New Zealand has one of the worst rates of family violence in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, an intergovernmental organisation with 36 member countries. Police attend a domestic violence incident every four minutes, with an estimated 80% of incidents going unreported.
I didn't know New Zealand was under an occupation.
I was under the impression, as informed by all sorts of interested parties, that Israel's "occupation" is guilty for family violence, both in the territories and Israel. I read that
PA: It's Israel's fault Arab men beat their wives
For example, from the June 2017 Human Rights Council Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, on her mission to Israel:
the former Special Rapporteur on violence against women highlighted a number of issues of concerns related to violence against women that remains unaddressed and unresolved. Additionally various UN bodies have expressed concern about the human rights, humanitarian and security issues that occupation brings, including with regard to the situation of women. While recognizing the imperatives related to security and stability in the region, the Rapporteur highlights the clear linkage between the prolonged occupation and VAW, and she notes, like her predecessor, that the occupation does not exonerate the State of Palestine from its due human rights obligation to prevent, investigate, punish and provide remedies for acts of gender-based violence (GBV) in the areas and for persons under its jurisdiction or effective control. The authorities in Gaza also bear human rights obligations, given their exercise of government-like functions and territorial control.
A year earlier, a report, issued for the 60th session of the Commission on the Status of Women during March 2016, highlighted the situation of Palestinian women for the period from October 1st 2014 to September 30th 2015.
According to the document, as reported,
Israeli occupation is to blame for domestic violence against Palestinian women. It states that "overcrowded living conditions and a lack of privacy" in Palestinian refugee camps causes "psychological distress among camp residents" which combined with "the unstable political and security situation and discriminatory gender stereotypes and norms" leads to this type of violence.
Here's a 22-page report.
As for internal Israel domestic violence, here's an article which discusses domestic violence as linked to the militarization of domestic violence in Israel:
the article explores how the centrality of the military, a pervasive ideology of militarism, and the militarization of society shape perpetration, understandings, and experiences of and responses to domestic violence in Israel.
Arab women murdered in Israel are not "Arabs" but "Palestinians", by the way.
I remember years ago the claim that husbands returning from their reserve duty were violent towards their spouses and children due to their service on behalf of the "occupation".
Thank you, New Zealand for providing some balance and perspective.