Showing posts with label honor killings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label honor killings. Show all posts

Thursday, May 04, 2017

We Have News From Arkansas

Remember my post concerning Prof. Phyllis Chesler being disinvited from an academic conference, one at which she was actually the only academic qualified to speak to the subject?

Well, there's been a development:

Mideast studies chief at UA suspended after canceling presentation from speaker known for criticizing Islam

The director of a Middle East studies center at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville was suspended Wednesday from his administrative duties after canceling a Skype presentation from a speaker known for remarks critical of Islam.Tom Paradise, a geosciences professor who joined the university faculty in 2000, dropped scholar Phyllis Chesler from an academic symposium on honor-based violence in Western countries held April 13-14 at UA, university spokesman Mark Rushing said.

"The decision to disinvite a participant for his or her views is not reflective of the values and practices of our institution," Rushing said in a statement Wednesday. "The decision, made without informing leadership, has resulted in the director's responsibilities for administrative and operational control being suspended pending an internal review focused on the circumstances that led to this decision."

Rushing said in a phone interview that Paradise is not suspended as a faculty member. His faculty salary of $114,512 is unaffected, but his compensation as director of the King Fahd Center for Middle East Studies -- which over the course of a year would be an additional $28,628 -- is being withheld...
Chesler was to give a lunchtime talk titled Worldwide Trends in Honor Killings, according to materials prepared in advance of the symposium sponsored by UA's King Fahd Center for Middle East Studies and the UA School of Law.
 Three UA faculty members with the center -- Mohja Kahf, Ted Swedenburg and Joel Gordon -- wrote in an April 7 email that they "cannot countenance official Center endorsement (without some protest noted) of the participation on campus in an academic forum of the kind of hate speech that has been included and therefore tacitly accepted as part of the discourse."
Rushing, in his statement announcing the suspension, said: "We believe that the cancellation was an isolated incident and not indicative of a broader approach toward one ideological viewpoint. However, in an abundance of caution, we are actively working to reinforce an inclusive approach to special events with the goal of maintaining an environment where a diversity of ideas is welcomed."

If my post helped, I am glad.



Another item.

Unfortunately, it describes Prof. Chesler's work (and her) as "anti-Islam;" quotes Professor Lisa Avalos as saying something that is not true --  there was not talk about whether Skyping equaled non-payment of the honorarium (since she knew that the specific work had been done already as per her specific request); continues the line that publishing in  Breitbart is the new Original Sin and more.

The article does quote Chesler correctly on defending Tom Paradise who is being scapegoated for what the bullies have done and does quote on her work which, overall, documents that human sacrifice/honor killing is tribal in origin and not specific to any one religion--although no religion has worked to abolish this crime.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Women United Against Abbas

Is there a group like that?

Are Western feminist activists united so?

What do you think?


Abbas: No plans to outlaw honor killing
By Soraya Al-Ghussein and Hannah Patchett
RAMALLAH (Ma’an) – President Mahmoud Abbas has no plans to amend laws that reduce sentences for suspects who claim an “honor” defense for murdering women, his legal adviser says.“Why change it? This would cause serious problems,” Hassan al-Ouri told Ma’an, adding that such a reform would “not benefit women.”
In May 2011, the president pledged to amend the law to guarantee maximum penalties for “honor killing” in response to protests over the killing of university student Aya Baradiya in Hebron....Al-Ouri says the president will not change the go-to clauses for lawyers seeking leniency for clients who claim they committed murder to defend family “honor.”...What we need is a new culture,” al-Ouri said.
Other officials insist the penal code is the problem.The law “privileges the killer,” Interior Ministry official Haitham Arrar told Ma’an.“It encourages some people to commit crimes against women, which will go (as far as) killing them,” said Arrar, who heads the ministry’s democracy and human rights unit.Abbas fears ‘conservative forces


Saturday, December 08, 2012

Was This A Self-Inflcited 'Honorcide'?


DUBAI // A woman who thought she was pregnant to her sister's husband overdosed on painkillers, a court heard this week.
OS took a home pregnancy test in October and told her sister about the affair when it showed positive. The two fought and she decided to take an overdose.

"I wanted to end my life and that of the baby after my sister found out," said OS, 25, from Pakistan.

She began to bleed and was taken to Dubai Hospital where she was told she was not pregnant.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

On 'Palestinian Culture' and Murdered Women

As we read at the LATimes:

Four recent cases of Palestinian women slain allegedly at the hand of relatives have prompted women and human rights groups to demand tougher laws against domestic violence and more stringent enforcement...Women carried placards reading "No to murder, yes to life" and "Shame on us Palestinians who kill our women."

The march, which followed other protests this week, was prompted by a slaying Monday on a busy street in Bethlehem. A 28-year-old woman was stabbed several times in the chest and her throat was slashed while people stood by and watched. She later died at a hospital. Her 33-year-old husband is in custody...activists said that the Palestinian territories' laws against domestic violence are too lax...According to Palestinian human rights groups, 29 women in the West Bank were the victims of such killings by a relative from 2007 to 2010.

But wait, what happened last year?

A 20-year-old Palestinian woman who was thrown into a well and left to die in the name of "family honor" has not become just another statistic in one of the Middle East's most shameful practices. The killing of Aya Baradiya – by an uncle who didn't like a potential suitor – sparked such outrage that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas scrapped laws this week that guaranteed sentences of six months or less for such killings.

And a few months before, there was this report:

President Mahmoud Abbas signed into law two articles by presidential decree eliminating laws allowing leniency for civilians found guilty of assault or murder "in defense of family honor."  The move, welcomed by women's rights activists, came in the wake of the grisly discovery of a Hebron woman drowned by her uncle because he disagreed with her choice of fiancee.

What type of culture is tolerant of "honor killing" and what culture of regime doesn't get moving on this matter?

And they still seek to blame Romney?  Well, he defended himself:

In the essay, “Culture Does Matter," Romney reiterated some salient points of his speech to supporters at a fundraiser in Jerusalem. “During my recent trip to Israel,” wrote the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, “I had suggested that the choices a society makes about its culture play a role in creating prosperity, and that the significant disparity between Israeli and Palestinian living standards was powerfully influenced by it. In some quarters, that comment became the subject of controversy. But what exactly accounts for prosperity if not culture?”

How language laundering works in this. And this is interesting as it deals with "Palestinian society";

by understanding the socio-cultural and political context within which disclosure or non-disclosure of sexual abuse takes place, we are better able to develop an analytical framework that might shape culturally sensitive social policy towards sexual abuse and thereby reduce it.


Monday, February 08, 2010

Not For The Squeamish - Another Honorcide

The following story did not have any inclusion of a reaction from the myriad "human rights" organizations that seem to be present whenever any presumed Israeli violation of supposed Arab freedoms are raised:-

Turkish police have recovered the body of a 16-year-old girl they say was buried alive by relatives in an "honour" killing carried out as punishment for talking to boys. The girl, who has been identified only by the initials MM, was found in a sitting position with her hands tied, in a two-metre hole dug under a chicken pen outside her home in Kahta, in the south-eastern province of Adiyaman.

...[an] informant told the police she had been killed following a family "council" meeting.

Her father and grandfather are said to have been arrested and held in custody pending trial. It is unclear whether they have been charged. The girl's mother was arrested but was later released. Media reports said the father had told relatives he was unhappy that his daughter – one of nine children – had male friends. The grandfather is said to have beaten her for having relations with the opposite sex.

A postmortem examination revealed large amounts of soil in her lungs and stomach, indicating that she had been alive and conscious while being buried. Her body showed no signs of bruising.

So, where are the human rights groups when you really need them?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Guilty of Honorcide

Father found guilty of honour killing of daughter, 15, after she fell in love with man from different branch of Islam

Mehmet Goren murdered 15-year-old Tulay for her doomed 'Romeo and Juliet' romance with Halil Una, an older man from a different branch of Islam.

After the teenager lost her virginity to her lover she was viewed as a 'valueless commodity' by her father - and had to be killed to restore the family's reputation.

Mr Unal was a Turkish Sunni Muslim but the Gorens were from the Alevi branch of the faith and an Alevi-Sunni relationship 'would not have been tolerated', the Old Bailey heard...Goren planned the murder of his daughter with 'considerable care', even forcing her to write a letter relating a false account of what had happened to her to try to throw police off the scent.

Goren disposed of the schoolgirl's body 'with such ingenuity that it has never been found', he added...The term "honour killing" is a convenient shorthand, but it is a grotesque distortion of language. 'There is nothing honourable about such a hideous practice or the people who carry it out.'

The judge made clear Goren would not be eligible for parole until 2030, when he will be nearly 70.

Read more at.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dirty Sex Conceived in Sin - Pal. Style [UPDATED]

The Pals. are now using perverse sexual connotations for an "under-the-belt" campaign against "penetration".

Sounds weird and filthy?

It is.

Here's the poster:

You can go here to learn about

the “One Day One Struggle” campaign organized by the Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR), held on November 9, we are seeking to break the “walls” of silence on daily violations of our sexual and bodily rights in the Palestinian society. We are principally highlighting the Israeli structural and legal violations of sexual, bodily, psychological, social and economic rights of Palestinians that intersect with the patriarchal social context, which restrain individual freedoms, perpetuates women’s inferior status and imposes silence on physical, psychological and sexual violations committed against women.

Now, besides getting an XXX rating for original creativity of a lasciviousness concept, conceived in sin, the point (you'll excuse that pun) is that this is simple propaganda. The punishment and the instruction involved with touching Muslim women are very strictly dealt with.

Of course you have warped university professor in Israel who just fit in with this paradigm of pervesity and I am referring to this:

It began as just another exercise in political academic wackiness at the Hebrew University. A graduate student claimed that the absence of any history of rapes of Arab women by Israeli Jewish soldiers proves that the Jews are racists and oppressors, people who do not even regard Arab women as sexually desirable. Such silliness is commonplace these days in academia, and ordinarily no one would have taken much notice. But the student at the Mount Scopus campus and her “research” were then awarded a university honor for her impressive “discoveries.” That drew media attention.

So, the attempt to gain sympathy based on sex is odd. It is also a gamble.

After all, with all the honorcide murders, family abuse and beatings, etc. going on the Muslim society, to pick a topic like this is allowing Israel an easy information battle victory.

Just dumb.

You can contact Media Coordinators at
Mada Al-Carmel – Mr. Nawaf Athamneh – 052-665-3226 or 04-855-2035
Muntada – Sexuality Forum – Ms. Safa Tamish – 054-330-2209
if you need more filth.
Or go

(Kippah tip: AK)



Outrage over 'rape' poster that demonises Israel

The New Israel Fund (NIF) has defended a conference sponsored by three Palestinian groups it funds, which allegedly “demonised” Israel.

The poster publicising the conference, held in Haifa on Monday, shows the hand of an IDF soldier grasping the breast of a woman wearing a traditional Palestinian dress.

The poster reads: “Her husband needs a permit to touch her. The occupation penetrates her life everyday.”

The groups behind the event received NIF funding last year. Mada Al-Carmel was given $100,000 (£59,000), the Arab Forum for Sexuality was given $23,000 (£14,000) and Women Against Violence was given $217,000 (£129,000).

...Gerald Steinberg, president of NGO Monitor, said: “NIF presents itself as a Zionist organisation and claims to have red lines regarding funding. Yet NIF officials sometimes ignore these boundaries, and grant funds to groups that blatantly are involved in the demonisation of Israel as a democratic Jewish state.”

NIF chairman Nicholas Saphir defended the conference, saying there is a “real humanitarian problem” in Israel, where it is illegal to grant citizenship to Palestinians married to Israeli citizens.

“NIF supports free expression of the various views of our broad spectrum of grantees — whether we agree with all their positions or not,” he said...

Conference organisers insisted that they were not claiming that IDF soldiers rape or sexually violate Palestinians.

Dr Himmat Zuabi...said: “We didn’t talk about actual rape and sexual harassment..The poster was just an artistic device to convey a message.”

So, "penetrate" was just a, what, a figure of speech?

Go figure out an Arab mindset.


The Jewish Chronicle
25 Furnival Street
United Kingdom

November 17, 2009

Dear Editor,

On November 12, 2009, an article by Robyn Rosen was published in your newspaper
entitled: “Outrage over the ‘rape’ poster that demonises Israel." The article contained false information and inaccuracies. We request that you print a retraction. The false information is as follows:
1. Ms. Rosen stated, “the New Israel Fund (NIF) has defended a conference
sponsored by three Palestinian groups it funds, which allegedly “demonized” Israel,” and that there was a poster publicising the conference. We would like to note that there was no conference, and that the NIF has not funded any activities of Mada al-Carmel for the past three years.
2. The three mentioned organizations – Mada Al-Carmel, the Arab Forum for Sexuality, and Women Against Violence – are part of an international coalition for bodily and reproductive rights, and Women for Women Health and Human Rights. The coalition conducts training courses, transnational research, and advocacy in over 20 countries. The campaign One Day One Struggle was part of the coalition’s activism. It was an international effort coordinated among over 20 NGO's around the world. However, each organization decided upon the topic, manner and strategies of implementing the campaign. Women Against Violence produced a poster (not the one published in your article), conducted various field actions, and screened a movie. Mada al-Carmel, published an article in a local newspaper, and sent a press release together with the Arab Forum for Sexuality. The Arab Forum for Sexuality alone produced and disseminated the poster depicted in the report.
We would like to clarify that Mada al-Carmel supports the right to free expression,
including the right of NGO's and other civil society organizations to produce posters
and other artistic devices on this and other topics.
We would appreciate it if you make the required retraction to your published article.
Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, Ph.D.
Director, Gender Studies Program
Mada Al-Carmel, Arab Center for Applied Social Research
Cc: Aida Touma-Sliman, Women Against Violence; Safa Tamish, The Arab Forum for Sexuality, New Israel Fund

Friday, July 03, 2009

Galia, Where Are You?

For a few months I had had a frequent visitor and commenter, one Galia, a Russian-born Christian married to a Muslim Arab from the area once known as the "Palestine Mandate".

She's dropped off.

Anyway, one of the hot issues we debated was honor killings.

I found this and wanted to congratulate the progressive forces of pro-feminism:

Syria has scrapped a law limiting the length of sentences handed down to men convicted of killing female relatives they suspect of having illicit sex.

Women's groups had long demanded that Article 548 be scrapped, arguing it decriminalised "honour" killings. Activists say some 200 women are killed each year in honour cases by men who expect lenient treatment under the law.

The new law replaces the existing maximum sentence of one year in jail with a minimum jail term of two years.

It's not perfect, for:

The new law says a man can still benefit from extenuating circumstances in crimes of passion or honour "provided he serves a prison term of no less than two years in the case of killing". The legislation covers any man who "unintentionally" kills his wife, sister, daughter or mother after catching her committing adultery or having unlawful sex. It also covers cases where the woman's lover is killed.

Reports say women's rights activists have given a cautious welcome to the change, with one group calling it a "small contribution to solving the problem". Their objection remains, however, that the new law still apparently invites men to murder women if they catch them having sex or suspect them of doing so.

but better than nothing.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

More Honor Killings


A resident of Beit J'an and warden in the Israel Prison Service is suspected of killing his daughter by shooting her in the head. The man brought the daughter's body to a police station in Carmiel himself. According to witnesses, he gave a police officer his handgun and proclaimed: "I shot my daughter."

The man was immediately arrested and interrogated. The preliminary investigation revealed that the murder may have been carried out as an honor killing.



In Muslim Culture, Honor Killings Not Out of Date

...James Emery, a journalist who has researched honor killings extensively, writes that “In the feudal, patriarchal societies of the Middle East, honor is based on what men feel is important, and reputation is everything.” Emery says that several thousand women are victims of honor killings each year. But he adds that “numerous murders are ruled an accident, suicide, or family dispute, if they're reported at all.”

The United Nations estimates that over 5,000 women a year are killed for “honor.” These killings happen all over the world – throughout the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe and even North America.

...Human Rights Watch defines honor killing as “acts of violence, usually murder, committed by male family members against female family members, who are held to have brought dishonor upon the family.” The organizations says that “A woman can be targeted by [individuals within] her family for a variety of reasons, including: refusing to enter into an arranged marriage, being the victim of a sexual assault, seeking a divorce—even from an abusive husband—or (allegedly) committing adultery. The mere perception that a woman has behaved in a way that "dishonors" her family is sufficient to trigger an attack on her life.”...



Number of Honor Killings in Europe Higher Than Thought

A report compiled by the Council of Europe warns that the killings of women by family members to protect their so-called honor is far more extensive in Europe than previously believed...

"Here in Turkey the figures for 2007 show that over 200 women were killed here in the name of family or community honor, and that is frankly unacceptable in a modern Europe," Austin said. "And it's just the tip of the iceberg: In the United Kingdom; in Germany; in Belgium; in France; in Norway, there is evidence of honor crimes and honor killings."

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This Is "Honor"?

What "honor" is worth this death?

Palestinian police said on Monday they arrested a 24-year-old who allegedly killed his aunt, whose body was found in the West Bank city of Ramallah six days ago.

According to Palestinian Authority security spokesperson Major Adnan Ad-Dimeiri, the alleged murderer of 30-year-old Halimah Ahmad Ash-Sheikh was arrested on evidence that he was responsible for the killing.

Ad-Dimeiri also said that the suspected confessed to the charges, and said that he killed her for reasons of so-called “family honor...the suspect stabbed his aunt and left the body in Ramallah, before driving home to the West Bank city of Qalqiliya. The suspect then went the same day to the police station with the victim’s husband to report her missing...

...The victim, police said, was married six years ago and was a mother of seven.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Honor Killings - The Academic Treatment

Academic treatment of "honor killings" and abuse in Pal. society:

The politics of disclosing female sexual abuse: a case study of Palestinian society

Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, School of Social Work, Institute of Criminology, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel



Introduction: This paper argues that, by understanding the socio-cultural and political context within which disclosure or non-disclosure of sexual abuse takes place, we are better able to develop an analytical framework that might shape culturally sensitive social policy towards sexual abuse and thereby reduce it.

Method: The data for the study were extracted from records available on 38 cases of sexually abused Palestinian girls, as well as interviews conducted with victims and their parents whenever possible. In-depth interviews were conducted with 19 professionals who dealt with these 38 cases.

Findings: Contextual analysis of the data revealed that acknowledgment of sexual abuse took place only in situations where the abuse was extremely traumatic, publically apparent, and the victim absolved of blame. Disclosure resulted in approximately 10% of the cases in the killing of the victim. Responses involving measures such as hymen reconstruction, marriage to the rapist, and abortion were used by family and society to “nullify” sexual abuse. The intricacies bearing on the decision to disclose or not disclose sexual abuse were discussed within a socio-cultural and political frame of reference. A paradigm of analysis is provided to clarify this complex relationship.


Commodifying Honor in Female Sexuality: Honor Killings in Palestine, by Suzanne Ruggi, 1998

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Follow-up on the Issue of "Honor Killings"

After some commentary on this matter, with some insisting that it more belongs to the sphere of simple home abuse rather than a religious/cultural issue, I did some homework.

Here's a better definition of the phenomenom:

The project considers 'crimes of honour' to encompass a variety of manifestations of violence against women including: 'honour killings', assault, unlawful confinement and forced marriage. The motivation or publicly articulated justification for committing such crimes is attributed to a social order claimed to require measures of enforcement; such as measures against women (specifically women's sexual conduct -- actual, suspected or potential), for the preservation of honour vested in male, family and/or conjugal control over women.

Although international human rights law prohibits these violations, domestic legislation and court practice vary in the level of protection and remedy they offer women, in particular where family or conjugal 'honour' is invoked. On a societal level, informal codes mandating such conduct may be endorsed to varying degrees by some sectors of society and challenged by others. The attitude of religious authorities and the implementation of religious laws may also be critical in forming and changing opinion.

On this 'project'.

In a follow-up correspondence, when I asked about those who refused to recognize the uniqueness of the matter, I was informed: researcher liken[ed] responses like that to the way domestic violence was treated 20 or thirty years ago (in the UK). The police at least are beginning to get past the discomfort that they are intruding on something personal or cultural and treating "honour crimes" as crimes, plain and simple.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Off With Her Head - for the Sake of the TV Station?

I have a commentator who insists that Islamic violence by males against females, their wives, their sisters, their daughters, is not really unusual but simply a matter of domestic violence.

Seems someone else believes that:

An upstate TV exec who set up a channel promoting Muslims as peace-loving people was stressed about his failing business in the days before he allegedly chopped off his estranged wife's head, a friend of the couple said today.

...The couple was in the process of divorcing after bouts of domestic violence, her lawyer told the Buffalo News.

Hassan, who founded Bridges TV in 2004 to counter anti-Islam stereotypes following 9/11, turned himself in to cops Thursday in the Buffalo suburb of Orchard Park. Police later found his beheaded wife in the TV studios. He was charged with murder.

"He was worried about the station's future," said Dr. Khalid Qazi, a friend of the couple and president of the Muslim Public Affairs Council of Western New York... "He was stressed, but this has left me absolutely shocked..."

...Qazi said the killings went against the teachings of Islam and damaged the image of Muslims that Hassan worked to promote.

"Domestic violence is despicable, and Islam condones it in no way whatever," he said. "Murders are being committed in the US every day by people of all faiths."

The truth, that's BS and I don't believe it.

It takes a mighty fierce hate or religious support to behead your wife.

And if one is religious, his hate should have been tempered.


Why didn't this man behead this woman?

February 16, 2009

An adultery saga at a Fifth Avenue church has finally ended. Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church's former pastor, the Rev. Thomas Tewell, was sued in 2007 for sexual harassment by Rachel Vione, a parishioner who said she became involved with the married preacher. Vione reached a settlement with Tewell and the church last month for undisclosed terms.

Hint: religion.

While Muslim leaders have urged against applying cultural stereotypes to the crime, advocates for women linked the killing to attitudes in Muslim societies.

“This was apparently a terroristic version of honor killing, a murder rooted in cultural notions about women’s subordination to men,” said Marcia Pappas, New York State president of the National Organization for Women.

She decried the scant national media attention paid to the story, which broke the same day as the commuter plane crash that killed 50 people in Clarence.

While domestic violence affects all cultures, Muslim women find it harder to break the silence about it because of a stigma, she said.

“Too many Muslim men are using their religious beliefs to justify violence against women,” she said.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Dishonor of the Honor Killing Phenomenom

I posted previously about yet another "honor killing" in Jordan.

What happened?

An oops:

the unidentified suspect, who has confessed to the crime, “heard some men talking about his sister, who was a trainee lawyer, and decided to kill her without checking the truth,” according to the source, who did not elaborate. “He said he regretted murdering his sister, particularly after forensic tests proved that she was virgin,” the official said.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Prosecutors say a Jordanian man has been arrested for allegedly stabbing to death his elder sister, 24, as she slept because he believed she was having an affair.

The case is the first report of a so-called "honor killing" this year in Jordan, where about 20 women are killed annually by male relatives over perceived slights to the family name.

Criminal Court prosecutor Ahmed Omari said the 21-year-old man killed his sister before dawn Wednesday in her bed, stabbing her 10 times with a kitchen knife.

Omari said the unidentified suspect was arrested hours later and charged with premeditated murder.


He "believed"?

Well, faith is belief.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

What's So Honorable About This?

Well, we're back to normal behavior.

There's been a suspected honor killing in Ashkelon as a Bedouin woman was found stabbed to death next to her infant daughter


A Bedouin woman of about 20 was murdered in the southern city of Ashkelon Saturday in what police are suspecting was an "honor killing." The victim's 2-year-old daughter, who was unharmed in the attack, was found next to her mother...An MDA doctor pronounced the victim dead at the scene. The woman is believed to have been stabbed to death. Meanwhile, the child has been handed over to welfare officials. A medic at the scene said the woman was found in a pool of blood and without vital signs.

...Ashkelon Police Chief Haim Blumenfeld told Ynet that the victim's boyfriend was taken in for questioning

Oh, and in case you missed it, here's the previous one in Israel, but 12 days ago:-

A 15-year old Israeli Arab Muslim from the city of Kalansawa has admitted to murdering his 20-year-old sister. The teen said he stabbed his sister on Monday morning in a so-called “honor killing”--a killing in which the victim is accused of tarnishing family honor by violating the tenets of Islam or flouting cultural norms.

The teen and his sister fought on Sunday night. The 15-year-old strongly objected to his sister's expressed wish to leave the home more often and purchase a cell phone.

The murder took place the next morning, as the sister slept in her bed.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Honor Killing is Now A 'Domestic Dispute'

Body of Arab Israeli mother found; police suspect murder

The body of a 34-year-old woman was found on Tuesday in the Arab village of Kfar Kara. Naila Kanaani was found in her home by Iron police after an anonymous phone call informed them of the apparent murder.

The mother of two got divorced a few years ago. Police suspect the murder was the result of a domestic dispute.

Don't you just love the language launderers?

They wash out of words all the 'dirty' bits.