Sunday, 25 August 2013

Time Flies.......................

.....when you've been having fun......
but now it's time for the Festival to pack up and leave town until next year.....
leaving behind some great memories of a great Summer in the City...
hope you've enjoyed your visit as much as I've enjoyed the wonderful and colourful sights....

.......and tuneful sounds (this young lad made his guitar from an old suitcase - he called himself 'The Electric Suitcase'!)......
 ......the crowds......
....the food!(the mushroom sauce was divine - I tried to do a bit of reverse-engineering so I could emmulate the recipe at home)....
....some of us preferred pizza.....
.....the shopping (mostly window!).....
....with apologies to my favourite 'Betty' - I just thought the sign wasn't really conducive to the smaller one beneath it!....

......a real live juggler in the window of......

.....I wouldn't even attempt to get past the big,burly bouncer on the door - you're apt to have an 'Oprah' moment if you're not dripping in bling!
......the buildings.....

........and one last backward glance at the Castle before we depart .......until next time.
Adieu  x

Thank You to Everyone who left a nice comment last time - I hope I responded to them all but if I didn't, forgive me and I will try to do better next time! x

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

New School Days................

........begin with new school shoes (the price of which cost me more than I would pay for my own shoes - good job I love her so much!).
End of an era for me, looking after 'the baby' for the best part of 4 years, each and every Wednesday, rain,hail or shine.....but all is not lost.....I still get to pick her up from School each week and spend a few precious hours with her and she'll come and spend more weekends with me too so it's all good really!

Thank You so much to those lovely folks who have chosen to tune-in and 'follow' me recently.
60 Followers now.......woo hoo!!!

Back Soon xxx

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Festival City 2013 ........

....and welcome to the place where the streets are swollen with people from all over the World who come in their droves to see the sights and sounds of the annual Edinburgh International Festival and Fringe Society...... this pretty lady juggler who had the crowd enthralled with her prowess at throwing her juggling thingy (I forget what you call them now!)high up in the air and catching it so expertly as it plummeted back to earth...

......or this brave (or really daft) fella who wrapped himself up in chains a la Houdini and then really struggled to set himself free amidst the shrieks and gasps of the admiring crowd....

 ....then off we go up some really steep steps (Edinburgh's full of them!) the top of the Mound.....
......and upwards to the Royal Mile to watch more street entertainers doing their stuff in their weird and wacky ways.......
.....more juggling......
.....and a young lad who was advertising the play 'A Matter of Life and Death' - do you remember the film with David Niven? - a real tear-jerker ....
....passing St Giles Cathedral....

.....past the statue of Adam Smith, a former City Father and author of 'A Wealth of Nations'......

......I loved these open windows with their pretty pots of geraniums on show and wondered what it would be like to live up there (I have lived in the City a long time ago but in the New Town area - this is the Old Town we are in right now) - far removed from my quiet little idyllic village life, that's for sure!
........and then we pay a visit to the National Museum of Scotland to see .....

...Mary, before she got her head chopped off (no photography allowed at this exhibition so I can't show you some of the fabulous jewellery which she bedecked herself with or the replica of her tomb, which was really creepy)......
.......but I can show you this serene Buddha floating atop his lotus pad.....
....and this little Buddha floating on high.....

.....and these vintage sewing machines suspended in mid-air....
 ....then after a spot of lunch, a great way to get around the City and really take it all in.....

....the headquarters of the Bank of Scotland....
.....and last stop, Princes Street Gardens to take in the remnants of the evening sun before heading off for the train home and back to a very quiet life! 
A most enjoyable day........and lots more to see and do before the Festival ends its run at the end of the month, so until then...

Adieu and hope you enjoyed your little jaunt around the City. 
Come back soon.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

The Big Red Bridge........

....we let the train take the strain the other day....
... to give the Adorable Grandchild her first real outing by rail. She loved it, so did we (my younger sister came along too). It was a lovely carefree day with nothing else to worry about on the journey except which colours to use to fill in the spaceship......
.....or whether we had joined up all the dots properly..........and all the while taking in the beautiful scenery en route....
.......great vantage point for viewing the Road Bridge up close and personal.......
....(the heavy grey clouds soon turned into fluffy white ones, thankfully)....
......whilst trying very hard not to look down....eek!
.....Inchcolm Island......

......the beginnings of the new road bridge, which will be called 'The Queensferry Bridge'....
...and obviously, when you're on the train and going through that marvellous red iron structure which is a magnificent piece of engineering (though sadly, many men fell to their deaths into the murky depths of the water below while the building work was going on all those years ago), you can't really capture a decent pic but here's some of that Big Red Bridge's beautiful red girders to be going on with!....

.....then at journey's end, a visit to a lovely little museum but that's a whole other post, so 'til next time.....

Au Revoir and Many Thanks for passing by and leaving those Adorable Comments

Moving Day Blogland.   My new home is here Hope you'll join me soon. xxx