and heard Saeb Erekat at a press conference in Munich, sitting alongside Tzipi Livni.

He once again espoused the "Palestinian narrative" of a 10,000-year or so old history in Jericho (I can't, as yet, find a video*).

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Okay, now watching the news archived at IBA site and at 9:51 of the Chadashot Shabat, you can hear Erekat say, in English:

"I am the son of Jericho. I'm 10,0000 years old...I'm the proud son of the Natufians and the Canaanites.  I've been there 5,500 years before Yehoshua Bin-Nun came and burned my home town, Jericho...I 'm not going to change my narrative...asking me to accept the Jewish state is to ask I change my narrative...You have two choices, go to the UN to change your name or accept my recognition of the registered name."

And thanks to EOZ, we have this

-   -   -   -   -

That myth has been dealt with.

What hasn't been dealt with is Israel's officialdom's shtum when such rantings are uttered in public (and she was sitting right next to him although I think I did see Ms. Livni raise an eyebrow or maybe simply lift her head in a gesture of "oh, there he goes again").  [See now below]

Erekat claims as ancestors all sorts of peoples - but mentioned in the Bible.

Erekat, for his part, said the Israeli demand that the PA recognize Israel as a Jewish state is unacceptable because, he claimed, he represents the Biblical Canaanites who “lived in the region 5,500 years before Joshua Bin-Nun came and burned my hometown Jericho.”

This is more of what I've termed "Palestinianism of Disinventivity" but it must stop because all it intends to do is to undermine the Jewish national ethos, which is bad enough.  Buit there is more. This line of thinking is intended to provide the Arabs, undeservedly, with an advantage: that they were, somehow, here first and therefore we Jews owe them rights, especially of "return".

He is a Canaanite (or Jebusite or whatever) as much as I am an Etruscan.


What's a "natopi"?  Oh, sorry, Natufian:

"The earliest known human society that we see in process of developing an economy based first on the systematic gathering of wild cereals and then on their artificial production was to be found in Palestine, Transjordan, and Lebanon between about 10,000 and 8000 B.C.  Dubbed by prehistorians 'Natufian' after the type site just north of Jerusalem, this culture wasthe product of a human type of slight build with long heads (dolichocephalic) that can confidently be classified as Homo sapiens." 
Donald B. Redford, Egypt, Canaan and Israel in Ancient Times p. 6, Princeton University Press, 1992



EOZ proves that Erekat's family came from Arabia. 

And let's now add from Reuven Berko:

...The Palestinian creativity is worthy of the "grotesque award."...Any Israeli listening to chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat explain to the participants of the Munich conference why the Palestinian Authority refuses to recognize the Jewish state, would immediately give him the "best joke of the year" and "most prolific imagination" awards.

Erekat, a Bedouin of Jordanian origin, carried on and on about how the Palestinians' national narrative claims that they are the descendants of the biblical Canaanites, and therefore "they were here first" and this land belongs to the Palestinians.

None of the European delegates protested, and all Justice Minister Tzipi Livni did was chuckle.

"Historian" Erekat explained that recognizing the Jewish nature of Israel would infringe on the Canaanite narrative, which gives the Palestinian prior claim to the land of Israel. This new "birth certificate" makes the question of the Palestinians' "paternity" all that more poignant, as they are made up of the various Arab nations.Erekat, in what can only be described as unprecedented folly, explained that the reason for the Palestinians' refusal to recognize Israel as the Jewish state stemmed from this prior Canaanite ownership, which they have no intention of giving up. In Munich, it seems, Erekat had declared the inception of "Canaanite Palestine" across the entire area of Israel. Cue the applause.

In the 1960s... Arafat's search for a "father" led him to claim that the Palestinians were the descendants of the biblical Jebusites.

...Many of the creators of the Palestinian narrative have claimed over the years that the Palestinians were of Philistine ancestry...To assert their claim to this land and justify their refusal to recognize Israel, the Palestinians have made up new forefathers -- the Canaanites. According to both the Bible and the Quran, these idol worshipers had become extinct and their land was given to the Jews -- so Erekat's statement actually did him a disservice.

It is natural for every bastard to invent a birth certificate naming a respectable father, but why would the Palestinians seek such dubious ones, and when are we going to fully realize with whom we are dealing?

And read Ali Salim.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Why Naftali Bennett Left the Yesha Council

According to Dani Dayan, at his Facebook account, the reason Naftali Bennet left (or was forced to leave) his position at the Yesha Council was his words just after the Migron evacuation, and repeated a few days afterwards.

In his pro-Likud ad, Dani had said

"No Naftali, Tzipi is really not to be preferred over Bibi"

What was the context?

First, in the Hebrew:

בנוסף מזכיר דיין את נפתלי בנט תוך שהוא שולח עקיצה לעברו, "...לא נפתלי, ציפי ממש לא עדיפה על ביבי..." – בדבריו מכוון דיין לדבריו של בנט בתקופה של פינוי מגרון והקפאת הבניה ביו"ש אז אמר בנט כי לבני עדיפה על בנימין נתניהו לראשות ממשלה.

And in translation,

"at the time of the Migron dismantlement, and during the construction freeze, Bennett had said that Livni is better than Benjamin Netanyahu for the premiership"

Dani was responding to Elyahsiv Reicher's comment that his reference to Naftali was "inconsequential".  The Likud spox mentioned an interview with Shalom Yerushalmi as the source.*

Dani didn't think it was that minor, even after the nightime expulsion of three families and the destruction of their homes, and wrote that because of that, Bennett had to leave his position.

If you read Hebrew, go there as the comments and Dani's input are piling up.




For the original comment, Maariv Sept. 10, 2011:

"הממשלה של נתניהו היא הגרועה ביותר שהייתה עד היום להתיישבות," ממשיך בנט במתקפת הזעם שלו. "הכל שם תחפושת. פעם ראשונה הקפיאו, פעם שנייה הרסו, פעם שלישית נותנים לערבים לבנות בכל מקום. עכשיו הם חכמים על שלוש המשפחות הללו. הכל נובע מהראש. נתניהו חלש, רופס, הוא ת"פ )תחת פיקוד. ש"י( של שר הביטחון. מי אומר שהוא ראש הממשלה של הימין? אהוד אולמרט מעולם לא הקפיא את כל הבנייה ביהודה ושומרון. גם ציפי לבני לא הייתה מקפיאה." 


Thursday, December 01, 2011

Livni "Guns Them Down"

JPost reports:

Livni thwarts attempt at early Kadima primary

Kadima chairwoman Tzipi Livni scored a big political victory on Monday when she withstood a rebellion in the Kadima faction and succeeded in passing a proposal to delay discussions about holding a new leadership race until at least May.

MKs Shaul Mofaz, Avi Dichter, and Meir Sheetrit, who intend to run against Livni, demanded a faction meeting about advancing the primary, currently set for three months before the next general election, which could take place as late as October 2013. Livni surprised her rivals by calling their bluff and enabling the debate to take place.

And she's taking on Bibi:

Livni meets Abbas in Amman, urges renewed talks

Kadima head Tzipi Livni met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Jordan on Wednesday, and asked him to renounce unilateral steps toward statehood and to fight Islamic extremism.

...“We must act now and work together against Islamic extremist forces,” she said. “It is clear to everyone that serious negotiations can reduces the damage.”  Livni was joined on her trip by Kadima MK Ronnie Bar-On and former Kadima ministers Tzachi Hanegbi and Haim Ramon. The four held a joint press conference in the Knesset upon their return from Amman.

...The opposition leader said that she did not meet with Abbas to “negotiate instead of the Israeli government,” and that if Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu took steps to restart talks, Kadima would support him....

...“Both sides are responsible,” Livni said.

(k/t for photoshop = LM)

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Tzipi Livni Is Burning The Food Stores

Burning the food stores example:

Q: You just suggested that when Obama pushed Netanyahu, people realized they needed to get a deal. Do you think that American pressure on Netanyahu has been constructive?

Tzipi Livni: When Obama pushed Bibi, Bibi made some steps forward. The American pressure led those who don't believe that time is of the essence to a better understanding that there is no status quo option. For Israelis, when they wake up in the morning and ask themselves, what is the general situation today, the litmus test for them is the health of the relationship between Israel and the United States.

From this interview.


What - and how - do Israelis think?

An example:-

A new poll by the Smith Institute for "Globes" and "The Jerusalem Post" shows that the prime minister should take the social protesters seriously. Were elections held today, a new social party headed by the protesters would win more than 20 Knesset seats...

83% of respondents in the latest survey support the protesters, and believe that the protests should continue. 45% of respondents believe that the protest leaders should reach a deal with the government on a timetable to implement the protesters' demands...

...However, only 9% of respondents said that the protesters should organize a new political party that would run in early elections.


Telephone poll of a representative sample of 506 adult Israelis (including Israeli Arabs) carried out by Maagar Mohot Survey Institute (headed by Professor Yitzchak Katz) the week of August 1 for Makor Rishon and published on 5 August.

If elections held today (expressed in Knesset seats)

Current Knesset seats in [brackets].

29 [27] Likud

25 [28] Kadima

16 [15] Yisrael Beiteinu

11 [13] Labor (Headed by Shelly Yacimovich)

13 [11] Shas

05 [05] Yahadut Hatorah

04 [04] Nat'l Union

04 [03] Meretz

03 [03] Jewish Home/NRP

09 [11] Arab parties

01 [00] Independence (Ehud Barak)

Who is most appropriate to me prime minister? Netanyahu, Livni, Liberman or Yacimovich?

Netanyahu 51% Livni 28% Liberman 17% Yacimovich 4%

And this, 71% pro-Netanyahu, from a few days ago.


Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Netanyahu on Pollard

Excerpt of PM Netanyahu’s Speech at the 40 Signatures Knesset Session

My fellow members of Knesset,

This 40 signatures discussion is usually accompanied by, or even at times focuses on the differences of opinion between us, and I assure you that later on in my speech I will discuss several of the issues you raised in this discussion. However, this time I wish to open my remarks with a subject that unites us all – members of Knesset and the entire country – and that is the release of Jonathan Pollard.

On January 7, 2002, almost nine years ago, I travelled to Butler Prison. This prison is in North Carolina, and I travelled there in order to visit Jonathan Pollard. I entered the prison facility and was led to some sort of break room. I waited patiently for the meeting, and after some time, Jonathan Pollard entered, accompanied by a guard, who was with him throughout the meeting. We shook hands warmly; he sat next to me and we began to talk. I would like to remind you that at that stage Jonathan had already been in prison for over 16 years.

I expected to see a bitter man, an angry, abandoned, frustrated man, but that is not what I found. I found an intelligent, I would even say brilliant man, a calm and realistic man. Jonathan spoke with determination and seriousness. He maintained maximal restraint. I asked him what it was like living in prison and he told me what is was like living there in his special conditions day after day, year after year for over 16 years – 6,000 days.

My friends, over nine years have passed since then, and Jonathan has been in prison for over 9,000 days. I must tell you that he spoke with me about his situation in a very matter-of-fact manner, without any self-pity. I asked him several specific questions regarding the conditions of his incarceration, and he said, in the most laconic manner, “It’s not easy”.

I saw before me a warm Jew, a proud and very Zionist Jew. I have no doubt his inner strength and his special character are the unique qualities that have allowed him to hang on for the 25 years he has been in prison – to hang on and maintain his mental stability. I told him at the time: “I swear to you, Jonathan, that the State of Israel, and I personally, will do what must be done to bring you home to your family, to your people, to bring you back to Israel”. It is true that throughout the years, Prime Ministers, ministers and many others have acted to advance Jonathan Pollards release. Unfortunately, these actions have not yet been successful.

In the summer of 1995, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin asked President Clinton to grant Jonathan Pollard clemency as a humanitarian gesture. In January 1996, then-Minister of the Interior, Haim Ramon, granted Jonathan Israeli citizenship after a decision made by his predecessor, Minister of the Interior Ehud Barak in November 1995. When I became Prime Minister halfway through 1996, I asked the government ministers to combine visits to the prison when they visited the United States – in order to visit Jonathan Pollard publicly. Several people sitting here today who were government members at that time did so.

I see you nodding, Yuli Edelstein. You did that. Limor Livnat, you did that. Ya’akov Ne’eman, Mickey Eitan, Eli Yishai – they also did that. I also asked official government representatives – the Attorney General, Elyakim Rubenstein, Government Secretary, Danny Naveh – to visit him in prison, and they did.

On May 11, 1998, my government made a formal announcement. I quote it now: “Jonathan Pollard was an Israeli agent who was handled by senior officials in an authorized Israeli authority, the Bureau of Scientific Relations. In light of this fact, the Government of Israel recognizes its obligation to him and it is willing to bear the full responsibility resulting from this situation”.

Before the Wye Conference in September 1998, I asked President Clinton to release Jonathan Pollard in the framework of the agreement we were about to sign with the Palestinians. Based on those conversations, I had a foundation, even a strong one, to believe that Jonathan would come back to Israel with me. Regrettably, for me and for you, this did not happen and the reasons for that are well known.

As to the Prime Ministers who followed: Barak, Sharon, Olmert – they all asked American presidents, including Clinton and Bush, to release Jonathan, and the Presidents of Israel also asked. Later on, I served as head of the opposition. I met with President Bush during his visit to Jerusalem. I asked him to release Jonathan Pollard. I wrote him a letter formally requesting that he do so towards the end of Bush’s term.

When I was elected for the second time to serve as Prime Minister, I raised the subject during my first visit to Washington in my conversation with President Obama. Since then, I have raised the subject many times with many heads of state, including during the past several months. You too, members of Knesset, did not spare any efforts over the years to bring about Jonathan’s release, including the letter you recently sent to President Obama signed by nearly every member of Knesset – 109 in total.

I can say today that the Government of Israel, the Israeli Knesset, we all tried and tried and tried and did not succeed. Two weeks ago, I received a letter from prison, from Jonathan, asking me as the Prime Minister of Israel to openly appeal – I repeat openly appeal – to the President of the United States and formally and openly ask for his release. I heard from many of you over the past several days that you support this request. I thought about it, and I know you have pondered it a great deal as well.

I believe that after 25 years that Jonathan has been serving time in prison, after 15 years of unsuccessful efforts to secure his release, I decided that his request must be met, and that it was the right thing to do openly, here from the Knesset in Jerusalem, in a step that represents and unites all the sectors of the nation. I would like to read you to the letter I sent to President Obama about Jonathan.

“Dear Mr. President,

On behalf of the people of Israel, I am writing to you to request clemency for Jonathan Pollard.

At the time of his arrest, Jonathan Pollard was acting as an agent of the Israeli government. Even though Israel was in no way directing its intelligence efforts against the United States, its actions were wrong and wholly unacceptable. Both Mr. Pollard and the Government of Israel have repeatedly expressed remorse for these actions, and Israel will continue to abide by its commitment that such wrongful actions will never be repeated.

As you know, Mr. President, I have raised the question of Jonathan Pollard’s release numerous times in discussions with your administration and with previous U.S. administrations. Previous Israeli Prime Ministers and Presidents have also requested clemency for Mr. Pollard from your predecessors.

Since Jonathan Pollard has now spent 25 years in prison, I believe that a new request for clemency is highly appropriate. I know that this view is also shared by former senior American officials with knowledge of the case as well as by numerous Members of Congress.

Jonathan Pollard has reportedly served longer in prison than any person convicted of similar crimes, and longer than the period requested by the prosecutors at the time of his plea bargain agreement. Jonathan has suffered greatly for his actions and his health has deteriorated considerably.

I know that the United States is a country based on fairness, justice and mercy. For all these reasons, I respectfully ask that you favorably consider this request for clemency. The people of Israel will be eternally grateful.”

That is the letter. I know it reflects all our genuine feelings.

Members of Knesset, on behalf of the entire nation, I wish to send from the Knesset in Jerusalem a message to Jonathan Pollard. Jonathan, you held on for 25 years. Keep strong. The people of Israel strengthen your hand; the people of Israel wait for you; and G-d willing, you will be with us soon.

And Evie Gordon on Tzipi Livini

Israeli opposition leader Tzipi Livni hit a new low yesterday when she ordered her Knesset faction to vote against a letter from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urging President Barack Obama to pardon Jonathan Pollard — and then had the nerve to take the podium and declare: “I will not turn Pollard into a political issue. We will give our support to every effort to free him.”

...But if there was ever any chance of Obama granting this request, Livni has just killed it by her disgraceful show of partisanship. After all, the Obama administration has made no secret of its preference for Livni over Netanyahu: see, for instance, Hillary Clinton’s ostentatious hour-long meeting with Livni at the State Department last month, even as she allotted only 30 minutes in a side room of the Saban Forum that same weekend to the government’s representative, Defense Minister Ehud Barak. Thus Obama is highly unlikely to do anything that could be perceived as a victory for Netanyahu over Livni...By its vote, Kadima has made it clear that it views freeing Pollard as a lower priority than scoring points off Netanyahu. Livni’s assertion of support for “every effort to free him” is worse than meaningless when her party has just torpedoed the one serious effort actually in train...Now she’s sunk to playing politics on the back of a man who has spent 25 years in jail for serving the state she ostensibly represents. It’s hard to sink any lower than that.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Tzipi Livni Isn't Dying

You just got to admire the chutzpah of some columnists.

Take Deborah Solomon of the NYTimes.

Here's her final question to Tzipi Livni this week:

Are you dying?

And Ms. Livni replies:

It’s not part of my plan for now.

I do not quite know how to describe Tzipi's answer. Does anyone really "plan" to die? Why not respond: "Are you dying?". Or, "Don't we begin dying the moment we are born?".


What else is there in that interview?

Well, let's read on in Leader of the Opposition

...Many Americans agree Hamas is a disaster, but might Israel do more to show concern for the Palestinian people and the problems they face?

I know that there is no humanitarian crisis.

Why do you say that?

The crossings are open for humanitarian needs. I suggested in the past to put cameras online, on the Internet, for the world to see all the goods entering Gaza Strip. This was my suggestion when I was foreign minister.

Now, that is a good idea. It might have even caught some terror activity by the Gazans.

But here, she gets a bit hubric:-

You lost to him [B. Netanyahu] in the race for prime minister last year. Will you run again?

I will be prime minister. It’s about the future of my state.

Wow, a prophetess in Israel.

And in this series, she avoids the rumors that her husband was very much involved in Foreign Ministry-related projects:-

Isn’t your husband in advertising?

My husband is in branding. He brands places — cities, institutions.

Do you ever talk to him about improving Israel’s image?

Yes, of course. I believe Israel needs branding. I want that the word “Israel” will relate not just to an Israeli soldier or a camel, but Israel as an advanced liberal society with a strong economy and great people.

At least we find this in there:-

On the right of Israel to exist and to defend itself, there is no opposition in Israel.

- - -

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Building One House

There's a new sign on my street. It announces a future construction project:

But as the last line reads - work will begin right after the end of the suspension/freeze:

Which brings me to this clip of Latma. It is a reworking of the Seder song, Chad Gadya (One Kid) and has Peace Now's Oppenheimer taking pcitures, influencing Haaretz to publish, which pressures Bibi, which encourages Tzipi, which entices Obama which delights Ahmadinejad, well, you get the picture:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Majority Opinion of Ms. Livni

Last week, MK Tzipi Livni got herself interviewed for the Wall Street Journal and I was alerted to this section:

Q: Your parents were part of Herut, the forerunner of today's Likud party. As a champion of the two-state solution, is it difficult to break with that past?

A: This is a misperception [sic!]. I believe that what I'm doing is implementing the values that my parents taught me are essential for the state. It was never only about the land of Israel, but it was also about our values. The idea was not only to create a state. The vision, then and now, is being a Jewish and democratic state, or being a homeland for the Jewish people. Since the realities are such that, in order to keep Israel as a homeland for the Jewish people, we need to give up part of the land, it doesn't mean that I don't believe in the rights of the Jewish people to the entire land. I still do. I believe the Jewish people have the right to the entire land -- judicial, biblical historical, moral, whatever.

But my vision, as I believe the vision of my parents was, is to keep the state of Israel as a homeland for the Jewish people. And since they also believed in the values of democracy, there's a need for a Jewish majority. In order to have peace, we need to give up part of the land. The whole vision is to keep Israel a Jewish and democratic state living in peace and security in the land of Israel. And the only way to keep all these together, is to give up part of the land. Because without giving up part of the land, it means we give up the idea, or the essence, of Israel as a homeland for the Jewish people. And this is something we cannot afford.

There's a big problem here, besides the fact that her parents are dead and we can't ask them what they taught their daughter and what they would be thinking today on the issue. And that problem is that Livni is indeed using proper terms from Revisionist ideology and political philosophy but corrupting their meaning.

For one, Jabotinsky, when he gave testimony before the Palestine Royal [Peel] Commission in 1937, declared that his "demand for a Jewish majority is not our maximum - it is our minimum" and he stressed that there would soon be 3-4 million European Jews seeking a safe haven in Palestine (and little did he know that 6 million was the real figure but the British closed off the gates to immigrants in 1939 which is something Livni would be doing, in a figurative sense, if she gave away our homeland through territorial compromise now.

The recommendation of the Commission to the partition Mandate Palestine, or what was left after 1923 when its eastern portion was handed over the Abdullah, into two states, Jabotinsky opposed the plan as he argued that all territory in the original 1920 British Mandate over Palestine - encompassing all of the Land of Israel on both banks of the Jordan River - should be part of the Jewish homeland.

What is Livni talking about?

As I've written previously, Jabotinsky and his followers were no Livnis.

Here is another longish excerpt from Doar Hayom, April 12, 1929 which contributes to comprehending the Jabotinsky thinking:

...when we, the `extreme Zionists`, dream of our future Hebrew state, we also dream that it will be an example to the world of how to organise the internal structure of a multi-racial society on the basis of real equality. And in this we will realise the first and greatest blessing of our most beautiful hope - that from Zion will go forth Torah, to all the nations of the world, that they might learn from us.

And if this will be so, will the country then be a Hebrew country? Yes, if it will have in it a Hebrew majority. If it has a Hebrew majority of 60%, it will be at least 60% Hebrew. In England there is, as I have mentioned, complete equality of rights. There is no differentiation made between English, Scots, Welsh or Irish residents of London or Manchester, but England remains England, because the majority there is English, as Scotland is Scottish, because the majority there is Scottish.

...There are people (in the Land of Israel, in Uruguay, what does it matter) who are satisfied with a population of a quarter of a million Jews in Zion. And I also know that there are millions who want to settle in Zion, and this, and only this, is my concern. It is no concern of mine whether the non-Jewish residents of the Land of Israel become `Judaised` or not; this is their concern...

I will take this opportunity to raise a number of issues regarding the matter of peaceful relations between ourselves and the non-Jewish inhabitants of the Land of Israel. We all seek peace. And we would all be very happy if it became known to us that it was possible to reach it without giving up Zionism. But Zionism is not an empty word; it is a word possessing a fixed content, a content which cannot be cancelled or replaced with an alternative meaning, and the essence of this content is the Aliyah of Jews from the Gola to the Land of Israel.

As long as our enemies do not agree to this, it is they who do not want peace, and there is nothing to be done but to fight for Aliyah. I will be asked Aliyah - up to what figure? A million? Two million? Also on this our response is very simple: Aliyah is required until the point that life itself will veto it, on the grounds that there is no room remaining in the country...We will not agree to give them the right to say `stop`. This is why we demanded that the land of Israel be given over to the rule of a non local administration. Because of this, for as long as there is a non-Jewish majority in the Land of Israel, we will not agree to the creation of a local government dependent on the will of the majority. On this matter there is no room for compromise. And this is the central factor in the dispute between ourselves and the Arabs.

...if there are irrational people among us who believe that it is possible to change the attitude of our neighbors on the principle of Hebrew Aliyah, and to obtain from them their agreement to give up their demand for the right of `veto`, then let them go and preach to our neighbors, and not to us. We have nothing to concede. Aliyah without `veto` is the spirit of Zionism. And Zionism is a question of life or death for our people. We cannot concede on life, even if we wished to. And we do not wish to.
And this from 1923:-

There is not much that we can concede to Arab nationalism, without destroying Zionism. We cannot abandon the effort to achieve a Jewish majority in Palestine. Nor can we permit any Arab control of our immigration, or join an Arab Federation. We cannot even support Arab movement, it is at present hostile to us...And this state of affairs will continue, because it cannot be otherwise, until one day the iron wall will compel the Arabs to come to an arrangement with Zionism once and for all...It is an act of simple justice to alienate part of their land from those nations who are numbered among the great landowners of the world, in order to provide a place of refuge for a homeless, wandering people. And if such a big landowning nation resists which is perfectly natural – it must be made to comply by compulsion. Justice that is enforced does not cease to be justice. This is the only Arab policy that we shall find possible. As for an agreement, we shall have time to discuss that later.

All sorts of catchwords are used against Zionism; people invoke Democracy, majority rule national self-determination. Which means, that the Arabs being at present the majority in Palestine, have the right of self-determination, and may therefore insist that Palestine must remain an Arab country. Democracy and self-determination are sacred principles, but sacred principles like the Name of the Lord must not be used in vain – to bolster up a swindle, to conceal injustice. The principle of self-determination does not mean that if someone has seized a stretch of land it must remain in his possession for all time, and that he who was forcibly ejected from his land must always remain homeless...

And now when the whole of the civilised world has recognised that Jews have a right to return to Palestine, which means that the Jews are, in principle, also "citizens" and "inhabitants" of Palestine, only they were driven out, and their return must be a lengthy process, it is wrong to contend that meanwhile the local population has the right to refuse to allow them to come back and to that "Democracy”. The Democracy of Palestine consists of two national groups, the local group and these who were driven out, and the second group is the larger...
I would strongly suggest to Ms. Livni (notice how female politicians maintain their original family name? Her husband is an accountant, Naftali Spitzer) that she review her Jabotinsky, her Revisionism, her Begin.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Headline Double Entendre

London Times:

Hardliners realise Britain is a soft touch

It's about Tzipi Livni getting slapped with a court order:

...The upstanding, honest-to-God British magistrate who showed neither fear nor favour towards a former minister is an example of what might be called the Mrs Tiggywinkle style of adjudication in foreign affairs. “Bright and clean, bright and clean, cleaner than it’s ever been,” sang the endlessly busy clear-starcher, scrubbing and ironing away. The British, pretty much alone in the world, solemnly and doggedly seek to execute laws or resolutions voted through by a United Nations that can never be more than the sum of its parts, and of which only a small minority of member states enjoy anything approaching the rule of law...

Monday, December 07, 2009

Laugh With Livni At Bibi (And Cry With Me)

Israeli politics as so convoluted:

Livni: Gov't deceiving itself, the public

Opposition Chairwoman Tzipi Livni said Monday that..."every time I hear the prime minister tell settlers 'we'll weather this freeze together' and that it is just a temporary move, it means that there is no decision on the matter.

"Unfortunately," she continued, "when this government speaks of Gush Etzion and Migron in the same breath it means Israel's interests to keep the blocs in tact are compromised."

Livni further accused the government of deceiving itself and the public: "If the prime minister says 'we'll weather this together' it means one of three ill possibilities – the government is either undecided on the need for a deal, it's deceiving itself, or it's deceiving the public."

Make no mistake. Livni is still the 'give up Jerusalem' politician she was (*) but if Bibi can be speared - and he has opened himself up to the barbs and slings of fortune - he will be.

And she is right: he has no handle on what he is doing.

And the freeze creeps towards Jerusalem.


Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas insists that negotiations taking place between Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and former PA Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei (Abu Allah) are dealing with the status of Jerusalem. Livni confirmed the claim in a closed meeting with diplomats.

If true, it runs contrary to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s promise to the Shas Party that such talks are not taking place. Shas has declared that it will bolt the coalition and bring down the government the moment talks over Jerusalem ensue.

Abbas made the statements before meeting with European Parliament members in Ramallah Thursday. FM Livni herself confirmed the negotiations in a meeting with foreign diplomats a few days ago.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Tzipi Livni And A Vociferous Crowd

MK Tzipi Livni had a difficult time at the launch for Haggai Segal's new book on the murder by Hagana members of his uncle, Yedidyah Segal in Haifa in early 1948.

A few in the audience at the Begin Center were displeased at her remarks regarding the future of Israel as the Jewish state:

Friday, March 27, 2009

Tzipi Livni: What's Worse Than Being in Opposition?

Bad news for Tzipi Livni who really preened during the last electoral campaign, even having all her major photo shots airbrushed, etc.


Blonde Peruvian congresswoman Luciana Leon, 30, tops an online poll of the world's most beautiful female politicians, the Daily Mail reports.

Peruvian Trade and Tourism Minister Mercedes Araoz ranks second in the light-hearted list which also features Sarah Palin, Hillary Clinton and Segolene Royal.

Beauties from 30 countries from Israel to Afghanistan and Angola to New Zealand have won votes in the internet survey for Spain's popular 20 Minutos newspaper.

She didn't make the Top Ten.

Orly Levy of, oh no, Avigdor Lieberman's Yisrael Beiteinu Party, came in 11!

Pnina Rosenblum was 22. Ruhama Avraham was 26.

Oh well, there's always Head of Opposition as a good enough title.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Livni, Legal Or/And Legitimate

She acknowledged that she was prepared to kill for her country. “To kill and assassinate, though it’s not strictly legal, if you do it for your country, it’s legitimate.”

The "she" there is Tzipi Livni.

Now, as a lawyer, she should know that

...there are no international laws banning assassination. The closest thing to a prohibition is the 1973 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons, Including Diplomatic Agents. This treaty (which the United States signed) bans attacks against heads of state while they conduct formal functions, heads of government while they travel abroad, and diplomats while they perform their duties.

The Protected Persons Convention was intended to ensure that governments could function and negotiate even during war. Without it, countries might start a war (or get drawn into one) and then find themselves unable to stop because there was no leader at home to make the decision to do so and because their representatives were getting picked off on their way to cease-fire negotiations.

But other than these narrow cases, the Protected Persons Convention says nothing about prohibiting assassination. Even then it applies only to officials representing bona fide governments and "international organizations of an intergovernmental character." So presumably the convention shields the representatives of the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the International Red Cross, and, probably, the PLO. It does not protect bosses of international crime syndicates or the heads of terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda.

Another treaty that some might construe as an assassination ban is the Hague Convention on the "laws and customs" of war. The Hague Convention states that "the right of belligerents to adopt means of injuring the enemy is not unlimited." (This was a bold statement in 1907, when the convention was signed.)...

...the main legal constraints on sanctioned assassination other than domestic law, which makes murder a crime in almost all countries, are rules that nations impose on themselves.

The U.S. government adopted such a ban in 1976, when President Ford—responding to the scandal that resulted when the press revealed CIA involvement in several assassinations—issued Executive Order 11905. This order prohibited what it called "political assassination" and essentially reaffirmed an often-overlooked ban that Director of Central Intelligence Richard Helms had adopted for the CIA four years earlier. Jimmy Carter reaffirmed the ban in 1978 with his own Executive Order 12036. Ronald Reagan went even further in 1981; his Executive Order 12333 banned assassination in toto. This ban on assassination remains in effect today.

Even so, there has been a disconnect between our policy and practice. The United States has tried to kill foreign leaders on several occasions since 1976, usually as part of a larger military operation.

For example, in 1986, U.S. Air Force and Navy planes bombed Libya after a Libyan terrorist attack against a nightclub frequented by American soldiers in Berlin. One of the targets was Muammar Qaddafi’s tent. During Desert Storm in 1991, we bombed Saddam Hussein’s official residences and command bunkers. After the United States linked Osama bin Laden to terrorist bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, we launched a cruise missile attack at one of his bases in Afghanistan.

Another opinion:

By examining the strategic and tactical pitfalls in assassination, and by examining human rights law and humanitarian laws regulating assassination, a conclusion is established that assassinations might be technically legal in some circumstances. Yet, complying with international legal obligations entailed therein, and forecasting the security related ramifications of an assassination are difficult.

Maybe in her attempts to subvert Israeli democracy after the elections in which her point-of-view lost resoundingly, Tzipi is assassination Israeli democracy?

(Kippah tip: Muqata for pointing me to the article even though I zeroed in on something else)

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Livni In A Not Very Flattering Light

Ari Shavit, one of the most honest journalist/publicists in Israel, not a rightwinger, in today's Haaretz, after collecting notes on Tzipi Livni:-

Kadima's short-tempered. Her more serious critics believe she has an attention deficit. She is incapable of delving into the details of a document or of sustaining an extended discussion. She does not stay with a topic until it has been completely clarified. Her thinking is not clear and she cannot distinguish the wheat from the chaff. Unlike Netanyahu and Barak, who can get to the bottom of an issue and discuss it in all its complexity, Livni tends to oversimplify, to go for the schematic. One of the most respected figures in the country says she is opinionated and superficial.

...She finds it very hard to make decisions. Even with noncritical decisions she deliberates, wavers, delays and changes her opinion over and over. Some people believe the combination of inexperience and lack of confidence paralyzes Livni...Her third flaw is her total lack of emotional intelligence. Livni neither understands people nor likes them. That is why she has no inner circle of confidants...Her ability to lead after the election is in doubt.

Livni has several other faults. She does not take the long view, is inconsistent, and her deep fear of failure prevents her from being daring and original...Tzipi Livni is hollow. They argued that Livni lacks the cultural baggage, historic vision, emotional tools and personal abilities of a leader. She has never shown civil courage, has no achievements to her name and has never gone against the tide...

...One of the people I spoke to was especially agitated despite being a mature, restrained and conservative person. He told me he felt like a member of some cult with a terrible secret: Tzipi Livni is not fit to be prime minister. There is a black flag waving above her journey to the Prime Minister's Office.

The witness said it was inconceivable to him that the media are not revealing this secret; intolerable that the public does not know. That is why he spoke, that is why I recorded his words. That is why this piece was published. So the public will know - and decide.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The M O U - For the Record

Signing Ceremony of the U.S.-Israel Memorandum of Understanding

or is that a Misunderstanding? (see below this excerpt)

Treaty Room
Washington, DC
January 16, 2009


SECRETARY RICE: ...The current crisis in Gaza was instigated by Hamas, a terrorist group that has called for the destruction of Israel, and refused to extend the calm, and still holds Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier, who was captured.

The Israelis cannot be expected to live under daily threats, nor should Gazans be put at risk by Hamas’s reckless targeting of Israel or endure the brutality of life under Hamas. Hamas has presided over the degradation of safety and well-being of innocent Palestinians since it seized power in a violent coup against the legitimate Palestinian Authority 18 months ago.

We’ve said repeatedly that the continued supply of armaments to Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza, including by some in the region, is a direct cause of the current hostilities. It is, therefore, incumbent upon on us in the international community to prevent the rearmament of Hamas so that a ceasefire will be durable and fully respected. There must be an international consensus that Gaza can never again be used as a launching pad against Israeli cities.

This Memorandum of Understanding that we will sign today responds to that need...

FOREIGN MINISTER LIVNI: ...Israel is fighting today against the Hamas terrorist organization that has taken Gaza hostage and continues to target the citizens of Israel. We are fighting Hamas that continues to hold Gilad Shalit and even denies him ICRC access.

I’ve said from the outset that ending the fighting in Gaza will not be achieved by agreements with terror, but with effective arrangements against it...Israel left Gaza Strip years ago. When we left, Hamas claimed that terror made us leave. But the truth is that it was the hopeful peace that made us leave Gaza, and terror that forced us, and forced our soldiers, to come and fight in Gaza today.

After years of restraint, Israel has shown that it will no longer tolerate attacks on our citizens, and that there will be high price for terror from Gaza against our citizens...

...even after the fighting ends, we reserve our right to act to defend ourselves against those activities in Gaza, including weapons smuggling and buildup of military capabilities. But this can be prevented by actions of the international community, according to this MOU. In this MOU, we have agreed on a series of actions with regional and international players in order to complement Egyptian actions and end the flow of weapon to Gaza...

I don't really understand this.

Remember this?:-

Consider this almost two year-old news item:

America transfers $23 million worth of aid to Egyptians, agrees to send engineering teams to assist in locating smuggling tunnels; budget also for building sturdier fence on Gaza-Egypt border

...American officials have agreed to a $23 million aid package from which most will go towards purchasing technology to prevent the fence from being perforated and for locating underground smuggling conduits, according to information received in the Israeli political circuit...the US intends to send teams from the US Army Corps of Engineers to the Egyptian side of the Gaza-Egypt border in the near future. Theses teams will assist Egyptian forces deployed along the frontier pinpoint the locations of smuggling tunnels west of the border in the Rafah area.

and this

Angry at Hamas' ability to fire rockets at Israel, the United States last year allocated $23 million to help train Egyptian officials to stop the smuggling into Gaza through tunnels at a border plagued by crisis and corruption.

Months later, there is little noticeable effect: Smuggling has continued at a robust pace, allowing Hamas militants in Gaza to gain rockets to shoot at Israeli citizens. Israel's military says about 300 tunnels ran under the Gaza-Egypt border before its military offensive began Dec. 27. Since then, Israel has bombed dozens of them.

The story of the U.S.-funded program and its lack of impact on the problem is a cautionary tale of how hard it has been to control Gaza's border with Egypt _ at a time when patrolling that frontier and stopping the weapons flow are once again hot issues as mediators seek a cease-fire in Gaza.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Diplomatic Catastrophe

The big thing in Israel tonight is that the US, in refusing to veto the UN Resolution, and France, in refusing to delay the vote, reneged on promises.

And Tzipi Livni is in a crossfire: from her fellow Kadima miniters for screwing things up and from her rivals in Labor and Likud.

The word out in the media is that Gabriella Shalev was left alone to run a campaign when she needed someone more senior to work the work, which means face-to-face and not by phone.

Here's how she sees her 'battlefield':

"If diplomacy is hypocrisy and double-talk, then those things exist here," she admits. "These are things I hadn't known, because in the world of law and academia, people seek the truth, even if it isn't pleasant or convenient. That's what I have always done, even if it isn't the truth that I personally came from. And I have seen here what George Orwell calls 'doublethink' in '1984.' On the one hand, [there is] a great deal of courtesy, respect for the State of Israel and for me as an older woman, who comes from the academic world. And then come the anti-Israel speeches. It's very difficult, from the personal perspective as well, to sit through such meetings at the U-shaped table in the Security Council, facing 15 men in dark suits, with glaring eyes."

And another story:

In September, the president of the General Assembly, Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann of Nicaragua, hosted Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Later, Israel was the rotating chair of the WEOG (Western European Countries and Other Groups) bloc at the UN, and Shalev was supposed to have spoken on behalf of the group, but Brockmann, so it was reported, tried to prevent her speech.

"The few times I had met him, he was in fact a 'gentleman,'" says Shalev, "which is also indicative of doublespeak. The moment he learned that the representative of Israel would be delivering the speech at the ceremony to mark the 60th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights, he tried to prevent not only our address, but also America's, as the host country. After the speech was nevertheless confirmed, he decided to absent himself from it and appointed someone else to sit in his place. The ceremony was scheduled for late at night, so it wasn't as impressive as it should have been. With the help of good friends like the Germans, we nevertheless had our say.

"And then Father d'Escoto invited me to a meeting. I was glad, because I haven't come here to quarrel, and certainly not at the expense of the State of Israel. But as I passed through my office, I found that all of the members of our mission were tense: They had called us from Reuters and asked for comment on a statement by Brockmann that 'in the wake of slurs bordering on the criminal from senior sources in the Israeli delegation' - you can guess who this was - he had received threats to his life. After that he retracted this [statement, and said] it wasn't connected to Israel. I said ... sorry, I am canceling the meeting. It's good there wasn't [another] woman there, otherwise they would have called it a cat fight."

This is a bit of background to the uneasiness felt here:

Veteran UN watchers told The Jerusalem Post that the Americans' unwillingness to veto the British resolution, whose text was amended to reflect the concerns of Arab leaders, was unusual. "The fact that the US didn't veto is a victory, of sorts," said Warren Hoge, a former New York Times UN bureau chief who now works at the International Peace Institute, a think-tank that conducts research on UN affairs and conflict resolution.