Showing posts with label hasbara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hasbara. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

When YESHA Comes to the Super Bowl


Watch for it (at 12 secs.)



Netanyahu at Ariel University last night:

The danger to the world is not that we are constructing neighborhoods in our capital, Jerusalem...or builds a university here in Ariel...We remain faithful to our homeland.  We will continue to protect our citizens, to develop our state and to build in our land.  With God's help, we'll bild and succeed.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Where We Do Fail in Hasbara Public Diplomacy

My good friend Michael Freund at Pundicity deals with Hasbara (croos-posted at the Jerusalem Post), analyzes it well and makes a 'heretical' point:

...if the mainstream media is so profoundly against us, then why are we doing so well in the arena of American public opinion? If the image being conveyed of Israel is so consistently negative, then why do people there seem to like us so much?...the fact remains that we must be doing something right in how we explain ourselves if our public standing in America is so strong and resilient.

However, the really injurious damage to Israel - its image, its standing, its security, its polices - that is done by the media is within that element of America's, as well as Europe's, population (and the problem in Spanish-speaking countries, whether Spain or South Anmerica is also bad) that more than any other are already in, or preparing to enter, the corridors of public service and the academic world, as well as to the media.

These are overwhelmingly liberal/progressive, still, and they refill the anti-Israel trenches.  They are not convinced by the turth for they have their personal, cultural and ideological issues with Israel, with Zionism and with Jews and Judaism.  They are naturally sympathetic to ther Arab/Islamic cause and, from my four-decades long experience, refuse to believe the truth, ignore the facts, extend no empathy to Israel and this group is not only strengthened but even emboldened by the media to rathc up the public diplomacy war against Israel.

And that is why any failings on our part is important to be corrected, sooner than later.

For the future.


Monday, February 25, 2013

Israel's Hasbara Situation

Michael Freund has written:

...If Israel is finding it “impossible” to explain settlement construction, that is simply because it makes little or no effort to do so in a compelling manner. After all, when was the last time you heard a government minister articulate and assert Israel’s legal right to these areas? How forceful have Israeli embassies and consulates abroad been in telling the story of Judea and Samaria? 

IF YOU think I am exaggerating, try the following exercise.

Visit the websites of the Israeli embassies in Washington and London, and see if you can find something – anything! – which explains Israel’s rights to Judea and Samaria. Or check out the website of the Foreign Ministry, which refers to these areas as the “West Bank,” the terminology that is used by the Palestinians.

How many people abroad know that the Jewish presence in Hebron dates back more than 3,000 years? Or that “settlements” such as Neve Ya’akov and Kfar Etzion were created during the British Mandatory period even before the State of Israel was founded? Centuries before the invention of Islam, King David was born in Bethlehem, Amos prophesied in Tekoa and Judah the Maccabee fought at Beit Horon. And 1,800 years before the PLO was established, Jews at Beitar were battling the Romans.

This is my interpretation:


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Taking A Lesson

I found this in a Charles Krauthammer oped but altered the wording a bit and I ask, can this model:

Israel is a good country Romney is a good man who made the best argument it he could, and nearly won. It He would have made a superb paragon of a state chief executive, but it he (like the Arab propaganda Clinton machine) could not match them and their associates from the so-called progressive forces Barack Obama in the darker arts of public persuasion.
The answer to Israel's hasbara Romney’s failure is not retreat, not aping the Arabs' Democrats’ patchwork pandering. It is to make the case for restrained, rationalized and reformed government in stark contradistinction to the Arabs' Obama’s increasingly unsustainable corrupt, negarious and terrorist big-spending, big-governmentpaternalism.

be applied, translated, to Israel's hasbara needs and how?


Wednesday, November 07, 2012

The Media and Israel - 1936

Paying close attention to the media by the Revisionist Movement, how the London Times treats the background of events in then Mandate Palestine:

Found at the Jabotinsky Institute archives.

And the response:


Monday, May 28, 2012

Rebbe Nahman's Eretz-Yisrael Hasbara

Here is a quotation from Rebb Nahman of Bratzlav (who died in 1810) which posits a core principle of modern Hasbara, that one needs to assert rights, even if only verbally:

Despite our land and inheritance being stolen by non-Jews
and we have not the power to remove it from their hands,
due to a fault of ours,
we pray and we shout out that
the Land of Israel is ours and is our patrimony
and that is our response to the Other Side,
the possession of non-Jews is not a valid possession
the Land of Israel is ours and in the end,
we will extract it from their hands.
With God's help.


Monday, March 12, 2012

Going to the Seminar in NYC?

Israel in the Write Light – Program

9:00 AM Registration & Breakfast

9:30 AM Opening Remarks
Presenter: Gary Rosenblatt, Editor and Publisher of The Jewish Week

9:45 AM What do Israel and Zionism Mean Today?
Presenter: Julian Resnick
Brief history of Israel and Zionism
o Why is Zionism still relevant today? How to we clarify our own personal
perspectives of Zionism and articulate it productively

10:15 AM Digital Age Journalism: Is it really different than traditional journalism?
Presenter: TBD

o As A.J Leibling once said: “Freedom of the press belongs to those who own one.”
Internet enables everyone who owns a computer to have his or her own printing press.
Information becomes public so quickly in the digital age. How do we take this into account
when reporting on events or topics?

11:30 AM Breakout Sessions (Choose One)

1 – Writer? Blogger? Tweeter? How to Crystallize Your Point of View
Presenters: Rob Lattin/Kortney Shapiro

o Learn tips from your peers on how to create your own news agenda instead of having it
created for you by traditional media. Whether you want to be a professional journalist,
or simply strong Israel advocate, this session will help you determine what you are
passionate about and how to convey your message.

2 – Bringing (Virtual) Life to Your Message
Presenter: Ashley Scorpio

o Learn best practices and messaging techniques to convey how to develop and market
your message, create an emotional connection with your target audience, drive world of
mouth and generate maximum reach for your message.

12:30 PM Lunch

Revamping Israel’s Persona in the Media:
Presenter: David Olesker

o How do we credibly tell Israel’s story through the modern lens of journalism?

1:30 PM Internal vs. External Advocacy
Presenter: Gil Lainer, Consul for Public Diplomacy at the Consulate General of Israel in New York
o Understanding the differences and challenges of “The Israel Conversation” to Jewish communities and media vs. the rest of the world.

2:45 PM Breakout Sessions (choose one)

How to Make the Most of Limited Knowledge
Presenter: David Olesker
o Think you lack the background and knowledge base to adequately defend your opinion? Don’t worry! Learn tips on how to get your message across.

It’s Not What You Say, But What People Hear
Presenter: TBD
o Being an effective communicator: Together we will explore the art of messaging and strategic communications.

3:45 PM Closing Sessions

o What have we learned? The importance of using information effectively
o Media Resources and Contacts
o Ways to get involved
o Intro to DTWT at GA


Friday, March 02, 2012

The Arabs Deny; The Israelis Basically Comply

From Dore Gold's op-ed: Abbas’ Temple denial

Speaking in Qatar on Feb. 26, at an Arab League conference, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas resumed the Palestinian attack on the historical Jewish connection to Jerusalem. This diplomatic strategy began with his predecessor, Yasser Arafat, who questioned whether the Temple ever existed at the end of the July 2000 Camp David summit...Arafat then asserted that Solomon’s Temple was in Nablus, not in Jerusalem. Two years later in leading pan-Arab newspaper al-Hayat, Arafat continued: “They found not a single stone proving the Temple was there ...”

...Abbas himself continued with Arafat’s ideological position on the Temple in an Israeli-Arab weekly, adding: “... they claim that 2,000 years ago they had a temple. I challenge the claim that this is so.”...Nabil Shaath spoke to al-Ayyam and spoke about the Israeli claim that “its fictitious temple” once stood in Jerusalem.

Chief Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat, also declared: “For Islam, there never was a Temple at al-Quds, but a ‘distant mosque.’” Yasser Abd Rabbo told Le Monde, in September 2000, “There was no archaeological evidence that the Temple ever existed on the Temple Mount.”...

Now, Abbas is once again renewing this line of attack...

...Since Arafat first told Clinton that there never was a Temple, there has been a full-scale effort over the last decade, on the part of the Palestinian leadership, to make this idea of Temple denial take root through programs on Palestinian television, articles in the official Palestinian Authority newspapers, and mosque sermons that aim to deny the historical Jewish connection to Jerusalem...The great irony of this new Palestinian version of Jerusalem’s history is that it contradicts the original Islamic tradition.

...the fact [is] that Umar himself allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem, after the Romans and Byzantines kept them away for 500 years...what is going on here?...this is not a matter of establishing what is historical truth. Instead, the almost obsessive Palestinian preoccupation with denying Israel’s ties to Jerusalem is actually a new kind of political warfare they have decided to wage...The Palestinian Authority leaders have observed that most of the assertions they have made about Israel in recent years – like comparing it to apartheid South Africa – eventually get accepted without question or criticism. They have every reason to hope that the denial of the historical Jewish connection to Jerusalem will gain supporters worldwide.

Israel...needs to insist that its representatives understand and learn for themselves Israel’s historical rights...

In my experience, the lack of knowledge as well as fundamental slow-off-the-mark behavior - both in thought processes and action items - is killing Israel and Zionism.

As Isi Liebler notes:

...Netanyahu is blessed with an extraordinary gift of articulating Israel’s case. But unless he also ensures that the government employs competent people capable of expeditiously responding in the war of ideas, he must be held accountable for our failures in this area...Netanyahu must recognize that one of the highest priorities of his office is to provide effective liaison between the Israel Defense Forces, the Foreign Ministry and other divisions to ensure that Israel responds speedily and acts efficiently in the face of the ongoing defamatory campaigns being launched against us.

Only too often we remain the last to take action when it comes to damage control. By the time we respond to Palestinian lies and subterfuge, it is invariably too late and the initial falsehoods that dominated the media cannot be undone...Netanyahu’s direct obligation to ensure that his office is manned by the best available staff. Until now, notwithstanding a number of talented individuals serving in the PMO, overall the information services remain an abysmal failure...


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Real Problem

Do you what the real problem in this story is?

Israeli soldiers raided a Palestinian television station in the occupied West Bank on Wednesday and seized broadcast equipment, computers and files, an employee said.

Ahmed Milhem said soldiers gave no reason for the raid on privately-owned Watan TV in Ramallah, which began at 0200 a.m. (1200 GMT) and lasted for three hours.

"They seized computers, broadcast equipment and administrative files," Milhem told Reuters by telephone. "The station is now off the air," he added.

An Israeli military spokeswoman said she had no initial information but was checking for details.

The television station is owned by local non-governmental organizations and broadcasts local news and cultural and political programs over the Internet.

No, not the raid itself.

But this

An Israeli military spokeswoman said she had no initial information but was checking for details.

Was Watan assisting incitement, criminal activity, terrorism?

If so, the army should have alerted the spokesperson sho she shouldn't be uninformed and worse, appear as a klutz.


Tuesday, February 07, 2012

A 99% Video Clip Success

A great video clip, "curtesy" of Bill Clinton:

However that last caption segment of "Israel Wants Peace" shopuld not have been followed by "When will the Arabs?" but rather -

What Do The Arabs Want?


Saturday, January 07, 2012

Outgoing Yesha Council Director's Opinion

Naftali Bennett published this at Ynet: Israel is our land

Israeli PR effort will fail as long as we don’t declare that land belongs to the Jews

He notes that there's a dominating

claim that the Judea and Samaria public relations effort, which is premised on our historical right in this land, is doomed for failure


we must not speak of the Bible and history, because it’s primitive; rather, we must only explain our security needs and point to the murderous behavior of the Palestinians

He insists

...there is no greater mistake...the Palestinians have been arguing for dozens of years now that this land is theirs, while we have been responding with “true, but we need security.”

...There is no wonder that the nations of the world would see us as robbers who pushed the Palestinian people out of their home. Regardless...we shall remain robbers.

And he further makes clear:

As long as we keep on utilizing practical arguments while leaving the arena of justice to the Palestinians, we shall lose. The time has come for the Israeli government to go back to the simple truth: The Land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel.

Friday, December 02, 2011

So, What Went On Under the Big Tent?

The Jewish Chronicle report notes:-

Speaking just before the ambassador, MP Ivan Lewis praised the Big Tent's convenor, Rabbi Jonathan Guttentag, and noted that, "far too often, those who claim the mantle of leadership in our community would rather ignore some home truths. And the leaders who have the integrity to speak out in a very moderate and balanced way are sometimes vilified."

Mr Lewis said: "Let us respect our differences, free of some of the rancour and personal vitriol we have seen over the last few weeks."

...Douglas Murray of the Henry Jackson Society told 200 delegates that as an "outside observer" of the Jewish community, he noted that "pro-Israel groups spend more time attacking each other than they do their mutual enemies. "It's like the scene in the Life of Brian when no one remembers who their enemy is," Mr Murray said. The sentiment was echoed in more serious terms by many of the conference's 40 or more speakers.

...The Big Tent, living up to its name, included speakers from a wide range of political positions. [except me] Hannah Weisfeld, director of the left-wing Israel advocacy organisation Yachad, strenuously defended the right of pro-Israel groups to criticise the Israeli government. "I challenge the notion and strongly refute [the belief] that you cannot engage with critics of Israel by admitting Israel's flaws," she said.

But Douglas Murray, who admitted a cross-political effort for Israel was needed, countered: "If this argument for Israel is going to be won - and, let's face it, it is being lost - we need a tool-box approach to doing that. That tool-box will include people who are hammers, and there will be some spanners in it."

...Jewish PR guru Shimon Cohen...told Lorna Fitzsimons he did not agree with a word she had said on positive PR efforts by the Israeli government..."Israel's PR sucks," and urged the audience to try to focus the media on positive Israel stories rather than countering the negative. He also attacked Jewish communal leadership. "When we started Shechita UK, I was told we didn't need it; our leaders would have a quiet word at the top. That is utter rubbish. People matter, opinions matter, voices matter. Thanks to the great Jewish public, a voice got across and we won," he said, urging that the same PR effort should now be made for Israel.

Now, that is refreshing.


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wineman Replies, More Manchester Tent Flapping

Further to the Manchester Big Tent Event flap *, the Jewish Chronicle carries Vivian Wineman's response:

Mr Wineman insisted: "There was no exclusion of pro-settler voices. Mr Unsdorfer and Mr [Eric] Graus [president of Likud-Herut] have been invited to speak, and they will be welcome if they come."

Mr Medad had been ruled out, he said, because he lacked the immediate local experience of the delegitimisation of Israel in the UK.


A prominent spokesman for Jewish settlers in the West Bank has complained of being excluded from Sunday's Big Tent for Israel conference in Manchester.

Yisrael Medad is a former emissary to the UK for the right-wing Betar youth movement, who now lives in the settlement of Shiloh.

On his blog My Right Word, Mr Medad questioned the apparent lack of any settler representative at the advocacy event. He also referred readers to other bloggers who had been critical of the Jewish Leadership Council and the chairman of its executive, Mick Davis, over Israel.

Mr Medad's name was then suggested as a possible speaker, to organisers finalising the programme.

But Mr Medad said: "I was informed that my participation was rejected and it was intimated to me that I had insulted the UK Jewish leadership."


This as well as this and this, too.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wineman, No Wise Man

If you do not know, my presence at the Manchester Big Tent is prohibited as a speaker/presenter. The flap has flopped and I am out.  There will be many people there as presenters, workshop facilitators, panelists and greeters.

I was personally "disinvited" although I am not sure that I ever was officially invited. I think my name was proposed at the organizing meeting last Thursday for I was told that opposition was strongly expressed by Board of Deputies head, Vivian Wineman, in that the feeling shared around the table, it would seem, was that I had insulted the gentlemen and ladies thereof.

Wineman, however, is truly the odd Jew in this situation.

As the Jewish Chronicle reported two years and a half ago, in May 2009:

A former chairman of British Friends of Peace Now has been elected president of the Board of Deputies for the next three years.

Vivian Wineman, 59, the Board’s senior vice-president, emerged victorious from a record four candidates...Mr Wineman, a commercial solicitor who represents Hampstead Garden Suburb United Synagogue [and educated at City of London School Yavneh Yeshivah (Rabbinical College) Gonville & Caius College]...while entertaining “strong views” on Israel...explained that at the Board: “I never make recommendations on what the government of Israel should do for its security. I am concerned that Israel should continue to be a democratic Jewish state...if we start going out on a limb, taking a line on Israeli politics, even a line we are sympathetic to, we risk the danger of alienating our own community and damaging the Board.”

A founder of the British branch of the New Israel Fund, who speaks fluent Hebrew and has studied at yeshivah, Mr Wineman stressed both a commitment to religious pluralism as well as an ability to make overtures to the Charedi community, which is almost entirely unrepresented at the Board...

Peace Now and outreach to Chareidim?

Peace Now and a speaker representing the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria?

What was I thinking?

In addition, it seems he is

chairman of the Jewish Leadership Council and Vice President of the European Jewish Congress.

Talk about power and power concentration. If it weren't so flippant, I'd suggest an "Occupy the BOD" protest but that might really cause a nervous reaction on that august body's part.

But getting back to the principle of fairness, across-the-community representation, studious neutrality, etc. Consider this: Wineman was actually asked to "balance" Naomi Chazan at an event devoted to

the occupied Palestinian territories in a long question and answer session with Jonathan Freedland organized by the UK New Israel Fund and hosted by the New North London Synagogue...

Curiously, the NIF organizers decided they needed to ‘balance’ Naomi Chazan’s views with the responses of three leaders of the Jewish and pro-Israel establishments. This seemed an odd idea to say the least, given that Jonathan Freedland acted very effectively as devil’s advocate in his questioning, despite the fact that he freely admitted that his sympathies lay with Chazan and her views...Wineman was rambling and confused.

NIF President Naomi Chazan with responders BoD President Vivian Wineman,
Bicom CEO Lorna Fitzsimons and UJIA Chief Executive Doug Krikler

Oh, and by the way, I escorted Ms. Fitzsimons on a trip through the Benjamin region.  At least she was open to hear the 'other side'.

"Confused"?  How could he be confused. He headed the NIF. Naomi headed the NIF. The NIF was under attack. He failed her? Failed the NIF? Or is he always rambling and confused despite his legal training? Or was that his legal expertise at work in disguise?

Wineman, this week, has just been awarded

the Samaritan Peace and Humanitarian Medal

Mr Vivian Wineman, President of the Board of Deputies, has become the 2011 recipient of the Samaritan Medal for Peace, Humanitarian and Academic Achievements...[saying] is a matter of huge pride to me that we can conduct dialogue in an atmosphere of mutual respect. I would like to pay tribute to Benny Sedaka's indefatigable work in promoting knowledge of the Samaritan tradition and his wonderful idea of making them a bridge in the cause of peace between the Israelis and Palestinians."

(The Samaritan Medal Foundation was established in 2005 in Washington DC in order to highlight prominent activists in the world and the Middle East who foster peace between Israel and Palestinians)

Can I remind you that back in May this year, Mr. Wineman was absolutely firm:

We don’t support boycotts

he said (about what the community should do in the face of The Guardian's biased and anti-Israel reporting and columns).

If he is so good at dialogue and opposed to boycotts, why was I banned?

Is this hypocrisy at work?

Consider also this: Wineman, as president of the Board of Deputies, wrote to Prime Minister David Cameron wherein he

raised his concerns over the past political activities

of certain European politicians suspected of unsavory ideologies.

Could someone, perhaps, raise questions about his previous ideological positions?

After all, you cannot get further off-base, not to speak of off-center, than Peace Now and New Israel Fund combined.

Are you thinking that his words are retro-1984 speak?

In August 2009, stung by criticism, Wineman said:

“We may be mistaken in our views, but we are not deluded and nor do we have our collective heads in the sand. Our critics should save their vitriol for those who attack Israel, not for those in the front line of its defence."

Mr. Wineman, in all my humbleness, and without passing judgment on whether you are mistaken in your views or not, whether you like, appreciate or despise my residency location and human existence in Shiloh, I am in the front line of the defense of Israel, one way or another, and it should behoove you to permit me to explain to those gathered in Manchester to learn about the issues and the facts relating to those issues.  I live in an authorized and fully government-approved Jewish community, in a portion of the land of Israel that even the League of Nations recognized as part of the Jewish national home to be reconstituted in "Palestine".  Why can I not explain what is happening here in Judea and Samaria to British Hasbarah activists?  What they can say to offset propaganda, lies and media bias.  What are the facts.

What do you fear?

I promise, I will not attempt to persuade, convince or influence anyone to come to live in Shiloh, or Efrat or Hebron. But any defender of Israel should be able to have the necessary facts and data to defend Israel and its Jews from Arab propaganda claims and false accusations that feed the BDS campaign you are supposed to be engaged against.

And if I do not make it to Manchester, I will get to the British Isle and thanks to friends, supporters and others, I will make the case for Judea & Samaria.


Here Are The Big Tent Flappers

As you know, I will not be attending the Big Tent event at Manchester. Too much diversity, I presume, if I were to be there.

Here's the schedule of the day:

There's much to be learned so for those who do attend, pay attention - and don't let the official establishment blokes get you down.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

More on The Manchester Big Tent "Flap"

Following up on my query regarding the Manchester Big Tent event, I received a Press Release from September 9 (see below for full text) which informs that

The Independent Committee tasked with selecting a list of speakers for The Big Tent event held a cordial and constructive meeting in Manchester on Wednesday afternoon (9 November) chaired by Vivian Wineman, President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, and Lucille Cohen, President of the Jewish Representative Council of Greater Manchester and Region.

A list of diverse and exciting potential speakers representing a balanced range of views across the pro-Israel camp was agreed, with the input of the Organising Committee. Rabbi Guttentag, the convenor of The Big Tent event, who was present by Skype at the meeting, expressed his delight at the process and the outcome.

So, in other words, the issue that dominates Israel's Hasbarah agenda, which a good number believes actually 'causes' or even 'justifies' the BDS, the delegitimisation, the 'bad' press, etc. - which is we all know is the presence of 350,000 Jews in Judea and Samaria in 140 communities, that which is termed an "occupation" - will not be addressed by anyone who can explain, analyze and provide answers who actually lives there and deals with the topic on a day-to-day basis at the present since no one who can deal with it, either at a plenum session or at a workshop, as far as I know has been invited.

Is this logical?

Well,, it seems there is a logic at work here but it is perhaps perverse.

Geoffrey Alderman, in the UK Jewish Chronicle, points to a problem in institutional hierachy:

that UJIA chair and chief trustee of the Jewish Leadership Council, Mick Davis, was promoting a 'New Order' that he and the JLC intended to impose upon British Jewry

He direct our attention to "the recent goings-on in Manchester, where the well-meaning efforts of one rabbi to fly the flag for Israel have resulted not merely in his personal marginalisation at the hands of the JLC, and not merely in the supersession, by the JLC and Davis, of the functions and authority of the Deputies; they have resulted in the overturning of a status quo..."

and details:

...the Tel Aviv-based Reut Institute identified the UK - in particular London - as a "global hub" for those intent on delegitimising the Jewish state. Rabbi Jonathan Guttentag, of the Orthodox Whitefield synagogue in Manchester, determined to do something about this. He began to contact sponsors and speakers with a view to holding a "Big Tent for Israel" conference in Manchester...It has been hijacked by those with a different agenda...

...a spiteful campaign against it [was triggered]...last month Davis sent Rabbi Guttentag a breathtaking letter, threatening that if he did not agree to this equality of status then the JLC, along with the UJIA, the Union of Jewish Students and the Board, would find it "very difficult" to participate in the conference. The threat built on one issued by Board president Vivian Wineman...

Seems that

The committee now responsible for choosing speakers will be chaired by United Synagogue president Stephen Pack and is expected to include some Progressive representation.

Progressive means Reform so religious representation means more than Yesha? Are Yesha spokepersons the new 'outcasts' for the Jewish community?

I guess they have not yet learned in the UK what Lyndon Johnson said:

“Better to have him inside the tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in”

Isi Liebler took on Davis as expanded upon here, noting

Davis, he wrote, “brazenly incites his fellow Jews to criticize Israel.” Leibler went on:

“While occupying the role of chairman of the UIJA resident in London, he had the chutzpa to berate the Israeli prime minister ‘for lacking the courage to take the steps’ to advance the peace process, arguing that ‘I don’t understand the lack of strategy in Israel.’ He also employed the terminology of our enemies, predicting an ‘apartheid state’ unless Israel was able to achieve a two-state solution – unashamedly blaming Israelis rather than Palestinians for being the obstacle to peace.

“His sheer arrogance was best demonstrated in his most outrageous remark: ‘I think the government of Israel has to recognize that their actions directly impact on me as a Jew living in London, UK When they do good things, it is good for me; when they do bad things, it is bad for me… I want them to recognize that.’”

As Jonathan Hoffman revealed

Mick Davis referred to Isi Leibler as "that mad Australian who seems to be against everybody".

Will Manchester be Davis' Waterloo?


Subject: Press Release- Independent Committee- BIG TENT FOR ISRAEL.


The Independent Committee tasked with selecting a list of speakers for The Big Tent event held a cordial and constructive meeting in Manchester on Wednesday afternoon (9 November) chaired by Vivian Wineman, President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, and Lucille Cohen, President of the Jewish Representative Council of Greater Manchester and Region.

A list of diverse and exciting potential speakers representing a balanced range of views across the pro-Israel camp was agreed, with the input of the Organising Committee. Rabbi Guttentag, the convenor of The Big Tent event, who was present by Skype at the meeting, expressed his delight at the process and the outcome.

Lucille Cohen,
Jewish Representative Council of Greater MancHester and Region


Vivian Wineman,
Board of Deputies of BrItish Jews.


Who Won't Be In the Big Tent?

Seems that there's a Manchester Big Tent for Israel event, due to take place on Sunday November 27th. Israel's new Ambassador, Daniel Taub, will be the main keynote speaker. The impressive list of confirmed speakers including Eran Shayshon of the Reut Institute, Itamar Marcus of Palestine Media Watch, Yakov Triptou, Histadrut Chairman - Chief of Staff, Lorna Fitzsimons, CEO of BICOM (I took her on a tour in Benjamin), Stuart Palmer, Chairman of CoHaV, Simon Plosker of Honest Reporting, Adam Levick of CIF Watch, Andrew White of Beyond Images, Hillel Neuer of UN Watch and Shimon Cohen of The PR Office. Also confirmed is Marcus Sheff of the Israel Project, advocacy trainers, a strong representation of Christian supporters of Israel including well known activist Dr Denis MacEoin, MPs, trade unionists, academics, student leaders and media personalities.

Rabbi Guttentag, the event’s initiator, is quoted saying, "Our aim is to make the Big Tent a massive springboard to mobilise many more grass roots activists who are willing to take on the challenge of reversing the trend of deligitimisation of Israel and to ensure Israel's image is honestly and positively projected to the many people who have been exposed to anti Israel propaganda and media bias".

The event has the backing of many major community organisations including the Board of Deputies, the Jewish Leadership Council, the Zionist Federation, Manchester Zionist Central Council, Jewish Representative Council of Greater Manchester and Region, UJIA, StandWithUs UK and the political Friends of Israel Groups, as well as many Christian groups who so loyally stand up for Israel.

Can you guess from what sector of Israel, one that is very much in the news, one that is almost at the heart, if not kishkes, of Israel's hasbara concern, it seems a representative will not be attending as a lecturer?

I have made inquiries to confirm my suspicion despite this claim:

EVERYONE who believes in Israel is welcome inside THE BIG TENT FOR ISRAEL

Will "everyone" be there?

(k/t = BO)


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Working With The Press

I was on tour today with a Swiss journalist.

We went first to the Nachlat Binyamin Visitors' Center to speak with Tamar Asraf, the Regional Council's spokewoman.

Then to Keida for a lookout.

Then to Eli to meet with Naftali Bennet and it tunred out he brought along a film crew from Channel One whowere doing an item on him, so we all got into the picture, literally:

Then we proceeded to Ariel to the University Center to discuss matters with President Dan Myerson and Prof. Alex Bligh. And lunch at the local Cafe-Cafe.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Almost Great Danny Ayalon Video Clip

This is an almost great video:-

Why "almost great"?

Because there was one formulation missing:

The conflict is not about territory. It is an existential one. It is about Israel's existence not about how much land it possesses. The Arabs oppose Jewish political authority over 'their Palestine', anywhere, anytime.

Otherwise, I think I read my own writing in there.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Jeffrey Goldberg Gets It Right

At his The Atlantic blog, Jeffrey Goldberg notes that

The Israeli Foreign Ministry Is Now Part of the Settlement Movement

Jeff, thanks for the compliment but not quite.  The decades-old Mapai tradition is still strong and potent, dangerously so for Israel's security and existence.

Nevertheless, we're working hard, in a democratic fashion, to assure that Israel's best interests are promoted and no matter what policy is adopted, that historical and legal facts and thruths are presented.

You're not against that, are you?

And just found that there's a battle going on.  Gal Beckerman is upset.