but now it's time for the Festival to pack up and leave town until next year.....
leaving behind some great memories of a great Summer in the City...
.......and tuneful sounds (this young lad made his guitar from an old suitcase - he called himself 'The Electric Suitcase'!)......
......the crowds......
....the food!(the mushroom sauce was divine - I tried to do a bit of reverse-engineering so I could emmulate the recipe at home)....
.....the shopping (mostly window!).....
....with apologies to my favourite 'Betty' - I just thought the sign wasn't really conducive to the smaller one beneath it!....
......a real live juggler in the window of......
.....I wouldn't even attempt to get past the big,burly bouncer on the door - you're apt to have an 'Oprah' moment if you're not dripping in bling!
......the buildings.....
Adieu x
Thank You to Everyone who left a nice comment last time - I hope I responded to them all but if I didn't, forgive me and I will try to do better next time! x