Wednesday, 22 March 2017

The One About Winning Awards...... The World Original Marmalade Championships.......

Triple Bronze! Not bad. Average scores 17/20, marked down for not filling jars to brim (which, to be honest, I thought I had doubly-ensured that I had because I got marked down last time for that one)but the judges thought my Chocolate Marmalade was 'different'! I'll take that.
Going for Gold next year!
Apologies if you've been trying to leave comments and have been blocked. I've been mucking about with the settings so much that I ended up clicking where I shouldn't have been. Teach me to be so clever!!
Thanks for the heads-up, Libs.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Spring Cleaning Gone Wrong!...and EYF Part 2

Well, you think it would be easy! Spring clean your blog?
Blogger has introduced some new themes to their settings and Mrs. Clever-Clogs here thought she might give her space a trendy and snazzy new look. Wrong!! I like the template I have chosen but am completely stumped as to where all my info has gone. I'm clicking hither and thither on various little icons and hoping to find my sidebar, gadgets et al but they're nowhere to be found. Anyway, don't ask me how I managed to find the 'New Post' thingy but luckily I did so here I am in the meantime and until I can find where I put the back-up template that Blogger kindly instructed me to back-up, I'm afraid we're stuck with this theme for now!
Anyhoot, here's Part 2 of the Edinburgh Yarn Festival, while I still have a laptop because it would be very easy to just throw it out of the nearest window whilst pretending to know what I'm doing with all this technology but all the while, I have no clue!! Enjoy.
I'd love to visit Loop of London one day!

Trendy Young Folk were in abundance

My favourite stall of all owned by Marie Wallin, she of much-adored Fair Isle Knitting

Can only imagine how long that wallhanging took to complete!

Up Close and Personal with some of her Fair Isle Samples

I couldn't leave this one alone. I was almost stalking it!!

Betty, I thought of you when I saw this tartan skirt!

The Wonderful Miss Kate Davies' booth

This Hap (Shetland Blanket) was so soft and luxurious. Lucky Babies who get wrapped up in one of these.

I have no idea what this contraption was. Something to do with spinning, I imagine!

And that is that, as they say, for another year at least. I loved my visit to EYF this year, although it was incredibly busy at the beginning of the day but it soon settled down and after a spot of lunch and a hit of caffeine, I was ready for another forray amongst the knitterati and even managed to buy a few things.
The Textile Garden had so many buttons on their stall, it was very hard to choose but I thought these ones were very pretty. The larger buttons are from a different vendor and are made of clay. I bought the stitch markers because you always need more stitch markers, right?

I love this little bag and have the intention of keeping it for my youngest sister's birthday later this year but it's very tempting to just keep it for myself!

I love this yarn which is from a Scottish Mill and which you can visit to see how they produce their yarn. Coincidentally, it's not far from where my other sister lives.  I feel a train trip to visit my sister wouldn't be of any harm!! While I was waiting to pay for my one skein of loveliness, the German Lady who was in the queue in front of me spent £90 on the same yarn but in a different colour. She turned to me and saw that I was holding only one skein and asked what I was going to do with it. I replied, 'Oh, I'm not sure. I think I'll just sit and look at it for a while'!

And there we have it. All done and dusted for another year.
Hope you've enjoyed your little visit to Edinburgh with me and you never know, maybe I'll meet you there next year.

Bye for now you Lovely People.

Monday, 20 March 2017

Pilgrim's Progress....

I really look forward to The Annual 'Pilgrimage' to the Edinburgh Yarn Festival. It's my little bit of 'me' time, my little piece of escapism all wrapped up beautifully in one woolly weekend (though I only managed one day of it this year) so before you know it, another year has rolled by and it's time to get the show on the road again!  Here we go....
Flashing past Edinburgh Castle on the train.... journey's end..
...and dive right in to all the woolly goodness...
I'll let the rest of the pics speak for themselves.......there's a lot of them!

The Lovely Lucy Hague

The Inimitable Jared Flood

Some Funky Hairstyles!

...and lest you're becoming yawnful with all this talk of copious amounts of yarn, here's a couple, or three pics to welcome Springtime.....Enjoy!

 ....more copious amounts of yarn pics tomorrow!!

Sunday, 19 March 2017


....and here we are now....
.....and there's more of us!

Was a lovely Birthday Celebration. Roll on the next one!

Saturday, 18 March 2017


I wasn't sitting here 30 years ago today. My newborn was one hour old!
 Happy Birthday Fella. 
Your Mother Loves You.

Moving Day Blogland.   My new home is here Hope you'll join me soon. xxx