Friday, 15 July 2016

Still here.....

....still using the Kindle Fire so not much blogging been going on, as you are aware, or not, maybe but enjoying catching up with you all and commenting where I can. Hope your Summer is proving to be eventful and hopefully, I will return again the meantime, here's a little Rosy Posy for you all, sent with my very best love.

Hugs and kisses.

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Normal service will be resumed.....

....well, actually I don't know when!you see, my laptop finally gave up the ghost and so my eldest boy gave me his old Kindle Fire to use and while it's a lovely wee tablet, it also has its drawbacks. For instance, I seem to be able to leave comments on blogs which don't have spam blocking enabled but am unable to leave comments on any others who do. So if you see me leaving a comment elsewhere, Lovely Blogger, that's the reason why. Also, I can't see the screenwhile I'm typing so a lot of errors can occur which means constantly retracing my! steps to check my spelling !what a pallaver! Anyhoot it's all I have at the moment to keep  in touch
 so just wanted to say ,'hi' and  let you know that I'm still here!

In the meantime, here is a pic of a tulip! I can't seem to access my pics either and so can only use the Kindle to capture photographs. It's not ideal!

Hope you are all doing well and also hope to win the lottery next week so that I may communicate with you all properly!

Table Table for now.See what I mean? That was supposed to say, Ta Ta for now!

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Time Out...........

Some folks go to a thermal spa for a bit of r&r. Some folks go rock-climbing or hill walking. Some folks have even been known to enjoy riding on airplane wings while the airplane is high in the sky. 
Me, my idea of a little r&r is having a particular away-day so yesterday, after months and months of mounting excitement, it was time to take a little trip on a couple of trains to this particular building...
for the....

 so after checking myself in with my e-ticket and obtaining a cute little orange wristband I wandered off into the fray and the first person I see as I venture into the Marketplace is one of my 'woolly' heroes.. 

Stephen West, Esq. of 'Westknits' fame. For those of you who are unfamiliar with his work, he is a great fan of colour and this shows in his dress-sense too. He's very, very tall and he can certainly carry his outlandish style with great ease. I'm in awe of him for that, as well as his great talent at designing. This was his stall ....

the pics don't do the riot of colour any justice but they really were zingy!
Then off  a-wandering I did go to take it all in.... I'll let the pictures speak for themselves for a while....

Emma Lamb's lusciously frou-frou lampshade and pretty giant doilies....
.....I think Emma's stall was very pretty. I tend to think that crochet can be regarded as knitting's poorer cousin in relation to these big yarnie gatherings but in my opinion, there's plenty of room for everybody to co-exist shoulder-to-shoulder without any hint of elitism being expressed. Each to their own, after all.  

 Pom-pom, this one's for you!!

Love these shawl pins ...

...and I loved the colour of this lady's hair although it doesn't show up so well but it was multi-coloured in shades of pink and blue!!Crafty people are colourful people!
...see what I mean?!
That's it for now but in Part II, there'll be lots more to see and do!
Ta ta for now

Great to read all of your lovely comments last time, Merci Buckets for each and every one.

Monday, 7 March 2016


.....that's what I was the other day when I went for a new photograph for my driving licence and passport (I'm not actually planning on going anywhere but one lives in hope!). I had just been to the hairdressers and thought it would be an opportune time to get a lovely identity photo taken, knowing that at least my hair was perfectly coiffed! WRONG, for when the lovely lady in the shop gave me the pics back, I instinctively knew that I didn't want to look at them until I was in the safety and comfort of my own home so once safely ensconced within my own four walls, I hesitantly slid open the envelope into which the lovely lady from the shop had placed my pics and through one eye, for I had the other eye firmly shut, I glanced at the most horrendous photo of myself that I've ever had taken. Now, it was no fault of the lovely lady in the shop for she was only doing her job and the camera does not lie. No, it was rather my own self who would be to blame for there it was for all the world to see.....the face of an old worrier! Oh, it was all there, the stress of the recent few years, the worry, the sleepless nights, the JOWELS!! So instead of looking like this......
.....I'm really looking like this....
....and I'm not kidding neither!
My hairdresser will be offering Botox-in-a-Bottle soon. I've ordered a crateful!
Hope you all are being good

Monday, 11 January 2016

Let All The Children Boogie.......

....I never normally do anything like this when someone famous dies but couldn't let the day go by without comment. 
 You'll all have you're own thoughts and memories and favourite songs of his......

R.I.P. Legendary Mortal

Friday, 1 January 2016

It's here........

Happy New Year

Thank You All for sticking with me on the blogging path for so long (6 years this month, if I'm not mistaken) and I hope you'll continue to walk along with me, whether it be on stoney ground, in the mud or smooth and flat. Life offers no guarantees as we're all too well aware.

I hope you've all had a marvellous Festive Season and are looking forward to the coming year.
Love From Me

ps Hope you'll say hello to my new little friend 'Blackbird' who's been coming to sit on my shed roof and nibble at the Berberis berries, nearly everyday lately.

Moving Day Blogland.   My new home is here Hope you'll join me soon. xxx