Showing posts with label Old White.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Old White.. Show all posts

Monday, March 11, 2013

Old White and Creme De Menthe

They are done.
Finished and picked up.
They turned out pretty nice, I kinda like 'em.

They started out BLACK.
And after 2 coats of primer,
and two coats of Old White they are complete.
 There really has got to be an easier way to cover black.
If you know what it is, please share.
Along with the end tables I did a small pedestal table that I painted with Maison Blanche Creme De Menthe.  It is the exact color of Duck Egg Blue from Annie Sloan.
This is the before...kinda boring but useful.

The Creme De Menthe really looks nice.

I took a couple of different angles hoping to show the real color of the paint.
With the dark wood showing through really is pretty awesome.
I've been painting up a storm and have lots of pictures to share.
Now to just get them into the blog.

So until I do...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Vintage Dressing Table

Seriously, I found it on the side of the road.

Bob, Sophia and I were driving down the road after leaving the Goodwill and there it was, SITTING ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD!

I asked Bob to stop but he wouldn't.  Could not believe that he was not stopping. I started to break out in a sweat. How could he keep going. How could he not pull over. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM!

All I could think of was "how am I going to get home, drop them off and get back to it before it was gone." 

We stopped at Advance Auto and I almost drove off and left him there to go check on it. When he got in the car and I told him to go back to the dressing table. Of course I got the roll of the eyes from both of them.

We pulled up and it was PERFECT.
OK, so I will clarify sitting on the side of the road.
Someone was sitting in their truck with this on the side of the road selling it.
Excuse the crappy iPhone photo.

And after a coat of Old White and Clear Wax here she is.
With Antoinette on the inside of the drawers.
I always wanted one of these when I was a little girl.
With pretty little glass knobs!

So cute!

Also I have started a Facebook site for Need A Latte Mom's Painted Furniture....I would LOVE IT if you would start following me.

There is a button on the top of the blog.

Until next time.....


Lnking up to:

Between Naps on The Porch

Monday, November 19, 2012

Old White You Are So Reliable.

Annie Sloan's Old White does it again.

It is consistent.

I am always thrilled with a piece of furniture that is covered in Old White.
It can bring a nightstand out of the dark and gloomies. (one thing great about having your own blog is you can make up your own words)

When it is sanded and you drag you hand across top it is as smooth as butter.

Absolutely beautiful.

You cannot get that with latex paint, just does not happen.

After the wax is brushed on I rub it with an old t-shirt.

Then the best discovery old shoe shine brush.

It gets into all the nooks and crannies.

Buffs all the fingerprints out.

Gets all the wax out of the tight little corners.

Another one I wish I could keep.

A solid well made piece of furniture.

Thanks for visiting.