Sunday, 5 June 2011

Holy Cow........

.....can you tell what it is yet??...
....ok, here`s another clue...

...and of course, you`ve guessed by now that the object in question is......

....a rather handsome plaster bull which was just one tiny exhibit in the recent community arts festival which has been ongoing in my neck of the woods this past week (hence my absence!). This is the sixth year in which the festival has taken place and it`s becoming more and more popular each time. Long may it continue because it`s a fantastic showcase for artists of every description. I`ve seen, amongst other things, some of the most fantastic watercolours,glycees,sculptures,embroidery,oil paintings,woodwork,jewellery,photographs and an array of the most gorgeous felted creations you could hope to find. There`s also been music,poetry,a fantastic musical play about coalminers (you don`t have to be a coalminer`s grandaughter, which I`m very proud to say I am, to really appreciate it!)......and some tartan carpeting!!!!!Too many pics to post here so here`s just a snippet....

.....the local Power Station chimneys all lit up to herald the start of the Festival....
.......some amusing fishing-related (pertaining to the area) ceramics.....
......fantastic raffle prizes....and for only £2 per ticket!.....

.......a pretty little gallery by the sea.....I couldn`t afford any artwork but I bought the prettiest little pair of silversmith earrings to console myself!....

.....then took a pew and had a cuppa before venturing forth.... witness even more delights from this wonderful little Festival right on my own doorstep! How lucky have I been this week???!!(Sorry to sound so exuberant and I know it`s not everyone`s cuppa but it`s mine and I`m not ashamed to big it up!).........and with that I`ll leave you with another look at the bull....

.......from the beam end!
to be continued.......

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