Sunday, March 27, 2011

Crustless Salmon & Ham Quiche

This quiche is so good that Mr Redneck and I just couldn't help going back for seconds and even thirds ! We love quiche but making a quiche with pastry is a lot of work, plus it is not very healthy. More often than not, the pastry base ends up soggy. So, when I saw this while reading the latest issue of NZ Healthy Food Guide mag, I was quick to give it a try.

Nothing much to wash as everything is prepared using just one big bowl. Just stir everything together and bung it into the oven.

Crustless Salmon Quiche
½ cup flour
¼ tsp baking powder

4 eggs, beaten
2 cups low fat milk
75g reduced-fat spread/butter, melted

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Mini Ham and Egg Tarts

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my family, friends and fellow bloggers !

May the year 2011 bring us everything we wish for. I don't know about you but I am sure glad to see the back of 2010 !

Little ham and egg tartlets are always a hit. In fact anything to do with pastry are crowd pullers. Every time I have pastry leftover from a pie, I keep it all together in the freezer in a ziplock bag. And once in a while to use it up, I make these little tarts. It is versatile in the sense, you can use whatever you have in your pantry, freezer or garden.

I would like to thank everyone for all their messages during my hiatus from blogging.

mini ham and egg tartlet

Ingredients :
Liquids (enough to make 20 small plus 1-11cm tart) :
3 large eggs
200ml milk
100 ml cream
black pepper
sprinkling of salt
dry mixed herbs

Monday, March 23, 2009

Bacon and Egg Pie

Mr Redneck is a bacon and egg pie fan and he has given this pie the thumbs up. The combination of potatoes, peas and bacon makes the filling light and moist.

This is my first time making a big pie from scratch and I found this recipe to be surprisingly simple to put together. To make things easy for myself, as I wanted to have the pie ready by lunch time, I made the pastry the day before and left it to chill in the fridge. The long hours relaxing in the fridge may have help to really relax the gluten as I didn't have to fight with it at all when rolling out. I didn't even break out in cold sweat !

Bacon and egg pie
Makes 1 double crust 20-23cm pie

Quick Flaky pastry
4 rashes bacon, lightly cooked and chopped
1 cup cooked peas
1 cup chopped cooked potatoes or kumara
5 large eggs

1. Follow the steps on making the flaky pastry here. Roll out on a floured board to make 2 thin rounds to fit a 23cm pie plate.

2. Ease one lot of pastry into a lightly greased pie plate.

Roll and ease pastry into pie plate

Friday, March 20, 2009

Quick Flaky Pastry

I don't make pastry very often. In fact I have a phobia when it comes to pastry. So when I saw the recipe I thought to myself, this looks do-able ... I should try it. Truth be told, if it was not for the tempting photo in the cookbook I would not have given the recipe a second glance.
The dough was a breeze to roll thin and did not break or shrink. Flaky pastry is a quick and easy alternative to puff pastry. The pie crust turned out light and flaky. We loved it.

A real confidence booster especially for a non pastry person like me. No sweat to make and is much cheaper than buying readymade pastry from the shop. Do note that this dough uses milk instead of water for binding.

Bacon & Egg Pie

Makes 1 thinly rolled double crust 20-23cm pie

185gm flour
1 tsp baking powder
125gm very cold butter, cubed or grated

85ml - 100ml milk
1 tsp vinegar (add to milk)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Curry Beef Mince Pie

Pies are something to be enjoyed once in a blue moon. It can be quite fattening. My favourite has to be with a curry mince filling. Time and time again I have been disappointed by pies bought from the bakery. They are soggy and the filling has more goo in them than anything resembling meat. At least by making my own, I get to eat a pie with real meat in it.

I bake mine in the pie maker but it is just as easy to make mini size pies using muffin tins to mould the pastry. This pastry is very light and crispy and a bit healthier than ordinary short crust as it uses less fat.

Curry Beef Mince Pie
Makes 4 or 5 , 5" size pies

260 gm flour
60 gm butter
40 gm shortening
¼ tsp salt
95-105 ml ice cold water
1 tsp vinegar or lemon juice (add to water)

curry mince filling

1. Follow steps 1-4 on making the pastry dough here.

2. Roll pastry to required thickness of 2-4mm (I prefer a thickness of 4mm). Pasta machine can be used.

rolling with a pasta machine and cutting the pastry with the pie maker cutters

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Short Crust Pastry with 25% less fat

I have always been apprehensive about handling pastry and even more so making it. I have only ever attempted making short crust pastry once, more than a decade ago and that experience was enough to stop me dead in my tracks.

Here I am again, taking up the challenge, all because I bought myself a pie maker. It was on special for $10 and too good an offer to pass up.

curry mince pie
Pastries are by nature quite fattening. I played around with trying to reduce the ratio of fat to flour as even a slight reduction in the fat content will help in the cholestrol and calorie count. In this recipe I have successfully reduced the fat used by 25 percent without affecting the flaky texture of the pie.

This short crust pastry was easy to handle and did not crumble . When baked the pastry was tender, flaky and crispy right through to the inside. I usually make a batch, pre-cut the pie tops and bottoms, and freeze them thus making the task of making the next lot of pies less tedious. We have used the pastry to make curry mince and bacon n' egg pies and they were delicious.

Makes 5 - 5" pies

260 gm flour
60 gm butter
40 gm shortening
¼ tsp salt
95-105 ml ice cold water
1 tsp vinegar or lemon juice (add to water)

1. Add flour, salt, butter and shortening to food processor. Cube the butter and shortening. Pulse a few times until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.

2. Sprinkle the water over the flour mixture. Pulse until it starts to clump together (fig 2). Pinch a little of the mixture between your fingers, if the dough is too dry and crumbly, add a little more water and pulse for 1-2 seconds more. It is very important not to overprocess the dough. Do not allow the pastry to form a ball in the food processor. The dough should not be wet or sticky.

3. Transfer the mixture to a plastic wrap (fig 3). Gather the wrap round the dough and flatten the dough to form a square (fig 4). Do not knead the dough.

making shortcrust pastry in a food processor

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