thanks dear sbb jemput i. hehe.
tanpa segan silu, nana & husband pergi la wedding diorg ni.
enjoy je la mana2 gamba yg nana sempat captured ni. hehe
(oh and ada 2 keping, curik je dr photogrpaher die)
..their invitation card..
..their invitation cards..
nana tgk card2 dorg ni pun nana dh teruja2. haha!
..this is actually, something that i handmade for them.. chop tangan.mcm ala2 masuk likey!!..
(ehem, thats my hubby's and my hand)
..dresscode : black & white.. but we decided to pakai all black that nite.heee..
..table set up..
..the goodies ;)..
..the ballroom..
..carnival themed pelamin!.. (gamba curi from photographer)..
..meow gemuk ni! by far is my fav deco ever!ggrrr geram2..
..some of the deco, diy by them..
..photobooth area!!-nana malu plak nk masuk amik bad.hehe..
tu je la yg sempat nana amik.
skrg ni tunggu je photographer afnan omar & fad manaf to update their
blog / photo album okey.
weee..i cant wait!!
to ayzee & husband,
selamat pengantin baru , enjoy ur marriage life ya!
take care dear.