Showing posts with label stitch-a-long. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stitch-a-long. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Important Poll -- Your Expert Stitching Opinions Needed!

Hi stitching friends!  I've been gone for quite awhile -- not only from this blog, but from my stitching as well.  My counting my blessings project is still kind of floundering, but I do miss my stitching.

I've been tossing around an idea for a few weeks now, and I wanted to get your opinions.  I've been thinking of hosting a Christmas or holiday-themed stitch-a-long.  Something small and defined (like 25 days/squares).  I know that the holidays are such a busy time, already so packed with projects and a million things to do.  But the idea of stitching a bit each night during the holidays appeals to me.

So, the question is: does it appeal to you?  I'd like to get an idea whether anyone would be interested in another collaborative stitching project before I spend time trying to organize it.  (By the way, I contacted Amy Powers and asked her if she was planning to do a holiday stitching project.  She said she did not have one planned, and gave me her blessing to go ahead.)  So, I'd love to hear your opinions, thoughts, ideas, comments!  Please leave a comment here or on my other blog, Dishy Vintage.

Thanks, and happy stitching!