....Tired of The Tennis?....Fancy a quiet stroll......then come with me.....
.......through the garden gates....
.......underneath the arches.....
.....into the grounds of a baronial pile......
....with a pretty view.......
.....fabulous wall sconces....
......on either side of a spooky-looking door.....
....which opens up into nothing more mysterious than this!....
......which was added to the 17th century house in 1961.....
......and which is behind the Clock Tower....
....fancy a cuppa?....
....before we discover the......
.....where fairies might live....
......nearly there....
.....here we are.....
......cute little summer house....
.....a peek inside....
.....old-fashioned rose arbours......
...old-fashioned peonies...
....old-fashioned flag iris.......
.....and back to the main house to see the fountain with no water.....
......but some peculiar faces....
....and pretty wings....
....maybe Juliet lives here!....
......or here.....
.......and back through the .....
......out by the back door.....
..........saying ta ta to the sheep on the way out....
.....until next time.
Enjoy x