Tuesday, 24 December 2013

'Twas the Night Before Christmas.......


.......and I'd like to wish all of you Fabulous Folk, near and far, the 
MOST WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS and hope that Santa's very good to you all....


NB Beautiful Christmas decs made by two of my FAB pals (you know who you are!)

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Seven Sleeps........

Dear Santa,

For Christmas, I would like one of these......although a new umbrella would be rather nice too.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

There Must Be An Angel.........

.......inside this box
.......can you see her fluffy little head popping up?....
........and her cute little petticoat.....
......complete with some 'blingy' snowflakes and lovely lacy frill....
...and her cute little face with very pink cheeks.....
...which bring out the blue in her eyes.....

....and here she is in all her pink and fluffy glory, all the way from Cornwall where my swap partner from my pal Betty's recent Christmas Fairy/Angel Swap, the lovely Elizabethd happens to live, so little Miss Pretty in Pink Angel has travelled a long,long way to get here. She'll be having a little rest before her spell atop my Xmas Tree, which isn't going up for at least another week since I seem to be in complete denial that Christmas is hurtling towards us like a runaway train. Best shake a tail-feather asap, eh?
So Thank You so much Elizabeth for being my swap partner and I promise to send the wings which I completely forgot to pack with the Angel I sent to you.
Want to see what Elizabeth's Angel looks like.....
...here she is with her cousin, Lily the Water Fairy......

......I think she's gone a bit overboard with the 'trout-pout'!....
....and her feet are strictly for dancing!....
....and she loves her hair worn up in a ponytail and tied with a piece of glitzy ribbon....
....and her wings are rather fluffy (as Elizabeth will soon find out when I send them on to her)....
....and she loves to wear very frou-frou dresses with lots of bling attached.....
...and careful, she likes to bat her eyelashes at you ....and wear pretty earrings!......
......and a bit of bling around her neck....
so all-in-all, she's a pretty neat Angel and I hope Elizabeth likes her as much as I loved knitting her for the swap.
If you fancy making one yourself,
this is the book where I found the patterns and next, I'll be making one of these weird and wonderful creations for my niece - who has specifically requested a 'Goth Doll' - not my cuppa tea exactly but if that's what she wants, who am I to argue?
In other news, it's been a stormy old day here today and it's set to continue for a couple of days and I hear on the news that the rest of the country is to follow suit, so if the storms and floods are raging where you are, please take care and I hope that you stay warm and dry. 
Thanks awfully for leaving your WONDERFUL comments on my last post - you're an incredible bunch and I appreciate every word.
Goodnight All.

Moving Day

...in Blogland.   My new home is here Hope you'll join me soon. xxx