Showing posts with label novels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label novels. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Bob Larkin Star Trek Art

Artist Bob Larkin has been responsible for many. many memorable covers of the magazines that I collected when young; Planet of the Apes, Marvel's monster magazines, Crazy, DC comics covers, Trek novel covers, and many many more. I have just created a Facebook group devoted to collecting his art in one place, so if you, like me, love his art and have good memories of it, come join us! It's at:

A true Trek fan himself, here we see Bob in a photo from his blog commemorating the 50th anniversary of the show!  Visit his blog here:

Monday, April 22, 2013

1986 Article: The Writers of Star Trek

From the 20th Anniversary Celebration issue of Starlog, published in November of 1986 (see the cover here), comes this article on a couple of writers of the original show. The pages feature two rare publicity photos of the guest stars from a couple of the episodes.

(Click on images to enlarge; once open you may have to click again to view full size.)

Bonus: a full-page ad from June 1992 issue of The Official Fan Club magazine with James Doohan in costume as Scotty advertising the QVC show that he was a guest host on. Did you order anything from this program?

Bonus: A publicity photo of Nimoy taken during the filming of the episode "Where No Man Has Gone Before." Nimoy's high collar was different from the other costumes, made with snaps on each side so that it could be put on and taken off without messing up his makeup.


Bonus: more of the promised TOS original novel covers, this time from "The Abode Of Life," published in May of 1982. The cover art by "Rowena" was from the TMP era, but with brown cowboy boots rather then the built-in footy-pajama type. Also, that pulp-inspired raygun is about as far away from a phaser as one can get. I know some of my readers get a kick out of this non-regulation art, because it came from a time before the Trek merchandise became more tightly controlled. But at the time it just made me scratch my head and wonder why they couldn't get things like this right.

Friday, February 4, 2011

1986 Article on Star Trek Novels

More this time from the great 20th Anniversary Issue of Starlog, #112, published in October of 1986; I've been posting material from it recently, and will do more until it's all here.

Back when new Trek was still years away (and only a hopeful dream), and later during the lulls in between the movies, the Trek fiction novels were all we fans had (apart from fan fiction, which was hard to find for most, and the comics, which were basically short stories). I used to buy every single novel that came out, from the first, all the way up until about the mid-90's, when I only bought one now and then when a book looked particularly interesting. This article, titled "The Novel Adventures of Star Trek," briefly reviews the novels that were put out up till then, late in 1986.
(Click on images to enlarge.)

Bonus: below, from the same issue, is a one-page tribute to the series from author Allen Asherman, a name familiar to me from his days as editor of "The Monster Times."

And below is a panel of art commemorating the anniversary from the same issue depicting a meeting across time.