Thursday, 13 July 2017

The Tale of a Girl's Bear.........

A girl, who was soon to have a birthday, was visiting her Knitting Nana one sunny day.
Her Knitting Nana just happened to be enjoying a quick cup of tea while browsing through some old knitting magazines when she spotted a lovely pattern for a cute li'l Teddy Bear called 'Ludo'.
The Girl saw the Bear and asked if she might have it for her birthday so Knitting Nana quickly found her trusty knitting needles and raided her ever-growing stash of yarn until she found just what she was looking for and happily set to work.
Now, you would think that a cute li'l Teddy Bear would take no time at all to make and complete but as Knitting Nana will tell you, there's a lot more to it!
First of all, there are lots of parts to knit and stitch and fill with stuffing (of which there must be not too much nor too little) then after a while Knitting Nana found herself getting a bit fed up with the knitted parts and transformed herself into Crochet Nana to finish off the Special Bear in time for the Girl's Birthday (of course, that's after she had to remember how to do French Knots for the eyes and nose of the Special Bear and not very well at that but the Special Bear was happy with them and was thrilled that Knitting Nana had not remembered to embroider her a mouth, which meant that she could not feast on all those chocolate bars and biscuits that Knitting Nana seemed to be so very fond of these days).
Then, on the night before the Girl's birthday, Knitting Nana set about sewing Special Bear together. She found a lovely pink ribbon to tie around Special Bear's neck, mainly for the purpose of hiding all those not-very-neat stitches worked around it but it looked very pretty as well. 'Win-win' said Knitting Nana.
Now all that remained to be done was to wait for the Birthday Girl to come and collect her Special Bear so while she was waiting, Special Bear took some time to catch some rays from the evening sun.....
  .....then she sat in her favourite chair to watch some tennis, which was very exciting......

 .....although she couldn't look when Andy
 Murray was losing the match, it was just too sad really.......

........then Special Bear and Knitting Nana had a little chill-out time and another cup of tea together and she told Knitting Nana how very excited she would be to go and live with the Girl in her brand new house and how she was hoping she would get lots and lots of hugs from the Girl but Knitting Nana knew that the Special Bear need not worry for she knew the Girl would love her very much indeed.

 could she not?

The End.

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