Friday, 31 December 2010

High Hopes......Fat Chance!

This is how I would like to be perceived in 2011.....
but I`m more likely to be seen like this....
This is the man I would like to wake up to every morning during the week...
.....and this one at the weekend.....

but I`m more likely to wake up with one of these....cold...
...and anyway, I`m practically one of these now...

....These are my Soul Sisters ....I wish we had succeeded in our Big Adventure to hitch-hike around the World - unfortunately, we only got as far as Aviemore - no-one actually told us we were going in the wrong direction!....
..... and we`re all still here and still best friends (I`m the large one in the middle!)...

...and in the meantime, I would like to wish all of you a Very Happy and Prosperous 2011 full of Good Things, especially Good Friends...I don`t know where I`d be without mine....and my new Blog Friends who truly are a spectacular bunch. Thanks for being there all of you. Much Love. xxx

Monday, 20 December 2010

The Frozen North....and more Castles in the Air

This is how cold it was today -

The water was freezing as it came tumbling from the urn!

The back end of the castle by the sea we visited last week. It`s a very popular place for weddings...but in the summer months!

It`s a long,long climb to the top!


Edinburgh Castle and Mons Meg aka The One O`Clock Gun which is fired each day at ....em....1.00pm! It`s loud enough when you`re down on Princes Street shopping but when you`re this close......eeek!

Someone trying to be a canonball!

The magnificent Edinburgh skyline.

The German Market on Princes Street - the lights make it look wasn`t!(I have no idea who any of the people in any of the pics are so I hope they don`t mind that they`ve gone global!).

A pretty miserable looking reindeer!(isn`t it irritating when strangers walk right in front of your shots and smile at you, to boot??!!)

This is how big my knickers will be by the end of the festivities!

So....I hope each and every one of you have a splendiferous Festive Season and I will too... if I can get to the shops....if my Amazon purchases turn up....if my eldest can get himself home for Xmas.....if everyone can dig themselves out on Xmas Day piece of Good News is, the turkey`s here and living happily in my freezer but it`s a bit big for one person and a laptray so I`m praying to the Great God of Thaw for some respite from these Arctic conditions. Failing that, it`ll be me going into meltdown!

M E R R Y   X M A S 
G O O D  P E O P L E

P E A C E   and  J O Y


T H E  N E W  Y E A R

Tuesday, 14 December 2010


Entertaining my best friend`s family who are here on a Christmas Visit from New Zealand. Today we went to a local castle. Here is the view from a very high window. (drafty places, castles, aren`t they?!)

p.s. It was FREEZING as can be witnessed by the snow on the hills in the distance.

Have a great rest of the week. Catch up soon. x

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Tuesday Through the Winter Window

Ok, technically this isn`t a view from any of my windows .....the only ones I have at the moment are of the snow which I`m sure we`re all heartily sick off by now..... so here`s something much nicer to look at instead .....I hope you agree ..... Enjoy!

You can perhaps see more appropriate pics here -

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Snow Dogs

It was like a good old workout trudging through the snow for our walk this morning (leads are on because we had to cross a very icy road to get into the field, I took them off just after pic was taken) but the snow was too deep for a decent run around (as you can tell from the look on Younger Doggy`s face) so we headed back!

The sun had the cheek to try and come out!(Those are brussels sprouts poking their heads above the snow, but don`t worry, most of them have already been harvested in time for your Xmas Dinner Table!and it`s a good job we don`t have smelly-blog-a-vision because even with a covering of snow, the odour was ,,,shall we say, a little orf!).
Inedible - but great colour against the white background!

Now you see it....the little birdhouse I took a pic of at beginning of week has completely disappeared under the snow! The icing on the Cake!
Take a pew, your waitress will be along in a minute....!
Stay Safe and Warm x

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

It`s Life Jim, But Not As We Snow It.......

Weather`s closing in - everyone going a bit doolally - including myself! Babycake`s visit cancelled today because they`re snowed in and although not completely cut off just yet, it`s beginning to worry me a bit should the snow continue. My youngest son has been out the last two nights until early morning shovelling snow off main roads with his tractor because Council Snow Ploughs can`t cope. They`re waiting on shipment of salt from PERU - all stocks depleted for the moment. One of my neighbours has been trying since 9.00a.m. to move his car out of our cul-de-sac. There are now 4 grown men with shovels trying to help him and they`ve only managed to turn the car around so far! My boss will collect me again in the morning and bring me home so at least there`s some good news (or not!). Oh, and the boiler service man was able to get out to me this morning so at least I`m guaranteed heat and hot long as the power stays on!
...Pretty but oh so highly inconvenient!
....if anyone wants me, I`ll be in the bar, worrying!!!!(pic courtesy of Google)

xxx Stay Safe, Everyone xxx

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Happy St Andrew`s Day + Tuesday Through the Winter Window

Because I`m Scottish and because it`s St Andrew`s Day :

TUESDAY THROUGH THE WINTER WINDOW - Hosted By Julie at Swedish House

I have joined Julie and Co for Tuesday Through the Winter Window. Now, you`re probably wondering what the heck this pic is?! Well, in keeping with the Scottish Theme today, this is the Forth Rail Bridge...taken from a fast moving vehicle!It honestly is....! We were coming back across the Forth Road Bridge one dark night last year and the Rail Bridge looked so pretty all lit up that I took the opportunity of trying to capture it on film. When I got home and uploaded the photo, this is what I got! Different, innit?!You can just about make out the red of the Bridge....if you look really carefully!

Here`s the link for joining in - - enjoy!

Monday, 29 November 2010

I`m Not a Snowlebrity....get me outta here!....

...ok, it`s only my birdhouse embedded in the snow but quite honestly, I`m expecting to get up tomorrow morning and find I can`t see out of my bedroom window! It hasn`t stopped snowing all day!  I did venture down to the local shop for provisions ...
....but since there was no bread left, I decided to make my own - still waiting for dough to `prove` so might post pics later - along with a huge pot of lentil soup - nothing like it for keeping chills at bay.
Remember that pic of my lovely Acer Japonica which I had on here a couple of weeks ago?Well, this is what it looked like this morning.....

poor wee thing!
One thing about being snowbound is you can get things done without any else can get out either! So I`ve been busy with the crochet hook this weekend (should`ve been the sander and varnish for my kitchen floor but just couldn`t work up the enthusiasm!) making some Xmas stuff, which is much more fun!...

...a couple of hats (I`ve since adapted the brown one with a wider brim and flower attached).
.... a pair of wristwarmers.....
and a couple of these lovely snowflakes which I gave to my Mother for her tree.
Back to work tomorrow - since I don`t drive a tractor, my boss is coming to collect me - not so sure how I`ll get home!
A tiny bit of good news whilst watching the snow falling all day....I won another fabulous Giveaway!

....this beautiful cowl from Nicky over at - isn`t it so pretty and her blog is great too. Pop over and have a look. Can`t wait to wear it - providing the Postman is able to get through! Thanks Nicky for letting me take part in your Giveaway. You certainly brightened my day :)

Keep Warm and Safe Everyone xxx

Friday, 26 November 2010

Thursday, 25 November 2010

`Tis the Season....

It`s obviously too early for Santa but the Postman brought some early Xmas Cheer today in the shape of my Handmade Xmas Decoration Swap (organised by Betty over at Mrs Yappy Dog) parcel from my lovely Swap Partner, Amanda....and here for your delight and delectation is what she sent me......

Firstly, let me start by saying that I was just admiring Amanda`s beautiful Patchwork Xmas Stockings on her blog and wishing my talents extended to such lovely needlework then I opened my first parcel and this is what I found.....

My very own Patchwork Xmas Stocking to keep forever and ever!......isn`t it just adorable? I totally love it - the attractive colours, the little pom-poms,the zig-zagging and especially the pretty felt birdies, sorry for gushing but I love it so much! and can you see the little golden parcel peeking from the top? Well actually, there was two of them tucked inside the stocking....

.....and yet more surprises... adorable is this cutie? A gorgeous felt snowman looking very smart with his buttons and bow!I love him too...and there`s more.....

.....I`ve also always admired Amanda`s gorgeous hoops and Abracadabra! here`s one she made earlier, just for little old me! Don`t you just love the colour and Robin Red Breast is very attractive too! Woo,hoo!..and everything was accompanied by this cute little Advent Card which is sitting very happily on my mantlepiece right now.
All in all, a most delicious collection which I will treasure forever and ever. I can`t thank you enough, Amanda, you`ve certainly done me proud. x A huge `Thank You` must also go to Betty for organising the Swap, well done you. I hope everyone is as pleased with their goodies from their respective swappers as I am with mine and I hope Amanda will be pleased with hers too.

p.s. Sorry Amanda, forgot to mention the yummy chocolate Santa which you also included in the parcel -  Babycakes will enjoy sharing it with me! x

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

All in a Day`s Work.....

My morning doggy-walk and the view from the hill...a panoramic view of the brussels sprouts fields!
....then we say `neigh` to the horses waiting for their apples and carrots to munch!

....the same apples which make the most fantastic Apple and Mint Jelly, or my new recipe for Xmas, Apple and Cinnamon Jelly...award winning, I`m telling ya!The W.I. would be so proud of me!

....then we say `Baaaah` to the sheep, which you can just about see underneath the telegraph pole!

....and we might have a little sit down just to take in the view.....

...before we go and collect the morning`s eggs......

........then after all that it`s nose back to the grindstone!

Not a bad old job, really (sometimes!). Hope you all have a good week. xxx

Moving Day Blogland.   My new home is here Hope you'll join me soon. xxx