Showing posts with label RELIEVED. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RELIEVED. Show all posts



10 mac : we went to ayzee & qawiem extraordinaire carnival wedding!

thanks dear sbb jemput i. hehe.

tanpa segan silu, nana & husband pergi la wedding diorg ni.



enjoy je la mana2 gamba yg nana sempat captured ni. hehe
(oh and ada 2 keping, curik je dr photogrpaher die)

 ..their invitation card..
..their invitation cards..

nana tgk card2 dorg ni pun nana dh teruja2. haha! 

..this is actually, something that i handmade for them.. chop tangan.mcm ala2 masuk likey!!..
(ehem, thats my hubby's and my hand)

 ..dresscode : black & white.. but we decided to pakai all black that nite.heee..

 ..table set up..
 ..the goodies ;)..
 ..the ballroom..

..carnival themed pelamin!.. (gamba curi from photographer)..
 ..meow gemuk ni! by far is my fav deco ever!ggrrr geram2..
..some of the deco, diy by them..
..photobooth area!!-nana malu plak nk masuk amik bad.hehe..

tu je la yg sempat nana amik.

skrg ni tunggu je photographer afnan omar & fad manaf to update their
blog / photo album okey.

weee..i cant wait!!

to ayzee & husband,
selamat pengantin baru , enjoy ur marriage life ya!
take care dear.




nikah pagi kol 9 pagi..

lps tu sanding kol 3 ptg lps solat jumaat :)

enjoy the pic!

..with dayang2..
..Arez Love Nana (mkn bersopan)..
..with all SRP-ians yg datang.weee..
..the pelamin (diy by me & my mum)..

..candy buffet..
 ..the dress & my diy hand bouquet..
 ..table makan beradab..

 ..table goodies2..

lega..dah setel satu hari..


venue : my house - kerteh, terengganu
catering : wati's catering
pelamin : diy by my mum and i
make up : my mum's childhood friend
hairstyle : my bestfriend
bride's dress : from jakarta
decorations : all diy by me & my mum
emcee : my mum's childhood friend's husband :)



berinai 10.11.11 khamis mlm jumaat..

patut nye kol 9 dh inai.. tapi..

duk buat itu..ini..

last2 berinai kol 11/12 mlm mcm tu..zzzz

pengantin tdo super late...hehe


thanks to my dear mummy, che mah, che ya, diknor & che enie..

dorg lah yg tlg pakaikan inai nana ni..



pastu dikerah tdo..tgh2 tdo, terasa kaki geli..

rupenye diknor rajin nk meng touch up inai kaki ku.. hehe.. thanks dear!





p/s : oh nana x buat bunga2 henna tu.. ;) hariz x minat.. heee

Some Tips
inai? : inai mekah kotak2 kecik tu je
brp lama? : kejap je..xsampai sejam..
line cantik? : lilit je jari dgn sellotape :)
kuku berkilat? : nana dh pegi mani padi, buffer semua kuku dulu 2 hari b4 pakai inai. klo x, inai x lekat nnt..


11.11.11 - OUR NIKAH DAY


nana & arez sudah selamat bernikah.. weee ;)

stay tune ye.. nnt nana reveal satu2 diy yg dah nana buat..

but for now,

nana nk share skit gamba2 time nikah..



 .. captured by : Amir Rocks ;) ..

.. captured by : NikAizu Rocks ;) ..

i love u suami! mwahs!



dh start kire hari dah ni.. hungga2..

ni nana nk share,

what we did last weekend~....

saturday (15 oct)

morning :
meng eksperimen buat save the date video..

tapi mcm x menjadi..

end up nana dapat free tanning & main air..

night :
nana & mr h join putrajaya night marathon! woohooo!

tlg paham, kitorg join yg fun run 5km je.. hehe

bukan 42km tu ye.. harap maklum. ;)

blk umah mandi2 pastu trus tdo..

sunday (16 oct)

morning :
nana , mr h & F.M.I.L. went to hantaranz huntingz! :)

setel jugak akhirnye brg2 hantaran kitorg. weee..

baju wedding mr h pun setel jgk.. fuuhh (serius lega~)

petang :
we went to "big bad wolf" book fest kat mardi..

borong xde la byk sgt, sekotak je la.. kecian kat mr h nak mengangkat nnt. hehe

disebabkan kitorg sakit kaki (yg duk berlari semlm),

sampai lupe nk ambik gamba.. so cilok je la dr mr google..

xpe yg penting happy.. tp buku2 tu sume dgn arez.. ish..

errr.. itulah sahaja weekend nana.. x penah cukup lah time..

how i wish weekend is 5 hari.. ;)






now im ready for my pre-wedding session today~




weekend baru ni nana mmg blk kerteh dgn mr h.

kitorg siap amik cuti lg ari isnin (yeay!)

checklist nana, checklist! ;)
  • beli fibre ntuk bantal - beres (siap tambah beli lg 2 paket)
  • beli paper bag for goodies - beres
  • cat bilik pengantin - beres
  • cat ruang tamu - beres
  • decoration ntuk bilik pengantin : frame, bunga2 - beres
  • tempah langsir - beres
  • barang2 order kat tukang kayu : signage, blok2 kayu - beres
  • borang nikah - beres
  • goodies ntuk laki2 - beres
  • sofa ntuk pelamin - beres
  • bunga2 ntuk pelamin - beres
  • bantal2 cute comel colorful ntuk pelamin - beres
  • beli lantern2 murah cute and byk2 size : sampai kaki ku blister dgn parah - beres
thats all!


since beberapa kwn dh tanye mcm mana nana & arez setelkan borang nikah,
so nana mmg super excited skit nk post blog ni..

hehe! sbb nana & arez mmg bertetak tetak lidah nk uruskan borang nikah ni.. saboo je la~

ok , here goes :)

 ..pagi2 pegi amik gamba passport dulu..

prosedur menguruskan borang nikah - bagi daerah KEMAMAN 
 (sbb nana duk google, semua yg kl je ada.. yg kemaman - nana xde clue lansung it will be this easy)

  1. ambil borang nikah bg laki & perempuan di pejabat agama kemaman
  2. pegi buat kursus kawin - dapatkan sijil (photostat 2 keping)
  3. buat hiv test (photostat 2 keping)
  4. buat akuan bujang dr company tempat korg kerja (photostat 2 keping)
  5. mcm arez, company die x mboh buat. so kitorg pegi pejabat daerah kemaman, naik tingkat 2, pastu amik borang akuan sumpah bujang ntuk berkahwin. klo lucky, pegawai kat sana blh sign kan terus. kitorg x brp lucky, pegawai tu dh kua lunch kol 11.30 pg. bagus! so kitorg pegi kat tempat angkat sumpah swasta dpn hospital kemaman, kat lorong sehala, dpn Tupperware. (org kemaman, phm la kot) hehe
  6. pegi ambik gamba passport (bg perempuan,kena la pkai tudung)
  7. pastu jmpe saksi2 lunch sama2 (member je pun.. hee). mintak 2 copy ic dorg, pastu mintak dorg sign :)
  8. mintak sign wali & 2 copy ic jgk. (sib baik nana dh buat awal2 time daddy ada kat msia) heee
  9. pastu pegi blk kat pejabat agama kemaman - jgn lupe isi borang nikah tu (cam nana isi dpn kakak kaunter tu je.)
  10. compile semua tu skali dgn yg original punye kursus kawin, hiv test, akuan bujang sume tu.
  11. pastu setel. tunggu je nnt surat kebenaran berkahwin siap, sape2 pun blh dtg amik kan surat tu :)


lepas semua drama2 tu, nana dpt ni dr mr h! terharu kejaps. ;)

hope this info dpt tlg rakan2 skolah yg bakal berkahwin tu ye, u know who u are :D




sape2 org trganu tu , tgk tajuk pun dh tau post ni pasal apa.

selok ni - mcm excited terlebih! haha. mcm x sabar2.. :)

ok nana selok nk bg invitation card kat kawan2 cousin2 semua.weee

bg org2 yg beraya di kerteh, jgn lupe dtg beraya umah nana ok!

yeay! ari ni last day keje.. pastu cuti!!!!

*sambil baju raya x beli lg ni. lalalala~


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