My wife noses around my blog quite often and gives me her feedback whether I want it or not. She is begging to post comments on this blog(undeniably to make fun of me) , but I won’t let her. She has her own blog that covers our family, and I don’t want my baseball card life and regular life to mix. I am trying to maintain a secret identity. Like Batman. But I digress…
So my wife reads my succinct, yet informative post about Etopps. “Don’t you think these people know about Etopps already? Do they need a lesson from you?” were her eyebrows-raised rhetorical questions to me.
“Probably they are aware, but I never see posts about Etopps, and one can never assume,” was my patient response. So using that logic, let me give a nod to one of my favorite websites: I assume readers are familiar with this organization, but I wanted to give them a shout anyways. Like the guys over at Baseball Time In Arlington, I concede that these folks are way out of my league in terms of intelligence and understanding of the game. But I like to visit the site and see some of the innovative thinking going on over there. They even have a yearly convention that I am much too intimidated to attend, but hope to one day.
Is anyone reading this a member of SABR? Have you been to a convention? How was it?