Showing posts with label Runway Inspired Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Runway Inspired Challenge. Show all posts

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Triple Sweet Thursdays - RIC #43

Hey everyone!

Happy Thursday!! I'm on the Sweet Stamp Shop Blog today and I am SO excited to be sharing my very FIRST post with you as a member of the Sweet Stamp Shop Design Team!! And let me tell you, my new "job" here at SSS could NOT be more perfect for me! On (most) Thursdays I will be here on the blog with "Triple Sweet - 3 Cards, 3 Ways, 1 Challenge" where I will be sharing with you my favorite challenges from all over blog land and I will be showing you THREE different ways to tackle that ONE challenge! SUPER fun, don't ya think?? So, without further ado, let's get to it!

I wanted to kick things off by featuring my personal FAVORITE challenge:

About the Challenge:

Runway Inspired Challenge (or RIC as you will often see) is a bi-monthly challenge that offers an image of a current runway outfit as inspiration. Participants can enter the challenge as many times as they would like. With every challenge a new prize is offered, the entries are judged, and the winner is chosen by the RIC Design Team.

Why I Love This Challenge:

First and foremost I love RIC because it is DIFFERENT! I feel that most challenges offer a theme, sketch, or color palette to inspire you, which is fantastic. But for me, RIC offers a sketch, color palette, and sometimes even a theme all in one, without directly offering each of those things, and that is DIFFERENT! With RIC you can choose to be inspired by the colors in the outfit, the patterns in the outfit, the layout of the outfit, the era the outfit references... It's really up to YOU to choose how the runway photo inspires you, and I love that. 

Another thing I love about the RIC is that it is judged. Now this may seem daunting at first, but let me tell you why it rocks: It MOTIVATES me. When a challenge is judged I feel WAY more accomplished when I win. And even if you're a novice crafter and you think there's no way your skills are up to par, I promise you CAN win! You just have to keep at it, keep MOTIVATED, keep trying! Is it too cliche if I say "If at first you don't succeed, try try again"?

The Current Challenge:

HERE is the current inspiration at Runway Inspired Challenge

Can't you just see all the possibilities??
Pattern - Color - Layout... What will you choose?

3 Cards - 3 Ways - ONE Challenge

Way 1 : CAS

For this first card I decided to take the CAS route. I was inspired by both the pattern in the photo (from the shirt AND the background) and the color scheme. Check it out:

I created the patterned background simply by using a ruler and my black Copic marker, leaving a space for my sentiment. Then I stamped the two flower stamps from the Dia De Los Muertos Sweet Stamp Shop set, cut them out, and popped them up. Finally I stamped the Miss You from Wheely Like You Sweet Stamp Shop Set.

Way 2 : Outside the Box

For this second card I drew my inspiration from the colors in the photo ONLY. If a challenge doesn't require you to use EVERY piece of the inspiration they provide, get CREATIVE! Check it out:

I created the sort of "ombre" background using my watercolors and watercolor paper (side note: watercolors are my newest OBSESSION! So I hope you don't mind if you see quite a bit of water coloring from me!!). Then I stamped the color sentiment from the Color Wheel Sweet Stamp Shop set on a scrap of white. Finally I stamped the feathers from the Dia De Los Muertos Sweet Stamp Shop set, cut them out, and popped them up.

Way 3 : More Involved

CAS not your style? No problem! For this one I dove into my patterned paper stash, whipped out my Copics and some of my favorite SSS stamps for coloring! Check it out:

For this card I wanted to go a little crazier, I created a Halloween card! I started by choosing the striped patterned paper, as well as a solid yellow. I layered these two pieces and wrapped them with a piece of yellow twine. Next I stamped the skull from the Dia De Los Muertos Sweet Stamp Shop set and colored it with my Copics. Last, I stamped out "happy halloween" using the Alpha Tabs Sweet Stamp Shop set.

So what do you think sweet friends? Are you feeling motivated to give the RIC a shot? I sure hope so!!
And if you DO, I would LOVE to see what you create! Leave me a comment with a link to your RIC entry so I can check it out and leave you some love!!

Also, what is YOUR favorite challenge to play along with? Leave me a comment and let me know!
It might just get featured here on the SSS blog ;)

SSS Used in these projects:

Before I go I wanted to give you a quick reminder: The SSS September release is coming!!!

You DON'T want to miss this one! It is SO ADORABLE!!
Be sure to join the September Release Facebook Event so you don't miss a thing!
And I'll see you on September 10th with some inspiration using the new sets :D

PS. Have you checked out the SSS Pinterest and Flickr pages?
There's TONS more fantastic inspiration on those pages so be sure to click and check them out!!

Alright sweet friends, that's all for me today!
I'll see you again next week for the September release!!

Big bloggy hugs <3


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tip-It Tuesday: Masking Stamps

Hey everyone!

Happy Tuesday!! And welcome to another Tip-It Tuesday :D For today's tip I am showing you two super simple tips to mask when stamping. You may have seen both of these tips, but maybe you haven't! Check it out:

First tip when masking stamps: Put tape over parts of the stamp you don't want to use:

See that shiny spot? My sentiment originally said "God's timing is perfect" but I wanted to be able to use just the "perfect" so I used a simple piece of tape to cover up "God's timing is" while I inked the stamp. REMEMBER: Be sure to take the tape OFF before you actually stamp, or you will have a big ink blob next to your stamped image. I have made this mistake MANY times!

Now I will tell you, I did make a card to show you this technique, but I actually THREW it AWAY! That is something I have RARELY done. But hey, we all have our off days don't we?

Second tip when masking stamps: Place a shape over your card to leave an area unstamped:

You can do this with any shape, and leave yourself the perfect spot for stamping a sentiment!

Check out what I created: 

This beautiful flower is from the Unity Stamp Company Stamp of the Week. You can only get it if you are a Stamp of the Week member! So be sure to check out the stamp of the week!!

You can grab this sweet sentiment stamp HERE.

I am also entering this card in the Runway Inspired Challenge #41.

Alright sweet friends, that's all for today!
I'll see you back here tomorrow for Work-It Wednesday!!

Big bloggy hugs <3

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Work-It Wednesday: Unity Creative Coloring Contest/RIC Take Three

Hey everyone!

Happy Wednesday!! Today I am working-it with UNITY and the Runway Inspired Challenge (AGAIN, I know.. I know.. :P)! Unity is having a Creative/Coloring Challenge and the winner will get a guest designer position, which is HUGE to me!! So I knew I HAD to get in there and give this my best shot. I am also once again playing along with Runway Inspired Challenge #40. Check it out:

You can grab this beautiful digital image from Unity HERE and play along as well!

I used the same splatter technique as I did on Monday's card because I loved it so much. And I have to say, I LOVE how it came out in this card too!!

Alright sweet friends, that's all I have for you today.
I would LOVE if you would cross your fingers for me! Winning this Unity challenge would mean SO much to me, I'll take all the finger crossing and prayers I can get ;)

See you back here tomorrow for Throwback Thursday!

Big bloggy hugs <3

Monday, July 22, 2013

Make-It Monday: RIC #40 Take Two

Hey everyone!

Happy Monday! And welcome to another Make-It Monday :D I didn't have anything specific on my card making to-do list this week, and I wasn't too ecstatic about my entry to the Runway Inspired Challenge #40 last week, so I decided to take another stab at it. I did warn you that I had more ideas swimming around in my head for this one ;)

Here's the inspiration for you again:

And here is my second go:

I used my alcohol inks to make the splattered background, and I used black embossing powder for this sweet sentiment stamp from Unity Stamp Company.

Unfortunately I don't think you can see the embossing in the pictures. I take all of my pictures with my iPad because I don't have a camera, but it might be about time to change that. I can't have you guys missing out on awesome details!

You might be wondering how I did the splatter while leaving a completely clean space for the sentiment. Check it out:

Simple masking by taping another piece of cardstock where I wanted my sentiment to go.

Splatter away, then remove the extra cardstock and ta-da! Perfect stamping spot.

You might notice that the splatter on my final card is different than the splatter in my masking pictures. That's because my final card was actually my second try. Since I am on vacation I don't have all my supplies with me, including my heat gun. So I got creative and tried to set the embossing powder with a lighter... Yep.. I burned my first card. Oops.

But hey, I actually like the splatter pattern on the second try better :)

Alright sweet friends, I'll see you back here tomorrow for Tip-It Tuesday!!

Big bloggy hugs <3

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Work-It Wednesday: RIC #40

Hey everyone!

Happy Wednesday :D For today's Work-It Wednesday I will once again be playing along with the Runway Inspired Challenge! Remember the card I posted last Work-It Wednesday for RIC #39?

Well guess what? It won!!

I am SO excited for my first RIC win!! And I am SO honored to be chosen out of all the phenomenal entries that were entered!

So are you ready to see the RIC inspiration this week? Check it out:

Annnnd here is my card:

All of the stamps I used are from the Unity Stamp Company Birthday Jubilee set. And of course I snuck in some Lemon Tart Trendy Twine!!

I have a lot more ideas swimming in my head with this challenge, so I think you'll be seeing a few more before the challenge closes! But this is a good start :)

Alright sweet friends, I'll see you tomorrow for Throwback Thursday!!

Big bloggy hugs <3

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Throwback Thursday: Here for You

Hey everyone!

Happy Thursday!! And welcome to the FIRST Throwback Thursday here at MTE!! Every Thursday I will be choosing one of my OLD projects and using it to inspire a NEW project :) Isn't it fun to see how far we've come and how our styles have changed? 

Here's this week's Throwback:

This is a card I shared back in March 2012.

Annnnnd, here's what I came up with:

See the similar layout?
I stamped the chevron on the left in place of the cupcake paper and colored it with my copics. The adorable map and sentiment are from the Unity Stamp Company Itty Bitty Here For You Map. All colored with my copics of course :) I even outlined the sentiment to mimic the border on the sentiment in the throwback photo.

And here's a close up for you:

Pretty different eh? I love to see how my style has evolved. I think I have a much more graphic and CAS style now than I did a year ago, and I've moved from using pre-made embellishments to making my own by stamping and coloring :)

By the way, if you notice a similar color scheme and overall feel to yesterday's card, it's because I still have Runway Inspired Challenge #39 on my mind! That's right, I actually managed to whip up TWO cards for this challenge!! 

So what do you guys think? Do you like the idea of Throwback Thursday?? Let me know in the comments!

And DON'T forget to enter my HUGE relaunch GIVEAWAY!! Click HERE!

Big bloggy hugs <3

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Work-It Wednesday: RIC 39 & Unity

Hey everyone!

Happy Wednesday!! Welcome to the FIRST EVER Work-It Wednesday!!! Every Wednesday I will be sharing my challenge entries with you, and hopefully inspiring you to get out there and WORK IT too!

This week I decided to play along with one of my FAVORITE challenge blogs: Runway Inspired Challenge. If you've never checked out RIC, you MUST! Every challenge they put up a new fashion photo to use as inspiration. Here is the current challenge photo:

How cool is that? You can use the photo to inspire your color choices, layout, whatever strikes you!
So here's what I came up with:

I picked up on both the colors and the layout for this one. I did the pattern down the middle in orange, yellow, and blue, then I "belted" it with blue and white twine, and added the yellow accent in the middle. So what do you think, did I get it?

Here's a little close up for you:

Now I need to confess something to you guys, this was my first time EVER making a background with a single stamp, and I SUCKED at it. This card here was my 3rd attempt, don't look too close or you'll see what a mess the chevron is. So, if you have any tips on stamping backgrounds, I'd LOVE to hear them in the comments!!

This beautiful birthday stamp is from the Unity Stamp Company Birthday Jubilee and the border stamp is also from Unity, Everything Wonderful. For the twine I used Trendy Twine Totally White and I colored one strand blue with my Copics.

I am also linking this card up to the Unity Be Inspired Challenge as I did attempt to follow the sketch and I used the sentiment kit, yay!

Well, that's it for today my friends. I hope you enjoyed my first Work-It Wednesday!
Don't forget to enter my Relaunch GIVEAWAY ---> HERE!!

Big bloggy hugs <3