Showing posts with label Inchies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inchies. Show all posts

Thursday, April 11, 2013

A home decor project

I have been busy making these for family and my Etsy Shop. The size is 12" by 8".  This one was made a while ago, never posted but I believe it was sold.

Made from the several scraps I had in my little box tray. I am running out of scraps from stamped projects to make many more. So what I do is wait a while and when the box is full I start making them again.

This is one of the most enjoyable works of creativity I know of. It's like making a puzzle.

I want to share this photo of my youngest son with his financé, Roxane. They are such a nice couple and Michaël just passed for his driving license a couple of days ago.

 Then, I have to show you the Cherry tree in the garden, it is so pretty at the moment and the bees are busy, which means cherries in May/June.

Thank you again for all your kind comments on my blogs!.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Vineyard colors

A couple of posts down I posted this photo and I've always wanted to make a card that reflects the colors of the Vineyard in Autumn.

Well, I found a stamp which could help me with that, called the Cling Leaf Spring from Stampendous, CRP180.
Here are a couple of cards I made with it.

This is more CAS style, but the orange comes out better on this one. I am entering this one into the Less is More Challenge this week which is Autumn. The challenge can be found here.

This is what the cling stamp looks like for those interested. I think it will be so versatile, one to use in all seasons!!

Edit: 24/10 - Adding a little grid card I made from the left overs and entering it into the Simon Says Stamp Challenge, which can be found here. The challenge is leaves.

Hope you are enjoying your week! I am enjoying the lovely weather. The lightfall in the evening on the mountains is just breathtaking! So enjoy this time of the year!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A blessing!

I have to share this little testimony. A sweet friend of mine brought me little signs of Spring in the form of the Mimosa flower this week. It blooms just one day and the scent it brings into the home is overwhelming! And everytime I forgot to take a photo! I had this thought in my heart that I wanted to share it with you on this blog, but my chance was gone. Yesterday morning as I was in the office, the phone rang.
It was my neighbour and she wanted to give me a huge bunch of Mimosa from her tree!! Now she never does this, so I was not only overwhelmed with her kindness but I knew in my heart that God wanted to bless me! Just simple, the conviction was there.
So I am sharing this bunch of God's creative goodness with you today. The first signs of Spring in this gorgeous yellow color!

Another little thing I wanted to share are these Cameo bowls I bumped into in the Sales. A little more than one dollar each. Luckily I was able to buy six of them. I was just looking for some unusual bowls!

And lastly here is my nature card:

Talking about yellow, the daffodils have shown themselves again and all the trees and shrubs etc. are showing signs of new life. I love that, its so uplifting.

I hope you have an uplifting weekend!

Saturday, October 30, 2010


A quick share today.. something I love doing mixed together - using up scraps and making collages.

Most of the stamps, too many to mention are from Hero Arts, as well as the pearls for decoration.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Eggs?? Did I hear eggs......!!

Well, the theme today at Gothic Arches was EGGS - I was not going to play as I have alot of preparation to do, but just could not resist!! As I so wanted to make an inchie arch again, I decided this would be my chance. I punched out squares from spotty and blotched eggs, and tied up the theme with everything associated with bird's eggs.

Thanks to the Graphic Fairy for her gorgeous freebies on this subject these last weeks, I have used quite a few here.

I hope I will be able to do the tag tuesday but if I don't I will still leave a little note before I leave next week.

We spoke to our son today who is in South America with his Bible group - they hope to come home again on Tuesday.