
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Thursday, March 18, 2010


The last time that MM and Jijah went for a picnic at a sungai was before we were married. Tepat sekali ketika itu kami adalah masih berstatus "pakwe makwe". Main location was either Sg Congkak or Hulu Yam. These two places are well known among the city slickers. When Jijah was a lot younger and staying in Ampang, abah used to bring us, my siblings to this place, Bukit Belacan. While abah washed his car, my siblings and I having fun in the cold water. Those memories, are like treasures.. sayang we dont have the pictures.. in both occasion.. dating dengan MM and mandi sungai dengan abah.. rasa rugi pula takde gambar masa dating dengan MM, sebab masa tu I was quite.... slim.. :P

Having all these memories flashing back into my mind made me craved to go and mandi sungai. Especially when I saw some beautiful pictures of Endau Rompin in one my FBmates album. Initially I was thinking of going there few weeks ago when MM had his reunion in Muadzam Shah but since MM couldnt get his cuti approval so the plan was cancelled. But that didnt stop my craving. After asking around, my colleagues suggested the Sg Loh..

Nice river.. sadly it was raining.. but since the plan has been made earlier and all the foods have been prepared.. we hit the road eventho the rain was still pouring.. kemaruk kan? =D.. so here are some snippets.. enjoy the pic.. tapiiiii.. mak lupa amek gambar sungai.. seronok sangat mandi sampai lupa nak amik gambar sungai..

ramai orang.. ingatkan kitorang aje yang kemaruk mandi sungai

the whole entourage.. Jijah and MM ajak the AZRB clan to come along.. tak best la kitorang berdua je yang berpiknik.. ala ala SS gitu... anywayss kids were the most excited bila mandi sungai kan..

pondok kecil di tepi sungai..

best part beside mandi sungai.. the BBQ.. yummmehh!!

jangan tak tau.. ini orang pun macam budak² juga... lama betul berendam dalam air..

yours truly.. tengah warmed up nak terjun sungai.. hehehe
well thats it..
next location maybe redang..

~updated at 12.02pm.. more piccas.. taken from a friend's FB album~

Thursday, February 4, 2010


perasaan yours truly adalah bercampur baur dua tiga hari ini... tetapi hidup harus goes on.. begitu juga dengan blog ini... namun begitu.. only some piccas for you eye candy.. :D all pictures are some snippets from my latest gathering with my exBPmates.. Kiah, Harry, Apis, Elly and Baiti.. its a small party for a friend's farewell to the land down under.. Baiti.. aku tak tau nak pesan apa... belajar rajin² ye.. :D

seperti biasa.. yours truly memang over!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

i am a bee

hari itu tadek idea.. betul berhari2 idea tak datang. Sekarang idea ada.. sangat banyak.. thanx to those yang bagi idea in my FB status.. already started writing a few but damn was so busy that I couldnt find time just to publish it sampailah cerita dah jadi basi... as busy as a bee my life is now.. as if ramailah pembaca setia kunun... by the way though life is packed, I still managed to join a get together with some friends yesterday... a small farewell party for a dear friend and my twilight buddy :D.. who is going to further her studies to the land of the kanggaroo.. truly gonna miss her.. huuhuuuhhuu..
from clockwise: me, baiti, kiah, harry, elly and apis
*the itinerary was eat.. and eat some more from as early as 10am till 3pm..
balik rumah perut adalah over sengkak.. kenyang sampai sekarang which is 3.35pm of today..

Sunday, December 6, 2009

december rain

Hujannnnnn yang turunnnn bagaikan mutiaraaaaa.. ececewaaahh.. senang hati jek kan? seronok tau.. setiap hari hujan... sejuk ajek.. tak pakai deodorant pun takpa sebab kurang berpeluh.. level hangit hanyalah suam2 kuku gitewwww kan.. alahhh.. Jijah duk rumah jek.. tak gi mana2 sangat pun.. best kan hujan? walaupun baju lambat kering namun cuaca yang ala2 winter ini memang sangat besttttt.. syukur kepadaNYA di atas rahmat ini... tetaaaaappiiiiii.. apabila kejadian seperti ini berlaku...

Jijah nak payungkan dia.. tapi MM macam macho..
tak mahu dipayungkan.. hehehe..

maka, basah lah lencun dia dek hujan lebat..

dah lah basah jherrukk orang ganu kata... nat tayar tu
punyalah ketat gila.. sampai bersepak terajang la si MM
tu nak loosen nat tu..

Benar belaka.. tayar kereta pecah ketika on the way to berjimba-jimba di Kuantan Jumaat lepas. Bengang bak kata si akim AF7 (jijah gugel ni).. bukan bengang kat hujan.. tapi bengang kat jalan yang berlubang. Mau tak bengang. Masa balik Klang last week kereta tuh dah tip top servis balancing alignment sampai tukar tayar siap. To be exact, Isnin last week.. which means jangka hayat tayar tu tak sampai pun seminggu lagi. Inilah yang orang kata.. malang tak berbau..

namun begitu.. kami bengang sikit jek. Udah tak ada rezeki kami.. redha ajek la.. and so the journey to Kuantan continued.. hehhehe.. kalau patah balik Dungun pun.. semua kedai adalah tutup pada hari Jumaat.. maka MM dengan semangat memandu sambil berhati2 menuju destinasi.. walaupun mood adalah sedikit kureeeengggg..

iyeeee... item pertama dalam shopping list kami ialah tayar baru.. dan biasalah sampai kat kedai tu.. bukan tayar jek kena tukar.. rim bengkoklah.. nat hilang lah.. maka berterbangan lah dalam 200++ jugak.. apa nak buat..

tiba-tiba...... setibanya kami di Kuantan..

Mood akak pun boost up kembali!!! MM sengaja parking kereta betul2 depan Ariani tau.. saja jek tau nak gegar akak.. memang gegar punnnnn... tu dia 90% lessss!! Apa lagi kan.. akak pun berjimba2 dengan penuh girang la kat dalam Ariani tu. MM pulak pergi cari baju spare nak tukar baju basah dia.. terkinja2 sensorang la akak dalam kedai tu..

Ada lah dekat 6 helai hasil tangkapan di Ariani semalam.. puas hati ku... ishhh ishh ishhh.. mengucap Jijah.. mengucap.. tapi terfikir jugak tau.. asal gi jek Ariani mesti ada sale.. asal sale jek mesti Ariani. Hari tu gi Ariani Mutiara Damansara pun sale jugak.. tapi tak la sampai 90%.. agaknya susah dah nak jual kot.. kan banyak dah pesaing sekarang.. bagus bagus... I loiiikkkkeee!!

Sesudah berhabis uwaaanggg di Ariani, kami pun ke ECM (sopping kompleks kebanggaan rakyat Pahang) nak jenguk2 kemeriahan YEAR END SALE di sana.. memang meriahhh.. tapiiiii.. tak semeriah yang ini...

Addduhhhh.. jauh sangat nak ke PJ sana.. Jijah terpaksa 'makan hati' sebab tak boleh balik KL minggu ni. Lagipun adik ipar nak kenduri next week. Kelam kabut lah MM kalau Jijah paksa gak balik KL minggu ni kan.. takpe.. lain kalilah (pujuk ati sendiri).. kalau ada rezeki :)

Begitulah kisah December Rain.. hujan di Terengganu nampaknya dah reda.. tapi hujan "megasale" baru nak mula.. hmmm.. bagus jugak duk sini.. jauh dari tempat2 yang boleh merabakkan poket ku.. tidor lagi sedap.. *sigh*

side note: thanx to CIK NINA.. sebab belanja karaoke semalam (sempat lagik kan?)... hehehheee.. babe.. we should do it often.. best giler masa kita melalak lagu jai ho!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

post mortem: CHEESE CAKE

There was a pot luck party last Tuesday in my school. The Pre school was having the birthday bash for the kids. So all the other teachers have volunteered to cook from home and bring some thing for the party. Initially, I thought maybe I could bake some bread pudding when I suddenly realized that I did not have the loyang to bake. So I decided to make some cheese cake. The idea suddenly came into mind after reading Wawa's blog (thanx wawa). I even took the recipe from her which she got it from another blogger.. amazing huh? how blogging helps exposing our hidden talent.. ecehhh.. berbakat sangat lah cikgu liza ni..

So the nite before the pot luck party, I have stayed up just to make the cheese cake. I dont have mixer so I have been doing it manually.. sampai lenguh2 tangan mak memukul cream cheese tuh.. when all the mixture completed I kept it in the fridge for the whole night.. I did not put it in the freezer though.. hmmm.. tak pe kan?

The next morning, after some bizarre dream about the cake.. nih semua sebab takut kek tuh tak jadi lah.. I saw the cake so nicely frozen and seems creamy and yummy.. the cheezy smell.. hmmm.. sentappppp..

the cheese cake and strawberry jam for topping

Everybody was amazed when I got off the car with a container that filled with the cake since that was the first time I cooked for my colleagues... No wonder that almost everyone impress kan? heheheheeee.. even kat sekolah lama pun just buat nasi goreng jek.. tu pun bantat.. hahahhaaa..

this is my cheese cake which was cut into smaller pieces
so that everyone can have a bite of it..
trust me.. that was also the first time they tasted
this kind of cheese cake.. usually it was the baked one..

In the beginning, the cake looked so pretty and tasty with the strawberry jam toppings but after a while it seemed like the cheese was melting.. seriously the dream that I had the nite before came true... yikessss..

Ingatkan memang pesen cheese cake gitu.. rupanya it was supposedly to be like a pudding.. bukan cair gitu.. hence I post this entry.. I need to know what caused it melted.. the only possible reason that I could think of is that maybe I had poured in too much yogurt.. tu lah.. suka sangat konsep masak campak2 ni.. hmmm..

Though the cake has melted and looked so smeared but the taste still was so good.. biasalah masuk lif tekan sendiri kan.. puji diri sedirilah beb (sila lah muntah beramai2).. to those who like the creamy kind of food was unstoppably asking for the recipe and asking how to make.. but to some who hate milk and butter (like my mom) memang kena reject awal2.. hahahhaaaa..

So dear friends, please help me with this post mortem.. What do you think? What happened to my cheese cake? Why did it melt? Where did i do wrong? hmmmm...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

eid mubarak 2009

Im back in Dungun.. had been offline for the whole week for a very raya sakan!!!.. raya sakan means visiting here and there.. meeting all relatives as many as possible.. literally I only have the opportunity to visit them once a year.. and of course.. the food feast.. mak aihhh.. penat jalan2 dan makan2.. not to mention the visitors of my parents.. seriously letih.. but what the fuss kan? sekali setahun.. :) anyway.. yours truly dont have much intention to write.. still so exhausted.. nak2 sampai aje rumah tadi terus buat house cleaning.. almaklum kena tinggal seminggu.. sawang habuk tebal 10 inci.. sooooo.. enjoy the piccas.. am uploading more in my facebook.. eccceehhh.. macam la ada ramai orang nak tengok.. whatever.. :)

unfortunately this year my other siblings beraya at their in laws... so the first raya we visited them instead of staying home.. including my inlaws since depa pun beraya kat KL jek... besttt.. sebab KL lengang ajek.. :)

the third raya we went back my mom's hometown in Tapah Road sebab ada first cousin's wedding reception.. on the way balik we took the Kuala Selangor route instead of the hiway sebab nak singgah Tanjung Karang visiting my other sister, Dila.. amik ko.. jam gila!!!

wedding and more weddings... this was this afternoon.. En Amir's good friend's reception..
semoga berkekalan ke anak cucu.. :)

and I realized that I have yet wish the Selamat Hari Raya to every one...

Nyimpen jenang nang jero tin..
arek digowo mareng suro..
keluputan kula lahir batin..
salah silap njalok ngapuro...

bocah cilik mangan sego..
sego dipangan karo gulo..
wes suwi orak ngomong jowo..
dino royo njalok ngapuro..

buko poso lawuh'e gereh..
njegor sunge dicaplok boyo..
keluputan sing akeh akeh..
kito 0-0 lah yo...


akak kopipes ajek dari sms hp tu haaaa...


"Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf Zahir Batin"